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NanoPants Dance
Nanopants Dance Knitting Patterns:

The levels of difficulty listed are absolutely arbitrary. (If you're curious, I'm mentally laying the skills required in each pattern over the bell curve of abilities and adventurousness in my knitting group. Your mileage may vary.) The specific skills needed to complete each pattern are listed in the Materials section of each pattern.

Basic Hat (Unadventurous-Adventurous Beginner(depends on choice of stitch) with a medium amount of instruction)

Brain Slug (Moderately Adventurous Intermediate, with a fair amount of instruction)

Climbing Mitts (Unadventurous Intermediate, with some instruction)

Fair Isle Hat (Unadventurous Intermediate, with lots of instruction)

Felted Oven Mitts (Unadventurous Intermediate, with lots of instruction)

Pi hat (Unadventurous Intermediate), with a moderate amount of instruction)

Robot Companion (Adventurous Intermediate, with moderate instruction)

Swirly Hat (Adventurous Beginner, moderate amount of instruction)

Wedding Ring Cable Earwarmer (Adventurous Intermediate, with very little instruction)

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