Take The Survey

[Take The Survey]

Your name or what you want to be called:
Your email address: (e.g.: you@aol.com)

Tell me something juicy about yrself or something people don't know about you.
Site Address:
Site Title:
How old are you? Are you a boy or girl?
What are yr hobbies/interests?
Are you in a band? If so what type of music does yr band play? What's the band's name?
Do you sing or play drums or guitar or any other instrument if another instrument which one? (you don't have to be in a band to answer this)
What's yr favorite band?
What is yr favorite type of music?
What's yr favorite song? (artist & title)
What is yr favorite movie?
Who's yr favorite actor/actress?
Do I know you? Yes, you invited me here No, I just wondered in here Maybe………I might be stalking your site Not sure....I am stalking your site
What do you like about this site? What is your favorite part of the site?
What do you not like about this site? What should I add to this site?
Describe yr personality.

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©2002 Burnt Doll Productions