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Chapter Fifteen

Free's POV

"Dana, where's Snicky?" No response. She's lying beside me, her head in my lap. She's got my hands cuffed in front of me this time, in the steel handcuffs instead of the padded ones. I could open the padded ones if my hands could reach each other.

I'm scaring myself, because I'm thinking that her throat is just laid out there, within such easy reach. It's stupid, really. She's trained in self defense, I've never been in a fight. If I tried anything, she'd overpower me in a second. Then what would happen? She doesn't like it when I fight. I shudder, thinking about it.

She notices the shiver. "What's wrong, babe? Are you cold? Do you need a blanket?"

I can't get used to this. She's raped me, keeps me tied up, hurt me, and sometimes she acts so concerned about my little discomforts. It's bizarre. "I asked where Snicky is. I haven't seen him, and he didn't come today when I called him."

Snicky has been keeping me company while Dana is away at work. He'll jump up on the bed with me, and snuggle on me or against me. The throb of his warm, furry body when he purrs is soothing. I think it's helped me keep sane.

"Cats don't come when you call, Free."

She's evading me, and I'm starting to get worried. "Snicky does, you know that. You've seen him." He does. He's the only cat I've ever known who will consistently come when he's called. I just say his name, or make a chirruping noise, and he'll come trotting from wherever he is, ebony tail waving, meowing busily, as if to ask what I want.

"Dana... You haven't done anything to my cat, have you?"


"I'll hate you if you hurt him."

"God, what kind of a monster do you think I am?" I just look at her. She sighs. "He's all right. I just put him outside, that's all."

"But Dana, he's an inside cat, that's all he knows. He doesn't know how to take care of himself outside."

She sits up, frowning. "Oh, for heaven's sake! He's a cat, not a baby. He'll survive."

I'm angry now. "He's my baby! He shouldn't have to just survive. He'll be cold, and afraid. How will he eat? He doesn't know how to hunt. He was too little to learn when he left his mama. He'll starve."

"Will you calm down? I'm feeding him. I put food out."

"But he'll miss me." I'm about to cry. "I miss him."

He face hardens. "I'd think you had enough of him to last you for some time. Every time I come in here, he's draped across you."

It hits me. "Dana, you're jealous." She scowls. "You're jealous of my cat."

"You love him more than you do me."

"I don't love you!"

She slaps me. Oh, lord, I'd been doing so well. Now I might have ruined everything I gained. I back peddle quickly. "Why do you make me say things like that?"

She blinks. That's her tactic--blaming me for whatever she visits on me. I press the advantage. "You did this just to hurt me. You hate me. You never loved me at all!" *Dear lord, let her believe. Otherwise I'm in for more hell, and I may have doomed my poor cat.*

"No, Free, don't say that. You can't believe that." She puts her arms around me and tries to kiss me, but I turn my head. It's a calculated risk, but I'm playing the hurt lover instead of the victim, and it's appropriate. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. It's just... You talk to the cat. You play with it, and pet it. Can't you understand how that makes me feel when you cringe every time I touch you?"

I've read about this before. It's so strange. In many abusive relationships, the aggressive partner can't stand the passive one to have any outside attachments. They isolate them from family, friends, co-workers, neighbors. They even begin to resent pets, because they get attention and affection that they consider to be theirs. Attacks on pets are very common. I have to be careful about this.

"Dana, I get lonely during the day. If I can't go out, or talk to people, I need some companionship."

"I guess I can understand that. But you don't need to have him in here all the time. I'll bring him in to visit during the evenings, how about that?"

I study her, and decide that it isn't safe to push it. Snicky might have an 'accident'. She threatened to drown him that night. Sometimes, when she gets that look in her eyes, I really wouldn't put it past her. I nod reluctantly. "You'll keep feeding him? And putting down water?"

She looks relieved. "Of course. Every day. He'll be fine. Forgive me?"

*You're crazy, Dana. You're totally insane. I'm afraid you're going to kill me eventually. And if you do, you probably know how to make me disappear off the face of the earth.* "Yes." *A little longer, Free. Hold on a little longer.*

Fox's POV

She's home. Her car is here, so she's here. I park on the street and go up the sidewalk. She doesn't have a porch, just a sort of front stoop. There's a saucer holding some dry cat food, and a bowl of water, near the door. That's right, the room mate has a cat.

I push the door bell and hear it chime just on the other side of the door, then I wait. And wait. No response. I ring again. Still no response. I lean on the button, counting slowly to ten, and I think I hear a muffled curse somewhere inside the house, but still no one comes. So I start knocking: slow, steady thumps that sound like I mean to keep it up all night.

Finally I hear footsteps inside. There is the sound of a bolt being slid back, a lock being undone. The door cracks open, and I can see a chain across the gap. Dana peers out, frowning. "What is it, Mulder? Why didn't you call?"

"Hello to you, too. Can I come in?"

"I've told you before, this is a sick house. I can't have you coming in. Not only would it be bad for you, but I think Free's immune system is low. No telling what kind of germs she could catch."

"Gee, thanks, Dana. You could always have me sprayed for cooties."

"This isn't funny, Fox. What do you want?"

"I just want to talk with you. I'm a little concerned about how things have been going. I don't see much of you lately, even at work."

"It's not like we're dating, Mulder."

"If I can't come in, then you come out. Come have a cup of coffee with me."

She glances back into the house. "I don't like to leave her alone."

"Fifteen minutes."

She hesitates. "All right. I'll get my thinkgs." She shuts the door, and I hear the bolt slide again. Does she think I might try to snap the chain? In a moment, she comes out, carrying her purse and pulling on her coat. "Really, i can't be gone long."

We walk to the car. "Do you mean to tell me that she's still sick?"

"She's delicate, Mulder. In fact, she's sort of a semi-invalid."

*She sure as hell didn't look delicate on that tape.* "Shouldn't she be in some sort of a care facility, then?" We get in the car.

"I can take care of her. It isn't that bad."

*Make up your mind, Scully.* I start the engine and pull away from the curb. "You need to make up your mind, Dana. Either she's well enough to be left for long periods of time, or she's too sick to meet the world, and needs constant care. Which is it?"

"This is none of your business, Mulder, and I'd rather not discuss it." She eyes me suspiciously. "Why are you so interested in Free, anyway?"

"She's part of your life, so she interests me." I pull up to a coffee shop, and we get out and go inside. The waitress brings us coffee, and we wave off menus. "And she seems to be an awful big part of your life right now."

"She is. She's my best friend. I care about her, and I'm worried about her, so it shouldn't be surprising that I spend a lot of time with her."

"Dana, is it possible that Free has gotten too dependent on you?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, she quit her job. She doesn't have an income anymore. How's she paying her bills?"

"How did you know about that?"

"Never mind."

"She's having a bad time right now, and I'm helping her out. And what do you mean, never mind? Have you been snooping into her life? What's gotten into you, Mulder?"

"I just don't want to see you taken advantage of, Scully." "Taken... I do not believe this. One, Mulder, I am a grown woman, in case you haven't noticed. Two, you are not my father, or my guardian. Stay out of my business." She pushed the untouched cup away, coffee sloshing over into the saucer. "Take me home."

"Look, Scully, I didn't mean..."

She stood up. "I'll get a cab."

"No, wait!" I dropped some bills on the table and hurried out after her. The waitress watched us go, bemused. Probably thought it was a lover's quarrel, and I was due to buy some roses.

She was silent on the way home. Dana's a person who can singe your ears without saying a word. When we got to her house, she turned to me. "I know you mean well." He cold tone belied the eveness of her words. "But you're being very intrusive, and I won't have it. Curb your curiosity, Fox. I don't want to have to lose you as a partner, or a friend. But if you can't just quit prying, I don't see how I can avoid it."

She slammed the car door when she got out. Her steps up the front walk were rapid and irritated. It was obvious that she had begrudged every second she was away from her home. Away from Free.

I've got to figure this out. She said I might lose her if I keep prying. I'm afraid I most certainly will lose her if I don't.

Someone Outside, Chapter FourteenSomeone Outside, Chapter Sixteen
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