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Welcome to Kimmie's Doll Crib 2

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my aunt's page
Jonathan's page

Here are some dolls that were made and sent to me by some friends

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Which tarot card are you?

I took the What Mythological Creature Are you? test by !

See which Greek Goddess you are.

You are Kermit!
Though you're technically the star, you're pretty mellow and don't mind letting others share the spotlight. You are also something of a dreamer.

You’re Mandy Moore! You’re very sweet and caring. You’re also kind of modest, and shy too. You’re not exactly at the top, but you’re not at the bottom either. Which is alright with you, because you’re not taking life’s gifts for granted. Aw, you’re just the perfect little girl! Polite, gentle, trusting, and have this sickeningly sweet aura that just makes you so darn lovable. But best beware, for your trusting nature can lead to pain as well.
What Kind of Pop Princess Are You? Quiz by Jonah

You're the STYLE tag- you are very dramatic, but when you mess up or overdramatize something, you know it and you change.

Which Jewel song are you most like? Find out!

Which Jewel song are you most like? Find out!

Which Jewel song are you most like? Find out!

Life Uncommon
Which Jewel song are you most like? Find out!

Serve the Ego
Which Jewel song are you most like? Find out!

Which Jewel song are you most like? Find out!

Standing Still
Which Jewel song are you most like? Find out!

I'm a Fire Spirit

Which "Natural Wonder" are you?

Which Computer Component Are you?

Which of Andrew's Friends are You?

What Psych-Ward do you belong to?

Find out what kind of driver you are!