Rants & Ramblings

[Rants And Ramblings]
My Thoughts And Opinions On Various Topics

Some of my opinions/thoughts are longer than others, while others are shorter. This page is expressed by: Freedom Of Speech. I am doing so, & if you can't accept that then this page isn't for you. NO ONE will influence/persuade me to believe differently. These are my OWN opinions! I don't use 'Proper English' because I don't want to. I DON'T CARE ABOUT IT! As long as I speak so people can understand me, I am happy. If you can't understand me, I don't give a fuck. It's your problem, not mine. Some people do not understand me, but that's ok.

President George W. Bush

At first, I thought George W. Bush would be pretty cool. Well, Al Gore was running against him & I realized I had more things in common with Gore than Bush. So, I started being for both of them. I am GLAD Bush won. Gore was trying to cheat his way into office. I just hope Bush doesn't do some of the things he said he would if he became President. If he does, God, help us! I'm GLAD he wants to lower taxes, but one thing that would make me disgusted with him would be: ending ALL abortions. That's the only thing I disagree on with him, otherwise, he's pretty cool. I figured I'd express my opinion on the new President. (I'm not into Politics that much, but I prefer anarchy.)

Labels & Stereotypes

Most people that don't know me or have never been around me say, "You look younger for your age. How old are you?" That makes me pissed when they ask me that. I am 19, NOT 16. Dammit, I'm supposed to look my age, but do I? NO! I can't help it that I look younger. Anyhow, on to my rant....Labels & Stereotypes DISGUST me! Believe it or not, people are labeled for how they look, dress, act, etc. For example, someone that wears all black is considered "goth". I HATE LABELS AND STEREOTYPES! To me, they do NOT exist. It disgusts me that people think they have to label and stereotype every fucking person on the planet! For example, I like metal music, but I do not dress 'metal' or 'goth', nor do I look it. That doesn't mean I'm a wannabe & it certainly doesn't mean I don't listen to the music. Wannabes are people that TRY to be a label or stereotype & aren't that certain label/stereotype, they do not try to be an individual. For example: Let's say there's a girl that wants to be punk, so she goes out, gets a mohawk, dresses punky, but her personality is FAR from 'punky' & she has no clue about 'punk' music. That's a wannabe. Like I said, I DO NOT stereotype or label people. It disgusts me that people do this. I think of myself as being an individual, NOT a fucking label/stereotype. A lot of people are stereotyped or labeled each day. Most of them hate being stereotyped, they think that they are an individual & not a fucking label. They just want to be themselves, without being stereotyped. (I agree with this.) If people would stop stereotyping & get to know people better for who they really are & not for their label, then we wouldn't be having this problem today. People that get labeled by others, are upset by the fact that someone labels them, when they haven't gotten to know them. Even if you get to know people, you still shouldn't JUDGE people. To me, sterotyping & labeling are JUDGING people when they shouldn't be judged at all. Judging people based on their looks, attitudes, & clothes is so fucking pathetic. The people that judge a.k.a. label others, have nothing better to do with their lives. That is soooooo pathetic & lame, they need a fucking life! If they would get to know people for who they really are & not based on clothes, attitudes, & looks then, they might realize how great a person really is-inside & outside. I do not judge people, I get to know them for who they truly are. Stereotyping puts others down & it hurts them. I know this because I have friends that are or have been labeled by others. I would be a hypocrite to say I've never judged/labeled/stereotyped anyone, I used to A LOT. I have gotten over all that now. I feel that you should get to know people, after you get to know them, you'll see how unique everyone is. You might even have a new friend.


©2002 Burnt Doll Productions