My Opinions On Big Brother 1, 2, & 3 Houseguests

[My Opinions On Big Brother 1, 2, & 3 Houseguests]

Big Brother 1 Comments

Brittany-She reminded me a little bit of Gwen Stefani. I actually liked Brittany, even though I don't like Gwen. She was sweet, caring, nice, friendly, hyper, colorful, cute, & a virgin. She was sometimes annoying though, I must admit. She was one of my favorites on the show.

Cassandra-She was quiet & didn't share much about herself. She didn't form an alliance, she listened to all sides before making decisions. I liked her also.

Curtis-He is a boy-next-door type of guy. The kind that your mom would love. I liked him, but sometimes he was too nice & he got annoying sometimes.

Eddie-I am glad he won big brother 1! He was awesome! He was funny, opinionated, spoke his mind, & was honest. He was one of my favorites on the show.

George-He was the oldest big brother houseguest. He was annoying. He tried to act younger on the show & I didn't like him very much because he was soooo annoying.

Jamie-She was a former beauty queen. (Yuck!) She was too nice, too sweet, however, she was really down-to-earth. She wasn't one of my favorites, but I did like her a little bit.

Jordan-She was the bitch on the show. She bitched about being nominated & she made moves on Josh. (tried to, but failed) She thought she was all that & more. She thought a little bit too much of herself.

Josh-He was nice & sweet. He was also funny. He was one of my favorites at the end of the show.

Karen-I didn't like her. She acted like she knew everything because she was a mom & she was the 2nd oldest on the show.

Will "Mega"-He was the first houseguest to be evicted. He came off TOO STRONG. He was a pushy & bossy sort of guy. He said things that he should've kept to himself because it caused people's feelings to be hurt in the house. I didn't like him.

Big Brother 2 Comments

Autumn-She was ok, not one of my favorites. She tried to act like something she wasn't most of the time on the show, so that was boring. At least, she wasn't a bitch.

Bunky-He was one of my favorites, even though he cried WAAAAAAAY too much! Otherwise, he was sweet, caring, funny, & nice.

Hardy-I liked him at first because he was an honest person, then, near the end of the show, he was dishonest. I did not like him.

Justin-He was the one that got kicked off the show. He was violent & rude. He was also downright annoying. I did not like him.

Kent-I didn't like him on his first day in the house because he was dissing gay people, so that worried Bunky, of course. Bunky finally got the guts to tell Kent he was gay & Kent totally accepted him. Kent & Bunky are still very very good friends now. I liked Kent after his first day in the house.

Krista-I wasn't sure about her in the beginning, but I started disliking her majorly. She thought she was "America's Sweetheart". (The exact words she used.) She was annoying & I didn't like her.

Mike-He was one of the top 3 I disliked COMPLETELY. He was rude, arrogant, selfish, & egotistical.

Monica-She was one of my favorties also. I was hoping she'd win. She was awesome, spunky, funny, honest, opinionated, & open-minded. She was awesome!

Nicole-I am glad she got 2nd place. Even though she changed in the show, I still liked her the whole time. She was somewhat bitchy, but she had a right to be. She was my favorite.

Shannon-She was one of the top 3 I disliked COMPLETELY. Her personality was like Mike's.

Sheryl-She was the first one evicted. I liked her. She was a mother & she was very motherly.

Will-He was one of the top 3 I disliked COMPLETELY. He won big brother 2. Believe it or not, he deserved to win. I actually like him now. His personality was like Mike's also.

Big Brother 3 Comments

Amy-She was too vain, self-centered, & thinks WAAAAAAY too much of herself. I didn't like her, However, near her eviction, she started showing a little bit more of herself-a side I had never seen before. She was about 30% likeable then. I must say...I started to like her more than I did.

Chiara-She's too slutty for words, that's the truth. I do not like her at all.

Danielle-She is so-so. She isn't one of my favorites, but she's ok. Sometimes she can be too egotistical. Other than that, she's ok. She acts like she knows everything about the game & she doesn't.

Eric-I didn't like him. He thought too highly of himself. That's all I can say about him.

Gerry-Believe it or not, I actually like him. He's the oldest houseguest in the house. He's open-minded & opinionated. However, I do not like it that...he's not very trusting or honest. He tries to talk to everyone & make alliances, but then breaks his promises. (also a bad thing)

Jason-He is the boy-next-door, nice guy, & virgin of the house. However, He is really Religious. He isn't playing anyone & he's very honest. I like him.

Josh-I dislike him. That's all I have to say. Take Mike & Will from Big Brother 2 & combine them. That is Josh. I don't like him at all.

Lisa-I don't like her. She is annoying in my opinion. She's always whining about something or complaining.

Lori-She's one of my favorites, even though, she was evicted first. She was spunky, opinionated, open-minded, honest, & she was wacky. She was also a mother, but she was awesome!

Marcellas-He is one of my favorites also. He might be egotistical, but he cracks me up very very much. He is crazy too. He's awesome! The only thing I do not like about him is that he's two-faced when it comes to Gerry. Gerry saved him from being evicted the first week.

Roddy-I don't like him. He is like Eric.

Tonya-She's the Pamela Anderson wannabe. Luckily, I don't have to see her fake tits anymore. She was the 2nd evicted. She has even made comments about being in Playboy. (She hasn't been in it, but wants to be.) She's too fake. I don't like her at all.


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