

This part of the site is obviously the disclaimer. It tells you where I got the layout, images, & other important stuff from. This is to assure everyone that everything on this site belongs to me or another site. It is so another site won't claim that I stole something off their site. That's why I'm giving credit to the sites on here.

Fairuza Balk picture on the 'enter' page is found on various 'actress' or 'Fairuza Balk' sites on the web. It is not stolen considering a lot of people have this picture & have not given credit to anyone for the picture. This picture was free to take from the 'actress' & 'Fairuza Balk' sites. Therefore, you are free to use this picture for your site also without telling me.

Site counter was free & is from Bravenet Bravenet gives out free things for your website.

Title of the site is from a song by My Ruin. My Ruin is one of my favorite bands. I happen to like their song "Bright Red Scream", so, I named this site 'Bright Red Scream'. I found the name more fitting than the other name.

The Tairrie B picture is taken from my 'My Ruin' site-The Temple Of Ruin. Again, this picture was free to take like the Fairuza picture. You are free to use this picture for your site also.

The layout comes from an online diary that makes & gives away free layouts called "Dee-Signs". This layout was free to take for a diary, which I had my friend Mercy put it up on my diary also. I realized how she put it up so, I decided to put it on this website also-by myself this time, to see if I could do it. However, I changed the layout in some ways. I changed the font, colors, picture, & how each of the pages look. I am using this layout on each page on this site. This layout was free to take, so feel free to take this layout also. :) I would never steal a layout from somebody else. Some people may think that I'm "cheap" when it comes to this layout because I did not do my own layout. This is the only layout I'm gonna have on this site anyway. I'm not the type of person to change layouts. Changing layouts takes too much time & in my opinion, I would rather see the original layout & not a new layout every other day or so. This layout was free & absolutely beautiful. It was called the "Jesus Layout" at 'Dee-Signs', but since it's my layout, I call it the "Tairrie B Layout". I love this layout, it screamed my name! If someone has a problem because I did not make the layout myself, then, you can fuck off. My site isn't here to be "beautiful" or "pretty". It is simply just a fucking website for goodness sakes, a personal website. It's not like I stole it without permission. It was a free layout to take.

Guestbook is from dreambook. It was a free service.

I made my own buttons. The Rose McGowan, Angelina Jolie, & 2 Tairrie B buttons also made by me. The ones with the devils & lips were taken from a free button site. They were free to take for a site.

Survey was a free service by freedback.

The horoscopes were from a horoscope site. They were free to use on a site & I was allowed to copy & paste daily horoscopes on my site. They are free to put on your site.

The Sylvia Plath poems are copyrighted to Sylvia herself. They are all over the internet, even though she is deceased. They are free to take, however, let it be known that they're Sylvia's poems.

Celtic Astrology, Other Astrology, & Tarot Card Information were researched on the internet by me. I got the information from various astrology & tarot sites. I put the information in my own words. I give credit to the astrology & tarot sites for making this information available. It is not stolen information because I did not copy & paste the page into my site. Type in "Tarot Information" or "Astrology" or "Birth Charts" or "Astrology Information" & a bunch of sites show up.

The free emails were made by me for my 'My Ruin' site, but I am also using them for this site also.

Everything on the 'Me' page was made by me obviously. The survey on the 'facts' page is one that was sent to me via email. I added some sections to the survey, to include more facts.

Riot Grrrl Information was gathered from various 'riot grrrl' sites on the internet. Type in "riot grrrl" & there's a whole list of sites that shows up. The opinions are made by me, except for the one that I stated was not my opinion, but was a better definition than I could explain.

Thanks goes to my friend, Shawnee, for criticizing my site & telling me what I should change to make it better. Shawnee knows all about creating websites, that includes: layouts, templates, etc. I had him to be honest with me & tell me what I should change if anything. He's the one that told me to change the font & colors. Thanks again Shawnee!!! Thanks also goes to all the sites that had free things to put on websites, like the horoscopes, etc. Thanks to these websites!!! ;) I did not steal anything obviously, I got these things FREE or with permission because they were free. I done research on the subjects that I said I researched, so I wrote down things from each & combined them & put them in my own words. The research wasn't stolen considering it was from various astrology & tarot sites. The pages on this site were my ideas.

ALL quizzes & quiz results made by me. The quiz html codes were not taken from anyone. If it looks like one of your tests, then it's only be coincedence. I did NOT steal any quiz ideas from anyone. I made these quizzes, if you email me telling me how I stole your quiz or something, I will laugh in your face.

The Kathleen Hanna Song Clique & the Got Metal? Clique were made by me.

The Revolution page was made by me, except for the part that states that Chloe emailed me about.

The site map is to let people know what they should click on to get to the different sections of the site. Hopefully no one is that stupid to not know where to go on the site.


©2002 Burnt Doll Productions