My Personality-Emode Test Results

[My Personality]
Emode Test Results

These are my personality results from emode. They're from a various number of tests that I took there. I done this so I wouldn't have to click on all the tests just to see my results. (This is mainly up for my own use, but you can feel free to check them out!) Someone out there may have something in common with me & not know it. To find out, you can go to EMODE. I'm not going to put down the EXACT results just the main results. I have not went to emode for a couple of months now, instead, I've been going to Qulture for some tests.

The Ultimate Personality Test: (This was the MOST IMPORTANT test on the whole site.) I'm A Poet.

Am I Naughty Or Nice?: Nice meaning I'm pretty tame.

Am I Evil?: No

Who's My Type: The Goofball

My Celebrity Match: Matthew McConaughey

The Color My Aura Is: Gold

My TRUE Color: Red

Do I Have A 6th Sense?: No

My Handwriting Analysis: I can't explain this good. I am a messy writer.

My Identity Test: Curious, focused, extraverted, adaptive, & reactive

My Emotional Age: I'm inbetween

My Superpower: X-Ray Vision

Am I A Sex Goddess/Which Sex Goddess Am I: Yes & I am PERSEPHONE, Goddess of the Night

My Past Life: Monkey

My Inner Rock Star: Bjork

My Cat's True Identity: Al Capone

Who's My TV Family: The Huxtables from "The Crosby Show"

What's My Flavor?: Cinnamon

Which Party Animal Am I?: Koala (I LOVE Koalas!)

Which Breed Of Dog Am I?: Collie

What's My Perfect Car?: A Beater

Am I An Introvert Or An Extrovert?: Extrovert

Am I An Optimist Or A Pessimist?: Optimist

Am I A Sex Smart Woman?: Yes, completely!

Passion Predictor: I'm A Queen Bee

Wedding Date Predictor: Saturday, September 11, 2004 & I'm marriage ready according to the results. (I don't really want to get married though.)

What Do I Want In A Man?: romantic most of the time

Am I A Slacker?: No

Am I A Risk Taker?: sometimes, but most of the time yes

Am I Loony?: No

My Career Makeover: Astronaut

Am I A Natural Leader?: Half I am & half I'm not

What Type Am I?: Bad Girl

My Dot-Com IQ: I am more dot-commie

Am I An Open Book?: Yes

My Emotional IQ: 123

My IQ Score: 103

7 Deadly Sins: Which One Am I Guilty Of?: Lust

Is It Love Or Lust For Me?: Lust

Which Presidential Candidate Is Right For Me?: George W. Bush

Which Executive Am I?: Correspondence Technician or Mailroom Master

What's My Stress Style?: I'm A Buddha.

Am I Ready To Be A Mom?: (I hope not, I don't want any kids.) No, I'm not.

Which Zodiac Sign Should I Be?: Leo

Which Zodiac Sign Is The Right Person For Me?: Aquarius

What Is My Celebrity Look?: The Sultry Look

What Type Of Flirt Am I?: Subtle Flirt

Am I High Maintenance?: No, not at all.

What's My Body Language Telling Him?: I like you, but I don't like you.


©2002 Burnt Doll Productions