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The Five Phases of Competition for Miss & Teen Sno-Isle

Contestants in all Miss America preliminaries at the local and state level compete in five areas:

Personal Interview (40% of Total Score)
Each contestant participates in an individual 10-12 minute press conference-style interview with our panel o
f judges. Contestants are questioned on their background as presented on their fact sheet, their educational and career goals, their opinions on current events and social issues, and their interests, hobbies and extracurricular activities. Scoring is based on overall communication skills, including personality, intelligence, validated opinions, emotional control, overall first impression and personal appearance, and whether the contestant possesses the overall qualities and attributes of a Miss America

Talent (30% of Total Score)
Contestants perform a 2-minute routine of their own choosing. Some possible talents include all types of singing, dancing, gymnastics, monologues and ventriloquism. Other talents that can be performed solo on a stage are also possible. Scoring is based on contestant’s skill and personality, interpretive ability, technical skill level, stage presence and the totality of all elements, including costume, props, voice, use of body and choreography.



On-Stage Personality in Evening Wear (10% of total score)
Each contestant appears on stage in an outfit of her own choosing, representative of what she would wear to a formal “after five” social event. Evening gowns are all appropriate for this phase of the competition. Scoring is based on overall first impression, sense of confidence, personality and stage presence, walk and posture, appropriateness of attire and sense of attractiveness.


Swimsuit (Miss) / Athletic Wear (Teen)  (10% of Total Score)
Each contestant briefly appears on stage in a swimsuit/athletic wear and footwear of her own choosing. Clothing must be approved prior to competition by the Executive Director of the pageant. Scoring is based on overall first impression, statement of physical fitness and health, overall physique which is pleasing to her height, weight and bone structure, walk, posture and grace, sense of confidence and presence on stage




On-Stage Question (10% of Total Score)

This area is based on each contestants overall performance in all competition and whether or not she should be the winner of Miss Local or State.




The Miss Snohomish County Scholarship Organization is a Washington state public benefit non-profit organization. All expenses incurred with a sponsor’s support of pageant events a scholarships are fully tax deductible under marketing and advertising. Scholarships, held in a separate fund, are administered for scholastic purposes only.

 There is NO ENTRY OR SPONSOR FEE REQUIRED of any contestant in the local Miss Snohomish County Scholarship Organization. We award educational scholarships to every young woman in the Miss competition and savings bonds to out Teen winner, so try to procure a sponsor for every young woman.


Applicants for Miss & Teen Sno-Isle must meet the following qualification:

·        Been born a woman                                              

·        Be between the ages of 13 and 24

·        Possess a performing talent                        

·        Live, work or attend school in Snohomish County or Camano Island for 6 months prior to competition

·        Be a citizen of the United States

·        Never been convicted of any crime

·        Never married, nor been pregnant

·        And be of sound moral character


Many needs of the pageant program are met by sponsored, discounted or loaned goods and services. However, there are expenses to be met in the operation of this year round program: expenses incurred by service to the community of civic and charitable functions; training and management of contestants and volunteers of the pageant program; preparation of Miss &  Teen Sno-Isle for the state competition; producing a major competition and theatrical event featuring the contestants to select Miss & Miss Teen Sno-Isle; and most importantly the raising of scholarships!


There is much more than meets the eye to create the Sno-Isle Pageants. A beautiful reality and pride of our county … and you, the contestants, families and friends are encouraged to join the civic volunteers of the pageant to make this program of personal excellence a success for all involved.


This is the way the pageant program is made possible & funded:

·        civic volunteers donation of time, talent & resources

·        scholarship sponsors (100% of scholarship dollars raised are awarded directly to the contestants)

·        program sponsors

·        in-kind donations of goods and services

·        ticket sales to the show

·        gold & silver patrons (special seating & program listing)

·        business ad’s in the program book

·        support of the fund-raising events and appearances


In addition to the scholarships awarded by placement in the pageant competition several scholarships are offered that are not based upon the points awarded by the judges. Every Miss contestant will receive a scholarship just for competing. Contestants may also participate at their option based on personal qualification, be eligible for the following awards:


“Spirit of Sno-Isle”

This award is based upon the amount of marketing and advertising that a contestant, with the help of her family, generated in ticket sales and advertisement for their program book.


   “Miss Congeniality Scholarship”

Awarded to a contestant by a vote of the contestants. This award goes to the lady who competes within herself to be the best that she can be, while helping others to do the same.


  “Personal Best Award”

This award represents which area of competition was each young women’s personal best.


“Living Your Platform”

Awarded to the contestant who the pageant committee feels really lives her platform.


   “Directors Award”

Given to the contestants who has been to rehearsals on time, ready to go with a willing attitude.


  “Committee Award”

Given to the contestant who the committee feels has grown the most during her pageant experience.


“ Contestants Choice”

This award is chosen by the contestants. They choose the young woman they feel represents the overall image of the Miss America Pageant.


“Scholastic Achievement Award”

This award goes to the contestant with the highest GPA


 “Peoples Choice Talent Award”

This award recipient is chosen by the audience. She is the young women they feel had the best talent performance of the evening


Contestants: this is your pageant … You receive the benefits from the training, nurturing, performance exposure and scholarships volunteered from the community. Your gains will be as good as the effort that you invest. Your participation in all aspects will insure the highest caliber pageant possible. We’re ready to work with you … be ready to challenge yourself, and have fun!