[Site Map]

WHY did I add a site map? I have been to websites that it's OBVIOUS where to go, but yet the people stay confused & dense about it. I find it pathetic that people have to email you & ask you where to go on your site. I think that "me", "you", "site", "exit", & "brother/sisters" are pretty obvious what's under them.

WHAT IS THE "BROTHERS/SISTERS" SECTION ALL ABOUT?: The "brothers/sisters" part of the site may confuse some. It is for sites that want to be linked to my site. People fill out a form asking to be a brother or sister site. They get approved & I put their link up on the "brothers/sisters" section of the site. Some are friends & some are people that like my site.

ME: A section all about me. Including: Facts/basics, loves, hates, mp3's, CD's/Cassettes, Movies, emode test results, other test results, riot grrrl info, rants/ramblings, contact me, etc.

YOU: This is for the visitors of the site, a section dedicated totally to them. Including: stuff they might find of interest, information, got metal? clique, Kathleen Hanna song clique, quizzes, the brother/sister site section again, etc.

SITE: Tells about things on the site or about the site itself. Including: Site Map, Things This Site Supports/Doesn't Support/Causes, Disclaimer, & Survey.

EXIT: This is where you find other places to go. Including: guestbook, links, add your own link, link me, cliques, webrings, & join my webrings.


©2002 Burnt Doll Productions