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Mary Sue Fiction
Original Fiction
Family Stuff
Second Date
by Scribe (Fannie Feazell)

William gave Chase a kiss, then took Chase's hand and drew his arm around his waist. Chase agreeably slipped his hand under William's belt as they made their way out of the men's room. They stopped just at the main floor, and William said, "Well, we lost our booth, but it was worth it."

"It's just as well," sighed Chase. "I've got to be scooting on home. If I don't..."

The bartender, hand over the mouthpiece of the bar phone, called to them, "Chase!" He held it up. "For you, and make it quick."

"If I don't," said Chase as they made their way over to the bar, "Mona will start looking for me." He took the phone. "Thanks."

The bartender pinched his cheek. "I don't let everyone use it, slutpuppy."

Chase grinned at him cheekily, sticking out his tongue. He spoke before waiting to hear anything over the phone. "Hi, Mom." He put a whine in his voice. "He got fresh, and I'm going to have to take a taxi home." He paused, listening. "Yes." He looked at William. "Very nice." He waited. "Probably." Waited. "Of course not. He bought the drinks, so I have plenty for my ride home. Yes, I'm leaving right now. Yes. What do you want? What kind of cheese?" He paused. "You know, there are kinds other than Velveeta. Oh, all right, Miss Bland. I'll be home soon. Kiss kiss."

He hung up, and William said, "That would be the roommate."

"Yes, it would. I told you she'd be hunting for me soon."

"Does she ever let you out on your own for any significant time?"

"If it's with someone she knows."

William cocked one dark brow. "Exactly how close are you two?"

"Very, very close. No sex--we're closer than that. I'm only teasing when I call her Mom. I have a mother, whom I love to distraction. I guess Mona is more my auntie. Look, I have to go now. I need to stop at the store before I go home."

"So I gathered. Can I have your phone number?"

Chase regarded him, and there was suddenly a practical light in his eyes. "No, I'm afraid I can't do that. You see, it's Mona's phone, too. I like you a lot, but I don't know you, Will. You might turn out to be one of those who calls twenty times a day to make sure I'm not out having fun, or one who calls drunk at 2 am, or you might really be heinous and sell the number to a telemarketting phone."

"I want to see you again, Chase. Will you take my phone number?"

Now Chase's eyes got larger. "You mean that you'd give me your number?" William nodded. "Trusting thang, aren't you?" He turned to the bartender. "Hey, Hooch Pusher, can I borrow a pen?"

The bartender pulled one from his shirt pocket. "Don't run off with it. I lose a lot of pens around here, and if it keeps up I'm gonna raise the price on the drinks."

"Oo! Threats." Chase handed the pen to William. William started to reach for a cocktail napkin, and Chase slapped his wrist. "Not on that. People always lose those, or Mona might grab it when she has a runny nose." He offered his hand. "Back of hand or forearm--your choice."

William took hold of Chase's wrist with one hand, using the other to click the pen. "My mother used to say I'd get blood poisoning doing that."

"I think that mothers through history have had the same set of sayings. They probably did the same thing back when they had to use quills."

William turned Chase's hand over and tickled his palm. "Not on the palm? It's sexy when you tickle the palm."

"But impractical. It'll rub off a lot more easily there." Chase curled his hand, capturing William's finger and squeezing it, then said softly, "And I'd hate that."

William turned Chase's wrist again, and wrote his number on the back of the young man's hand. Then he kissed Chase's palm, giving it a small lick. "Don't wait too long to call that."

"If you don't hear from me in the next couple of days you might as well call Mona and ask where to send the flowers--I'll either be in the hospital, or lying in state." William laughed, and Chase was suddenly serious. "Say, how are you going to get home? You're not going to try to drive, are you? Please don't make me try to stop you. You look like you could wear me around your neck like a feather boa."

"You come up with the cutest metaphors. I won't be driving anywhere. I'll either sleep on the office sofa, or in the back of my car."

"It isn't entirely safe to sleep in a parked car, not even it it's in a lot, and there's an attendant," said Chase. "You should go to the office."

"Is that an order?" William sounded amused.

"Let's say it's a strong suggestion. Let's also say that I don't waste my time with stupid people, and that would be a stupid move."


Chase twiddled his fingers. "Toodles, Handsome." He turned and sashayed out the door.

William sat down on one of the stools, staring after him. He heard someone clear their throat, and looked back to find the bartender holding out his hand. "Oh, yeah." He handed over the pen. "Thanks."

"You're welcome." He grinned. "It's hard to deny Chase anything, isn't it? Luckily he doesn't take much advantage of it. You know, if that boy had been born with an X where the Y is he'd have been the most popular cheerleader in school, or prom queen, or girlfriend to the captain of the football team--maybe all three." He shook his head. "But he damn sure wouldn't have been the class virgin, bless 'im."

"Yeah." William sighed. "I hope he calls."

The bartender gave him a considering look, then nodded. "He will. Just be sure you're nice to him. He has a lot of friends."

"I will be. I want to be his friend, too."

"Maybe more than a friend?"

William thought about Chase, and smiled. "Maybe."


Chase opened the door to his cramped living room to find Mona sitting on the sofa. As he locked the door he said, "You aren't fooling me, my little Hostess Cupcake. If I was to feel the rug it would still be warm from the friction of your pacing."

Mona snorted, but didn't try to deny it. "I expected to hear from you more'n an hour ago. Why didn't you call?"

He walked through the alcove and put his small bag of groceries on the kitchenette's counter. "Let me see... An hour ago I had a cock in my mouth. Or was it I had a mouth on my cock? In any case, I was busy." He turned, putting the counter at his back, and leaned on it, giving her a happy smile.

Mona softened. "You like this one a lot, don't you, baby?" Chase nodded. "You going to see him again?"

"I hope so." He held out his hand, displaying the series of numbers. "He must like me, too. You'd better, if you're going to be handing out your phone number to someone you had sex with in a bar's mens room, and before you ask, no--I didn't give him ours."

"I wasn't going to ask. Even when you get, um, enthusiastic you keep your head clear." She shook her head. "I guess I shouldn't worry so much. You've shown better sense than most people I know--me included."

He made a kissing motion at her, then started to unpack the groceries. "Duke didn't want to stay for supper?"

"She did, but she's working another shift at the garage. Girlfriend wants to get her seat reupholstered."

"Yes, plastic surgery is expensive." Chase smiled to himself as he heard Mona's laughter. He loved making her laugh--she hadn't had enough of it in her life. "Speaking of leather, my new friend had the most scrumptios belt and cuffs set. Oo, black, shiny and with lots of studs."

"Rough trade?" There was some apprehension in Mona's voice.

"Not exactly. He was a little forceful, but you know I like that. He was the one who started things, and he did some directing." Chase giggled. "He knows what he wants, and he goes for it. I happened to be what he wanted, thank goodness. Do you want macaroni and cheese?"

"Boxed or home made?"

"I'm insulted."

"Yes, I want some, you treasure. But are you sure you're not too drunk to cook?"

"Sugar, I am never too drunk to cook, fuck, or sing karaoke. You're getting some sharp cheddar in with your processed cheese food, and you're going to like it."

"I know I am, baby."


Denise Umbridge came into the office, and heard whistling coming from the attached bathroom. She was usually the first person into the office, so this had to mean that William had spent the night on the couch. He did that sometimes when he worked late and felt too groggy to drive home safely. Denise had gifted him with a fluffy blanket and pillow, and when he'd kissed her on the cheek she'd said gruffly that she had to make him take care of himself, because if he killed himself with overwork, where would a woman her age find a job as good as the one she already had? The door was open, but she didn't go any closer. William was a handsome young man, but he'd been right yesterday--Denise had known him since he was a youth, and it would have made her feel vaguely incestuous to see him naked.

He heard her come in, though, and came out of the bathroom. He was wiping traces of lather off his freshly shaven cheeks. "Morning, Denise. I need to get you to have some breakfast sent up," he gestured toward the suit hanging on the hook on the inside of the bathroom door, and the small bag sitting below it. "and please send those to the cleaners."

"Will do. Coffee and bagel?"

"Yes." He hung the towel around his neck. "Oh, have them put some cream cheese and lox on that bagel..." He thought. "And order another one with butter and raspberry jam. Get me about three of their sausage-cheese balls, too, and maybe a banana. What?"

She was staring at him. "It's just that you usually have a more continental breakfast."

He shrugged, grinning. "I have an appetite this morning." He wiggled his eyebrows. "Busy day yesterday."

Denise blushed as she came over and took the clothes. "The representative for Resurge understood that you couldn't change the time of the meeting. In fact, I think he respects you a little more now, since you didn't just cave."

William nodded, smiling. "Now they know that I'm not gagging for their deal. Interested, but not desperate--that's the way to go." He tossed the towel back into the bathroom and began to button his shirt. "I'll have time to eat without worrying about choking, then go over the figures again."

"I'm going to learn not to question your descisions one of these days. Raspberry?"

"Tell you what--make it grape jelly instead. I don't want to risk having seeds stuck in my teeth while I'm negotiating." Denise left, and William took a suit jacket out of the closet, then went back into the bathroom. He combed his hair, then put on his tie and the jacket. He checked his reflection carefully, smoothing down a stray lock or two. His hair was naturally wavy, and sometimes it had a mind of its own. Finally he put in the cufflinks his father had given him when he graduated from college and entered the family business. He pushed the cuffs up for a moment, then for luck rubbed his fingers over the gleaming leather that circled his wrist.

He went out into his office, shutting the bathroom door, and sat at his desk. He reached toward a stack of papers, but hesitated. Instead he opened his top drawer and pulled out a small cell phone. He stared at it for a moment, flicked his eyes upward briefly, as if in appeal, then slipped it into his pocket.


"Chase, you nit, quit starin' at that damn phone and call the man," said Mona.

"I thought you were counciling me to be cautious?" said Chase.

"I am, but you're worse than a a pit bull watching a filet. It's almost two o'clock, so you don't have to worry about waking him up unless he's a lazy ass, no good, unemployed bum, and in that case it's better to find out early."

"He might work nights."

"If he did, he'd probably have told you not to call before a certain time. If he does work nights, and he didn't give you a set time, then he really does like you. Call him and either dump him gently, or make his day."

Chase dragged the phone closer, then picked up the receiver. "I just hope I'm not going to get a 'no such number' recording. My little feelings would be hurt."

"But you'd cuss like a sailor with a sore toe. Where'd you write that number down?"

"I memorized it, then licked it off."


"Tasted like chicken."

He was dialing. "How can you be sure you remember it?"

"Because it spells out his name: W-I-L-L-I-A-M."

"Huh. Wonder how he got that?"

"It's probably just a coincidence. Those sort of things must be expensive."

The phone rang once, twice...


The meeting with Resurge was a booming success. It was clear from the start that Resurge was willing to meet any demands that William cared to give them--short of making him a partner in the company. That was fine with William. He didn't want control of another company--his own filled enough of his time to keep him from feeling useless, but not enough to run him ragged.

The Resurge representative had turned out to be two representatives--one of them from their legal department. That told William that they had already decided to deal. He had lunch brought in, and they began to hash out the details of the agreement that would link their companies. Denise was just collecting the plates (a catering division was part of William's corporation, and they'd sent up a delicious light meal), and the men had just broached the subject of the choice of advertising when there was a chirping noise.

William said quickly, "Excuse me, gentlemen. I'll be right back." He stood up and made his way to the bathroom, shutting the door. The representatives, looked at each other, then shrugged. It had to be business for him to take the call during their conference, and they couldn't blame him for wanting a little privacy.

The phone had rung four times when William finally got the door closed. He flipped the phone open, then said, "Hello, Chase."

There was a pause, then the surprised voice on the other end said, "Are you psychic, or something? Am I going to find a charge on my phone bill for extra sensory advice?"

"I'm not psychic. I'm just pretty good at reading people."

"You were that sure I'd call? I'm not sure if I should like that, or be insulted."

"Let's say I was hopeful. Very, very hopeful. How are you?"

"Marvelous. Didn't you learn that yesterday? I was just wondering if you'd be interested in meeting? Nothing heavy-duty. Just a chance to see if we click without there being sex involved."


"You're not interested unless there's sex? I'm not saying that would automatically cut you out of the running."

"Sex is always a plus, but I want to spend some time with you even if you exhibit the sexual inclination of an elderly Carmelite nun."

Chase giggled. "Oh, I don't know. You can't tell what they wear under those habits. Coffee?"

"Sounds good. Where?"

"Are you near where we met yesterday?"

"Yes, my office is close to that spot."

"There's a lovely little retro diner there. I can't often afford to eat a real meal there, but they keep the prices on the coffee and donuts retro, too."


"Oh, my--you're easy to please."

"To a certain point. I just find you naturally pleasing. Would two hours from now be too long? I have some business I need to finish up."

"Meet you then." He made a smooching noise, and hung up.

William was grinning when he came back out of the bathroom. "Good news?" asked the representative.

"Very good news," William agreed.

"I hope that it wasn't anything that will impact on our agreement," said the lawyer suspiciously.

"Let me assure you, gentlemen--I do intend to give someone the business, but it won't affect our agreement..."


The Resurge representatives were mightily impressed by William's decisiveness. He knew exactly what he wanted and couldn't be swerved from his goal. He also insisted on sticking to the major points. "There will be plenty of time to nitpick," he'd said firmly. "This deal is important to me, but life is too short to let my time be eaten up by something that can wait a little while. Besides, you'll want to talk to your people about the packaging options. I know that my suggestion will cost a tiny bit more, but our studies have shown that the added eye-impact will..."

The meeting was over in a little over an hour. The three men shook hands, and the representatives left. They'd go back to their office and inform their board of directors that the agreement was all but signed, but it would be wise to be sure that the company CEO was kept happy. He was a gracious, but forceful man--shrewd and prepared in his bargaining, but remarkably relaxed about it. In fact, the last hour or two of negotiations he'd seemed almost amused by something.


Chase hung up. "Mona! I have two hours. If I hurry, would you have enough time to give me a rinse?"

Mona blinked at him. "Child, what on earth--?"

"I made a good first impression, and I want to knock his eyes out the second time he sees me. I want red--red, red red! I want to look like one of those skim milk and copper Irish."

"But Chase you got a perfectly good..."

"Can you do it?"

"If you hurry to the store and grab the rinse, I can. But he was attracted to you just as you are. What if he doesn't like you as a redhead?"

"Then if the surface things are gonna make that much difference, I should know before I get in any deeper, shouldn't I?" Chase jumped up and grabbed his sweater (since it had turned a little chilly during the night). "You get whatever you need set up, and I'll be back in two swishes of a fairy's tail." He dashed out.

Mona shook his head. *I never seen him this anxious to please. Boy's got it bad. I just hope this guy is worth the effort.*

Chase raced down to the grocery store on the corner, nearly running into a little old lady who was pinching tomatoes in the produce section. He babbled an apology as he blew past her to the hair care products--or where hair care products should have been. Now there was only a rank of empty shelves. Chase yelped and grabbed the smock of the stock boy who was wiping down the shelves. "Where are they? You can't have stopped carrying them! Hair care prodects are a major portion of American commerce."

The boy was blinking in confusion. "We didn't stop carrying them. We're just shifting the stock layout." He pointed. "They're going to be on the next aisle. We're moving dental care here, and..."

"Thanks." Chase grabbed his cheeks and laid a quick kiss on him, then dashed away.

The boy gaped after him, rubbing his mouth. *Well, I'll have a story for the next family gathering,* he thought. Then he smiled. "Almost as good as kissing a girl. Maybe there's something to this bisexual thing."

Chase skidded around the corner into the next aisle, then slid to a halt. "No!" The three clerks who were busy loading the shelves from the brimming plastic bins that crowded the floor looked up, startled. Chase started digging in the closest bin. It was full of shampoos. "Quick, where are the temporary rinses?"

A girl looked around. "I think they're..."

"Quick! If I don't have time to make myself even more beautiful, I'm going to sue this place."

"Here," said another clerk, lifting a box out of the bin beside him. "What color do you want?"

Chase wove his way over to him, saying, "Ultima New Penny, with conditioner."

"Oh, heck. No Ultima. We have Richtress, or Clearday, or..."

"Red! Give me red. I don't have time to debate brands."

"I can't recommend anything. If it doesn't turn out right, I'd be held liable for..."

"Coward." Chase's hands darted into the jumble and he grabbed the first box of red hair rinse he touched, then turned and raced toward the check out stand.

The clerks were quiet for a moment, then one of the male clerks said, "Damn. I wonder what kind of girl can inspire that sort of effort?"

The three girls gave him disbelieving looks. Finally one of them went back to loading a shelf, saying, "I'm not going to tell him."


Chase, leaning against the kitchen sink, finished toweling his hair and draped the terrycloth around his neck. "How do I look?" Mona studied him, covering her mouth. "Say something."

"Chase, I warned you when you showed me that weird-ass brand that I couldn't be sure..."

"Fuck." He hurried in the bathroom, and stared at his reflection. "I'm pink."

"I told you..."

"I've never seen that color on anything natural except an Easter egg."

"You wanted..."

"A little eyeliner and the right kind of shadow, and I'd look just like one of those anime bois." He squealed. "I love it!" He gave Mona a hearty kiss. "Now hand me the blower, and move. Go pick out something nice for me to wear. Not too dressy or flashy, though." He clicked the drier on and started drying his candyfloss hair. "I don't want him to think I'm too eager to please."

Mona shook her head, smiling. "Uh-huh."


William kept several changes of casual clothes in a suitcase in the office closet. This way he was prepared to either make a quick change, stay overnight somewhere, or make a short, unexpected trip without having to go home to pack. Once he had shaken hands with the Resurge representatives and seen them out the door, he changed quickly. This time he put on a pair of plain jeans, ripped at the knee, and a plain Oxford shirt. He wore the same belt and cuffs he'd worn the day before, though, and a pair of scuffed cowboy boots. He topped the outfit off with a battered denim jacket--one that had loops of thin, shining chain at the shoulders, like epaulettes. He checked himself in the mirror before going out, and wondered if Chase would like him with a goatee.

He walked quickly to the corner where he'd met Chase. Now he remembered the diner Chase had specified. It was part of a small, but florishing chain. The diner was fronted by a couple of huge plate glass windows that gave a good view of the cheerful, pink-and-black interior. As he approached, William scanned the diner, looking for Chase. He had hurried, and had five minutes to spare. He was glad. He had a feeling that Chase wouldn't take well to being kept waiting.

There were no tables--only booths and counter stools. All the booths were occupied, Chase wasn't among the chattering, eating couples. William's eyes shifted, and he ran his gaze along the counter, ticking briefly on each patron. He frowned. That bright blond hair should stand out like a beacon. Had he arrived first? Then something caught his eye, and he blinked, looking more closely. A slow grin spread over his face, as he murmured, "I do not believe it!" He pushed his way inside, eyes fixed on the slim, graceful figure seated at the end of the counter.

The young man with cotton candy colored hair looked up as the bell over the door clanged, and his face lit up as he waved to William. William walked over to Chase, taking in details. The boy was wearing black trousers and another pink T-shirt, but this one had a white cartoon poodle on the front. He was also wearing white sneakers--not trainers, not running shoes, not walking shoes--old fashioned canvas sneakers.

Chase pulled a fluffy white sweater off the stool beside him. "I saved you a seat. I had to give nasty looks to at least three people."

"I'm grateful." William sat beside him.

"You should be. On weekends they take reservations." He tapped the napkin dispencer as the waitress (in an old fashioned waitress uniform, complete with paper cap) bustled past. "Ernestine, sweetheart, can I get you to freshen my coffee?" He looked at William. "Coffee or coco?"

William had picked up a menu card and was studying it. "Latte?"

Ernestine and Chase exchanged looks, and Chase said, "Tell him."

"Golly, gee, Mister," said the girl, giving him a purposefully wide-eyed stare. "I never heard of a lat-tea. Is it, like, iced coffee?"

William couldn't help smiling. "Espresso?"

"Express? Oh, heck yeah! We're fast here."

"Coffee will be fine."

Chase rapped the counter. "And a donut. What kind would you like? You have a choice of glazed, or cinnamon sugar. That's a glazed that they sprinkle with the cinnamon toast mix."

"I think I'll have a glazed." Ernestine nodded and headed for the coffee pot. "Nothing for you?"

"I ate mine while I was waiting for you. The management gets antsy if you don't actually consume something."

Ernestine set a donut on a saucer and a mug before William. She poured him some coffee, then topped up Chase's mug. "That got it, sweetie?"

"For the time being," said Chase. He was digging in his pocket, and he dropped some coins into Ernestine's upturned palm. "Keep the change."

Ernestine bounced the coins, doing a quick calculation. "Two quarters. Twenty-five cents for the donut and a dime for the coffee. Fifteen cents tip. Gee, thanks, honey. Now Mom can have the operation, and sis can take piano lessons."

William stared after her as she left, and Chase said, "You don't really believe she'd be that rude and keep a job, do you? It's part of the atmosphere. They train the wait staff to wise crack."

William took a bite of his donut. "How can they afford to stay open with these sort of prices?"

"Good lord, honey--didn't you check the prices on the menu? They have three or four items that are fifties' prices as a promotion. Believe me, they make up the loss on everything else."

William munched, then gestured at Chase. "You know, I could tell right off that you liked to dress to suit the situation, but didn't you go a little far to match the decor?"

Chase fluffed his pink hair. "I could say it was all in a day's work, but the fact is that this was a happy accident. I was shooting for new penny, but I ended up with rosebud instead."

"It suits you. Nice shirt, too."

Chase looked down at it, pleased. "This is Mifi."

"Mi-fi? Is that an anime name?"

"No. I couldn't decide between Mimi or Fifi, so it's Mifi."

William looked around. "Is Mona hiding somewhere around here, checking me out?"

"She offered, I threatened. This is a very public place, so there's no need for her to worry about me." He wrinkled his nose. "She worries about me more than my mother ever has, but then she's seen more of the world than Mom has. Okay, so far I know that you like leather," he touched a fingertip to William's cuff, "you drink your coffee black, and you like my taste in clothing. What else do I need to know about you? Married?"

"Forgetting what we did at the bar?"

"Oh, come now. You know very well that sort of thing is not precluded by marriage."

"No. Never even came close."

"Good. I'm a slut, but I'm not a home wrecker. Where do you work? Or rather do you work?"

"I do. In an office."

"Oo, white collar. Okay, that's where you work, but what do you do?"

"This, that, and the other. A little bit of everything."

Chase nodded. "Office dogsbody, eh? I've done that before. I lasted two days, till the copy machine screwed up and they expected me to fix it. I told them that if I could repair electronics, I wouldn't be working there for minimum wage. For some reason they took offense."

William smiled. "You can probably tell someone to piss off in such a way that they thank you and run for the nearest urinal."

"If you're going to come out of the closet in rural middle America, it helps to be verbally nimble. I've talked my way out of a nasty situation or two. Since we're exchanging information--School?"

"I have some college--business courses. How about you? Were you in a frat?"

"Perish the thought, though I might have joined a sorority if they asked nicely. No, I only managed one semester, and then I realized that the student loans were going to eat me alive. I took off, and I'm currently trying to save up enough to go back. Sadly what I want to study is pretty expensive."

"What's that? You planning on a career in medicine?"

"Yes, can't you just see me walking into a room with a trucker, pulling on a rubber glove, and telling him to bend over? I'm sure a lot of them would suddenly find that they weren't NEARLY as ill as they'd thought. I want to study cooking. There's a marvelous culinary arts school right here in town--on par with the CIA."

"You want to be a spying cook?"

Chase pinched a nip off the half eaten donut that William had set down, then threw the bit at him. "Beautiful bonehead. The Culinary Institute of America. You can't really get past the grunt stage in cooking these days without some initials after your name. Well, you could, but a head chef would have to take a real liking to you, and I don't screw for career advancement. Otherwise the chance of being 'discovered' is roughly... I'd have a better chance buying lottery tickets."

"Are you any good at it?"

"Oh, no. I suck donkey dick." He raised his voice. "Ernestine?"

She came over. "Yeppers?"

"Can I cook?"

"Honey, you can cook so fine it makes you want to slap your grandma."

"Thanks." He spread his hands, looking at William.

"How does she know?"

"I guess it's all those times I've made dinner just before I seduced her." He tapped his chin, looking thoughtful. "Or it could be all the breakfasts I've fixed after our nights of hot monkey sex." He raised his voice again. "Ernie?"


"Is my schedule still the same, or has Vincent gotten creative again?"

"Still Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. You know he ain't giving you more hours--he'd have to give you benefits then."

"Just checking." He looked back at William. "It's a pretty pleasant place to work. I just wish it paid more, and I was allowed to stretch a little sometime. There's only so many meatloafs, bacon cheeseburgers, and pots of chicken and dumplings you can make before you want to stuff coq au vin down someone's throat. You have a car?"

William was getting used to Chase's scattered verbal style, and the abrupt change of subject didn't throw him. "An old Thunderbird."

"Oo! Then you came to the right place, didn't you? I love retro. Maybe that's because it's so close to camp."

"Now you. Mother and father living?"

"Mother, yes. Dad passed on when I was ten--farm equipment accident." William winced. "Yes," said Chase softly. "It was pretty bad. When we figured out what had happened I tried to run out to the field, but the man who'd been helping dad with the plowing grabbed me and locked me in my room. They had a closed casket, so the last time I saw Dad was when he finished breakfast and grabbed his John Deere cap." Chase looked down at the counter. "I went out and found that hat later. I still have it. Mother tried to take it away--she thought it would be hard on me to have it as a reminder, but she gave in after I became hysterical." His smile was a little tight, and he didn't meet William's eyes. "After all, Dad had promised me I could have it when he got another one."

"I'm sorry," said William softly, touching Chase's arm.

Chase shrugged. His voice was a little rough as he said, "People lose people. That's the way of the world. Anyway, I think that my eventual lifestyle choice was probably easier for Dad to understand from the afterlife than it would have been in this one." He sniffed, and William silently pulled out a handkerchief and offered it. Chase gave a watery giggle as he took it. "Oh, god--were you a Boy Scout?" William gave the Scout salute. "I can't believe it. And it isn't even a bandana." He blew his nose. "Do you really want this back?"

"Well, I thought I might use your mucus to work a voodoo love spell on you."

Chase's laugh was a little stronger this time. "You're my kind of man." He handed the kerchief back. "Boy Scout, hm? You simply must demonstrate your knots for me some time."

William's voice was entirely without irony. "That can be arranged."

Chase froze, staring at him, and a speculative look came into his eyes. "Can it, now?" William nodded. Chase thought a little more, and the tip of his tongue crept out, teasing his lower lip.

William whispered, "Chase--you ought to quit doing that. I may not be able to keep my hands off you otherwise, and you said no sex this time. I'm willing to wait till you feel you know me well enough to spend some time alone with me, but I don't like prick teases unless they intend to make good."

"What about if they carry through on their promises in a reasonable amount of time?"

"Then I love to be teased."

Chase studied him for a little longer, then nodded. "Care to drop over to my place some time soon for dinner?"

"And get a thumbs up from Mona?"

"Either a thumbs up, or a boot up your butt. She'll say what she thinks, and I trust her judgement. If you're not willing to 'meet the family' we might as well say 'it's been fun' and kiss good-bye. I recommend the first choice, though I do give a spectacular good-bye kiss."

William didn't hesitate. "When do you want me, should I bring anything, and does this mean I don't get a good-bye kiss?"

Chase smiled happily. "Tomorrow around six, bring some wine if you want, and you get a 'hello, sailor!' kiss."

Chase leaned over and kissed William--with tongue. There was clapping and hoots from several booths, and William said wryly, "If we keep getting applause, we're going to have to take out performers' licenses."

"Well, then, on with the show," breathed Chase, as he kissed him again.