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11/21 So, I haven't been updating this page too much because I have been so fucking busy. Anyways, I took this test, and it said this about me:(what is this supposed to mean?)

Congratulations, you're syphilis!

Transmitted by direct contact with one of your infections (usually through unprotected sex), you're one nasty STD! In your initial stages, you cause sores, usually on the genitals or in the rectum, but that's only the delicious beginning. Later on, you'll cause a rash, and then slip away ... but you won't be gone. No no, my friend. You're far too cunning. You'll still pass yourself on to anyone the poor soul you've infected has sex with (anal, vaginal or oral), and you'll start to erode their muscles and nerves! In fact, you'll eventually lead, if left untreated, to malcoordination, blindness, paralysis, dementia and then death! And that's not all - if you infect a pregnant women, you'll also be passed to their child! A single shot of penicillin will kill you, but shhhhh .. I won't tell anyone if you won't.

Take the Affliction Test Today!
8/30 I updated the BAND LINKS page, adding more Oi! bands that I love.
8/28 I added a falling text, to remind people to sign the guestbook, so SIGN IT!
If you've noticed, I don't have any annoying pop-up advertisements on any of my pages. Here is the anti pop-up script, just cut and paste this script onto your pages, and the ads are gone: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- function open() {return true;} //--> </SCRIPT>
8/23 I've added an email that Deryck from sum41 wrote to the EQMC in 1998, I think its kinda funny that they weren't booked at East Quad, and now they are widely known. Look for it in the MUSIC section.

Also, I made a Michigan punk shows calendar. It is also in the MUSIC section. Enjoy!!

I am still in the process of writing 3 or 4 show reviews. Keep checking back. Oh, sign the guestbook, and if you want to link my page, which I know you do click here