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Chapter Seven

Fifteen minutes later I was standing before the door of the other apartment. I stayed there for a moment, staring at it. Her name was Rene. I didn't love her, she didn't love me. We'd had sex a few times, and that was all it was. Why did I feel guilty about what I was about to do?

She wasn't anything like what I really wanted right now, but I needed someone. She would be willing, even enthusiastic. Anything, everything, the more, the better. Right now I had to have that. Free couldn't give it, and it wasn't something that could be taken, so I was here.

I knocked. The door opened quickly, and I stepped in. Rene was wearing a short satin robe, her blonde hair falling down around her collar. She shut and locked the door, then turned to me.

Rene's face is angular, cat like, with bright hazel eyes, almost like Mulder's. Sometimes I wonder if that wasn't part of what first attracted me to her. They look green now, because of the color of the robe she's wearing. I wish they were blue. She starts to say something, and I reach up (she's taller than I), grab her face strongly, and drag her down so that I can kiss her, hard. This catches her off guard, and she stumbles a little.

I push her back against the door, still kissing her, working my tongue into her startled mouth. I let my hands drop, finding the collar of her robe, and jerk it open. She gasps against my lips as I reach in and find her breasts. She's naked, ready for me, as I'd asked.

She pulls her mouth away from mine, gasping and laughing a little. "Oh, so that's how it's gonna be, huh? You're not in the mood to play nice?"

I answer by pinching her nipples hard enough to wring a groan from her. But it's as much pleasure as pain, and I feel the little buds begin to stiffen and swell. I'm still not really comfortable with hurting her, no matter how much she enjoys it, and I apologize by following the pinches with gentle kisses and licks.

"Bed." She moans, pushing at me. "C'mon, Dana. It's all ready."

I'm ready to take her right there against the wall or on the livingroom floor, but I let her lead me into the bedroom. It's lighted only by one dim lamp sitting on the nightstand. The glow illuminates the selection of sex toys she has laid out beneath it. I don't keep them myself, I've always used the natural method of making love. But this isn't making love. This isn't even just sex. This is going to be pure, animal fucking.

She wants to undress me, but I'm too impatient for that. I push away her hands, snapping, "Get on the bed." She throws off the already open robe as I kick off my shoes. By the time I've peeled off my socks, she's lounging on the mattress, posing seductively. She doesn't need to do that tonight. I couldn't get any hotter if I was doused with gasoline and set alight. But still, I pause to admire the view.

Her breasts are on the small side, but perfectly formed. She glides her hands over them now, cupping them for my inspection. The sight of her nipples, swollen into stiff peaks, make my own harden as I jerk my shirt over my head.

I lean over and run a hand down her torso, counting each rib by feel, almost sadly. *too thin, why won't she eat?* Over the board flat abdomen, and I wish for a gently rounded, womanly belly. *Damn, Dana, all this laid out for you and you alone, and you're yearning for something else* I stop short of her crotch. My voice is thick. "Play with yourself. Get wet for me."

She laughs throatily, her hands moving down between her legs as she purrs, "Lover, I'm already there."

I watch her masturbate as I pull down my jeans and panties. My underwear, when I strip it off, is damp and fragrant with musk. She rubs the length of her crease slowly, senuously. Smiling, she spreads her legs wide to offer me the best view possible.

Yes, she is already wet. I see the moisture glisten on her labia as she rubs and tugs. She presses against herself, and I can tell when her fingers find her clitoris by the way she stiffens, then melts with a low hum of satisfaction. I kneel on the bed beside her, watching, caressing my own breasts to full, aching sensitivity.

I notice, in a vague way, that her nails are short, and natural. I know that the last time I saw her she had sported artificial red claws. Judging from a faint, sharp tang on the air, she removed them not long ago. She really had gotten ready for me. Nails like that could be a dangerous hazard in the typed of sex she liked to indulge in.

One finger dips lower and disappears into the moist slit, then another. She slides them in and out slowly, raising her hips minutely. When they are slick and glistening, she lifts her ass a little, and teases them along the crack.

I can't hold back any longer. I crawl around so that I can come up between her spread legs, and she smiles down at me. I study her groin. The pubic thatch is only a little darker than the hair on her head: she's a natural blonde. But it's sparse. It's as if her adolescence hadn't made much headway here. I don't know why, but somehow I think that Free's pubes will be not that different than what she has on her head: dark, thick, curly, silky.

*Why speculate?* I brush aside the thin hair, take hold of her hips, and lean down. No preliminaries, I simply shove my tongue into her vagina has far as I can, and lick vigorously. She jerks, with a pleased, startled cry, and I continue. She was wet, but now she oozes. I lap with ferocious intensity, drinking her as much as eating her. Then I move up to concentrate on her clit.

It's as stiff and swollen as a tiny cock, and I take it between my lips and flick my tongue over it. She groans, and I feel her hands in my hair, stroking through the strands. I cover it completely with my mouth and suck, hard. The groan grows strangled.

I'm wet now, too, and I straddle her thigh and begin humping against her as I suck. I clamp tight, and the friction as I rub against her smooth skin is exquisite.

She's babbling to me, words running together nonsensically, but it all means the same thing. Fuck me, Dana. Use me. Hurt me. Make me come. And I'm more than willing.

She orgasms the first time when I bite her. I set my teeth on her straining clit and nip sharply, enough to cause pain. She howls and thrashes, almost throwing me off, but I ride her, and my mouth never loses contact. Chewing lightly, I slip two fingers inside her, and feel her ripple around me. Yes, it was good for her. But it's a long way from over.

She coos softly, trying to pull me up for a kiss. But I don't want to kiss now. I take the two fingers I have moistened in her body, and draw them down the slit, pulling her ass cheeks apart. She gasps when I force them past the tight ring of flesh that guards the entrance to her bowels. I never would play like this with her before, and she isn't expecting it.

But after the initial startle, she obligingly reaches down to keep herself spread for me. And as I push and pull, I feel her flesh relaxing around my probes. Soon she's pushing down on each inward thrust.

I take her still erect clit in my fingers, and rub roughly. I glance over at the toys laid out on the bedside table and say, "How do you want it?"

Her eyes glisten greedily, and she points. "That in my ass, that in my cunt. Hurry, Dana, hurry!"

I leave her body long enough to take a small bottle of lubricant and oil the slender, ivory colored wand she first indicated. She takes it easily when I push it into her ass. I insert it shallowly, leaving a good bit out for a grip.

Her second choice is an almost eerily lifelike artificial penis. It is molded in a firm, but pliable rubbery substance. When I oil it, it almost seems to shift in my hands, as if alive.

Rene is watching with lust glazed eyes. She twists and arches, flexing herself around the anal probe, stimulating herself. "Gimme," she breathes. "Fuck me, Dana. I need it."

I drag the pillow out from under her head, and she scoots farther down in the bed, seeing what I intend. This time when I kneel, I face the foot of the bed, and I straddle her head. I lower myself slowly, and she cranes her neck, tongue extended, to make first contact. There is a light, wiggling tickle right at the very center of my sex crease. She laughs, "Damn, Dana, you're dripping! Let mama take care of you." Her hands hook up over my legs, and she pulls me down.

I close my eyes, biting my lip at the first deep, lavish lick. Rene travels the entire length of my swimming slit, making an incredibly obscene slurping noise that sends heat bolting up my spine. I moan, and lay length wise on her body, scratching at her thigh, which is still slick with my juice.

She moves and seeks hungrily, working her tongue in me with a rhythm dedicated to driving me insane. It is very effective. Reality is swimming around me now, over ridden by sheer sensation. I grope blindly and find the small anal probe, and begin tugging and pushing. She whimpers against my flesh, legs spreading even wider. Her hips arch in silent pleading, and I fit the head of the dildo to her yearning cunt and push.

She's chosen a thick one, and she grunts as the lips of her sex flower open to accept the bulbous head. Knowing what she wants, what I need, I don't slow down. I push firmly, burying it inside her. Two inches, three. I'm glad she chose one of softer rubber, I'd have been worried about doing what I'm going to do with a hard plastic vibrator.

She's licking my clitoris as I ease in another three inches. Then I pull back just a little, and press it deeper on the instroke. I do this several times, filling her just a little more, till I have almost ten inches buried in her streaming passage. Rene is a girl of great capacities.

For a moment I let her rest, let her adjust, only easing the probe in and out of her ass a little more vigorously. She moans and twists her hips in pleading. She's ready, and so am I.

I really drop my weight down on her, shoving my wet cunt against her face, and she meets me, pulling me even tighter. I don't know how she can breathe, and I don't care. I take hold of both of the man made instruments of pleasure and begin to fuck her in earnest. I am not gentle. She doesn't want gentleness, and neither do I. I work her hard, co-ordinating the thrusts of both hands, pounding at her. I never let up on my assault of her cunt, but occasionally I abandon the anal probe so that I can roughly rub and pinch her wildly throbbing clit.

She's biting and sucking and licking maddly. I'll be scraped and bruised when we are done, but I don't care. I can feel the orgasm boiling up inside me, like the top of my head is about to blow off. I'm slamming the dildo in and out, almost exiting on the backstroke. Then I go to short, hard strokes, so powerful that my shoulders are going to give me hell tomorrow.

I'm making noises, saying things... I don't know, maybe I'm speaking in tongues. It doesn't make any sense, but it doesn't matter, because I'm coming now. My whole body is clenching and spasmning. Rene is holding me to her face so tight that she has to be seconds from passing out, her nails raking my ass. But it doesn't matter, because she's coming, too. She jitters and vibrates like she's hooked up to an electric current.

I've heard it called 'the little death' before, and that's what it is this time. The world goes away for a moment, and I'm floating in warm, grey cotton wool, tingling as if a static charge is running over my skin, concentrating in my distended nipples and my throbbing crotch.

When I can make sense again, I'm still sprawled over Rene. She has pulled her head free of the vise of my thighs, and is gulping in long, ragged breaths. I start to pull the dildo free, but she rasps, "Leave them." Moving shakily, I roll off her onto my back, feet up toward the head of the bed.

Rene moves, turning and crawling to lie parallel to me, carefull holding her toys in the clasp of her body. I really don't want to cuddle, but when she reaches for me, I allow her to hold me. I close my eyes and think. *I used to think she was soft. Now she feels like she's all hard angles.* I blindly stroke her hair, heavy and straight, and think of dark, lively curls.

"Who were you fucking, Dana?" her voice is calm, but curious.

"You were here, weren't you?" I don't really answer the question, not to her, or to myself.

"I was here, all right. But it wasn't me you were screwing. I don't mind, I fantasize sometimes myself. You've been Angelina Jolie a time or two. I'm just curious because this was the first time I sensed it from you."

"You're imagining things."

"Hm. Maybe. All right then, what are you escaping?"

"You've lost me again. I'm not trapped by anything."

"Are you sure about that?"

I open my eyes and look at her with mild exasperation. This had been good, why is she insisting on analyzing it? She never has before. "What makes you think that?"

"It was what you said when you came."

I frown, not able to remember. It's a blurr of sensation. "And what was that?"

"You don't remember? God, Dana, you were screaming, over and over. 'Free, free, free.'"

Someone Outside, Chapter SixSomeone Outside, Chapter Eight
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