Riot Grrrl

[Riot Grrrl]

This page is about "Riot Grrrl". I am really into this & I believe in it. This is some information on Riot Grrrl. These are my views/definitions of it. I also wrote a better definition of it that I got from a site. I thought it was better than my meaning, so I put it down also.

Before I tell you what my meaning of riot grrrl is, I'd like to share some history of it. Riot Grrrl began in 1991 at Olympia Washington, when a few girls (mostly from Bikini Kill and Bratmobile) decided to get together and talk about their main interests.. feminism and punk rock. The first time they met it was all fun, they put up posters to get attention of other open minded girls. Then they found out they had other things in common : they were all vegetarians; against drugs; and had been molested as children. At one meeting a very smart girl took notes, photocopied them and turned them into a cool fanzine. That's how it all began. Some ppl think that Bikini Kill started it all, in my eyes they did. Bikini Kill, however does not think of themselves as starting the riot grrrl movement. In Bikini Kill's songs, they sing about different women issues such as: rape, incest, & other issues that some women face. Some people think that they are "man-haters", which in fact they are not at all. Zines are a BIG part of the riot grrrl scene. Most riot grrrls believe in DIY. That means that they start chapters, zines, etc. of their own all about women issues. In other words, they do their own stuff & start their own things about riot grrrl. GRRRLS ROCK!!! GRRRLS CAN DO ANYTHING THEY WANNA DO!

First, before I tell you what I think a riot grrrl is, let me say this: any woman can be a riot grrrl. Riot grrrls are a loosely set up network of underground feminists and music fans, of all ages, all over the country. It's about GRRRL power : women getting together to help and encourage each other, getting rid of sexist stereotypes of what girls are suposed to be... quiet, soft, sweet, innocent, helpless, etc. Not all riot grrrls are girls, some are riot boiz. Grrrls can be found anywhere from honor roll kids to downtown club kids. We are not all punk, all white, all lesbians, all musicans, all zine writers/editors, all vegetarians, all victims of abuse, or all straight edge. True riot grrrls don't discriminate. There are some riot boiz out there too.

I would like to say that EVERYONE has their own meaning of a riot grrrl. Here goes what I think a riot grrrl is. Riot grrrl is any woman who believes that they are to be treated equally in all ways. Riot grrrls believe they shouldn't be treated as "sex objects" but as a human. Riot grrrls wanna have the same rights as men, but not be treated like they can't do anything. Women aren't here to look pretty. Most guys think women are weak, stupid, etc. but we are not! We are sick of guys running things in the world. There should be a woman running things for once. Guys have their stereotypes of women & their stereotypes are wrong. Some men will call a woman "his bitch". What the hell is up with that? We are NOT bitches. We are not slaves either. We don't like it when guys call us names like, "bitch", "whore", "dyke", etc. The list could go on. The point is: we are all women & we NEED equality. We are sick of men telling us how to act, how to be, etc. They stereotype women too much. Some men think that their dicks make them powerful or in control. It's not what's in between yr legs that counts, but what's in yr mind & in yr heart.

Here's another definition that's good & better than my definition. No man is better than a woman and vice versa. Riot grrrl is about choice and it should embrace everyone, because individuality is one of the most special things that one can have, and everybody has it & needs to use it. It is a sisterhood, as long as we don't forget that we are all different and not to overlook that because that is what makes each of us beautiful. Riot grrrl is a punk feminist movement. It can only exist in the punk and underground music scene. Riot grrrl probably couldn't have happened in any other time period, except for the first punk revolution in the 70's. Riot grrrl incorporates feminist ideals and uses them to de-gender the punk scene. Punk rock is not just for boys anymore. In a scene based on progression, resistance and rebellion, grrrls look around and find that they are still treated like secondary citizens. Most (but not all) guys look at girls as sexual conquests, entertainment or attendants to hold their bookbags while they dance. Everyone becomes a hypocrite, preaching anti-sexist ideals, all the while practicing what they were brought up to do: treat girls like they would treat their mommies or even like wives- like property. Look between yr legs, us grrrls will never ever hold a place in the brotherhood.This is why riot grrrl originated in the first place. Over half the worlds population is made up of women. White, Black, Asian, Hispanic, rich, poor, straight, gay, bisexual, disabled, all female, we are all women. We have become a silent majority. Stand up and fight!!!! Riot! Riot loudly, riot quietly. Just riot!!!!!! Society has put a gag in our mouths; rip it out and fucking riot.


©2002 Burnt Doll Productions