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NanoPants Dance
Experiments/Works In Progress, last updated July 08

Includes everything I've started but not finished.


Huntington Castle Pullover, started October '08:
Not much to say yet. The body's half done. I need to spin some more before I get to the sleeves. I'm not sure I'll have enough yarn for the hood.

Holiday Gifts, started June '08:
Using up leftovers for presents. I haven't done much gift-knitting over the last two years so I think I'm making up for lost time (and a huge pile of oddballs). You'll have to wait until the winter to see them. Making good progress, though.

Big Secret Fancy Shawl, started May '08:
I'm excited about the idea, but not so much the knitting. Temporarily on hold while I decide if the rate of increases is all wrong.


Wool-silk laceweight:
Alternating between fun-to-spin and stalled-for-no-particlar-reason. Just bought enough fiber to make this a LARGE lace shawl project. I'm working on it now, but let's see how long it takes for me to get bored again. About one ounce of 12 complete.

Natural varigation
A worsted weight 3-ply in shifting shades of natural sheep's wool, to go at the edges of a sweater. Half done.


Cross Stitch Stocking, started November 2005:

I haven't done cross stitch in ages and ages, and finally found something challenging and not too corny. You can see what the completed stocking looks like here--those red lumps in my project are the center cluster of holly berries.

As of November '08 I suddenly found myself in the mood to work on this some more. The male cardinal sitting directly above the berries in that picture is mostly complete, and some of the greenery's filled in. From the bird I'll probably work my way up, and save the other interesting parts (bird #2) for last. Embroidery is a thing I pick up and put down, and I'm in no rush to finish it.

Hexagon Flower Quilt, started late 2000ish:

In-Progress pic #1--that stack of flowers in the corners contains all the units I need to put it together.

In-progress #2, a few months later--still in a few pieces (they're separated so you can see where I am with it).

With all the pieces lined up, so you get the full effect. Those pink ones are a little too demanding of attention, but overall I like it, considering I just made flowers out of whatever cloth was laying around.

Closeup flower.

Completely stalled. Eventually I'll start back into it. Pieced by hand, because I didn't have a sewing machine when I started and I'd hate to give in now. This is another one of those things that I just started playing around with, made up my own rules, discovered my rules were not the generally accepted ones, but found out at a point that changing my own rules would mean a really weird looking quilt. So, it's completely wrong. But it's pretty.

Anyone interested in how I made any of these things: You have a few options. A: Figure it out on your own. B: Contact me (tj at johnnysstew dot com), although if it's copyrighted (as in, I didn't just make something up), I'll only be able to direct you to a reference. C: Never find out what I did, and wonder forever.