Tarot Card Information

[Tarot Card Information]
These are cards I get QUITE OFTEN in Tarot readings. If you do not get any of these cards, this probably won't be of interest to you. I spent a lot of time gathering TONS of information on 7 particular cards: King & Queen Of Cups, King & Queen Of Swords, 9 Of Swords, The Tower, & The Hanged Man are the cards I have on this page. I have gathered all this information from various sites.

- The Hanged Man:
letting go
having an emotional release
accepting what is
surrendering to experience
ending the struggle
being vulnerable and open
giving up control
accepting God's will
turning the world around
changing your mind
overturning old priorities
seeing from a new angle
upending the old order
doing an about-face
suspending action
pausing to reflect
feeling outside of time
taking time to just be
giving up urgency
living in the moment
waiting for the best opportunity
being a martyr
renouncing a claim
putting self-interest aside
going one step back to go two steps forward
giving up for a higher cause
putting others first
- The Hanged Man is one of the most mysterious cards in the tarot deck. It is simple, but complex. It attracts, but also disturbs. It contradicts itself in countless ways. The Hanged Man is unsettling because it symbolizes the action of paradox in our lives. A paradox is something that appears contradictory, and yet is true. The Hanged Man presents to us certain truths, but they are hidden in their opposites.
The main lesson of the Hanged Man is that we "control" by letting go - we "win" by surrendering. The figure on Card 12 has made the ultimate surrender - to die on the cross of his own travails - yet he shines with the glory of divine understanding. He has sacrificed himself, but he emerges the victor. The Hanged Man also tells us that we can "move forward" by standing still. By suspending time, we can have all the time in the world.
In readings, the Hanged Man reminds us that the best approach to a problem is not always the most obvious. When we most want to force our will on someone, that is when we should release. When we most want to have our own way, that is when we should sacrifice. When we most want to act, that is when we should wait. The irony is that by making these contradictory moves, we find what we are looking for.

- The Tower:
going through SUDDEN CHANGE
experiencing upheaval
having plans disrupted
being surprised
undergoing a crisis
having routines shaken up
being in chaos
having an emotional outburst
erupting in anger
crashing through ego defenses
breaking through pretense
letting everything go
falling down
being humbled
experiencing a crash
toppling from the heights
having a downturn in fortune
suffering a blow to the ego
having a revelation
suddenly realizing the truth
exposing what was hidden
having a burst of insight
seeing through illusions
getting the answer
seeing everything in a flash
- The Tower is an unsettling card. Fire, lightning, falling on jagged rocks - definitely looks like trouble!
Card 16 will not be welcomed by those who dislike change. It represents a sudden, dramatic upheaval or reversal in fortune. Usually change is gradual, giving us time to adapt, but sometimes it is quick and explosive. This is the action of the Tower. In films, the hero sometimes slaps someone who is groggy or babbling. Having tried everything else, he finally resorts to a sharp sting to snap him out of it. Sudden crises are life's way of telling you to wake up. Something's wrong, and you're not responding. Are you too full of pride? Expect a blow to your ego. Are you holding back your anger? Expect the dam to burst. Are you stuck in a rut? Expect a surprise.
How you respond to the Tower's change makes all the difference in how uncomfortable the experience will be. Recognize that the disruption occurred because it was needed. Perhaps embracing the change is too much to ask, but try to find the positive in it. In fact, you may feel tremendous release that you have finally been forced in a new direction. You may have a burst of insight about your situation and reach a new level of understanding about it.

- The Cups are the suit of emotions and spiritual experience. They describe inner states, feelings and relationship patterns. The energy of this suit flows inward. Cups correspond to the yin, or feminine principle, in Chinese philosophy and are associated with the element Water. The ability of water to flow and fill up spaces, to sustain and to reflect changing moods makes it the ideal symbol of the Cups suit.
- Cups correspond to the element of female water. They represent emotions, relationships, love, and intuition. The shielding nature of a cup also associates it with things hidden.
- Suit Qualities Of Cups: POSITIVE: aesthetic affectionate agreeable amiable benevolent calm caring compassionate concerned considerate diplomatic dreamy emotional empathetic forbearing gentle good-hearted gracious healing humane imaginative inner intimate introspective intuitive joyful kind loving mellow merciful mild nice pacific patient peaceful perceptive psychic quiet refined responsive romantic sensitive soft spiritual subjective sweet sympathetic telepathic tenderhearted tolerant understanding wise
NEGATIVE: broody delicate doleful escapist fanciful fragile frail gushy huffy hypersensitive hysterical impressionable indolent introverted lazy maudlin melancholic mopish moody morose narcissistic overemotional overrefined petulant passive sulky sullen temperamental thin-skinned touchy vapory waspish wishy-washy
- The suit of Cups, being associated with the element Water is concerned with feelings, emotions, compassion, healing and the Lunar Principle. Intuitive-Feeling types express these principles. They are counselors, healers, poets and mystics. Their shadow casts itself over codependents, religious fanatics, manipulators of the mob and abusers of the feelings of others.
- NF = Intuitive-Feeling = Cups
- Cups build through emotional fulfillment.
- Cups - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
- Cups - light brown hair and brown/Hazel eyes, light complexion
Cups correspond to the element of female water. They represent emotions, relationships, love, and intuition. The shielding nature of a cup also associates it with things hidden, as true emotions usually are.
The element of Water adds emotions to the minor arcana. Water is a substance that flows to the lowest places, and it can be calm or stormy. Water can be represented by shallow puddles or by bottomless oceans. Emotions take on all of these qualities. The shape and status of water is dependent on its container and temperature.
We refer to the water element as the force of Soul or Emotion. Soul is, in part, the element of human nature which provides understanding and compassion for the feelings of others. People who are extremely connected to the water element are extremely sensitive to human sentiment and artistic expression. They can seep into the subconscious of others and instinctually, if not intellectually, understand the motives behind other people's actions
- As the "female-female" element, water embraces all of the qualities of the female energies. The element of water covers a majority of our planet, hiding the face of the earth from the view of all but a very few. The surface of dark pond hides depths that are not known. The still waters can be a few feet deep, or hundreds of feet deep. An emotional analogy can be drawn to this image.
Emotions are very difficult to judge by what is on the surface. Loves and hatreds can run very deep, and be very resistant to change.
- Cups Water Female Inner /Self Female/Female emotions, relationships, love, and intuition emotions, feelings
- Cups Emotions, desire, affairs of the heart, the inner self Water Summer
- The minor arcana brings universal themes down into the practical arena to show how they operate in daily events. The Cup cards represent the concerns, activities and emotions that make up the dramas of our everyday lives.
- Symbolism/Interpretation: Cards in the suit of Cups generally represent relationships, love, and intuition, emotional activity, feeling, spiritual experience, the subconscious mind, beauty, desire, spirit, fertility, abundance, happiness, the emotional fulfillments life can offer. The downside of the symbolism is that it represents all emotions, including anger, hate, and fear.
- Cups correspond to the element of female water, and to the yin, or feminine principle. The shielding nature of a cup also associates it with things hidden, as true emotions usually are. A full cup is emotional fulfillment. A dry cup means emotional depression. A cup runneth over represents emotional abundance. A closed cup is lack of emotional expression. The element of Water adds emotions to the minor arcana. The cabbalistic association of water is that of the Creative World, the level of intellect, of the Archangels. Water is a substance that flows to the lowest places, and it can be calm or stormy. Water can be represented by shallow puddles or by bottomless oceans. Emotions take on all of these qualities. The shape and status of water is dependent on its container and temperature. The ability of water to flow and fill up spaces, to sustain and to reflect changing moods makes it the ideal symbol of the Cups suit. We refer to the water element as the force of Soul or Emotion. Soul is, in part, the element of human nature which provides understanding and compassion for the feelings of others. People who are extremely connected to the water element are extremely sensitive to human sentiment and artistic expression. They can seep into the subconscious of others and instinctually, if not intellectually, understand the motives behind other people's actions.
- As the "male-male" element, Air is always in motion and is always being spent and then reborn to continue on. Never resting, never settled, it is no surprise that the suite associated with this element is seen to be martial and decisive in the majority of its faces.
- Symbolism/Interpretation: generally represent courage and boldness, strife and aggression, even hatred and enemies.
- Swords correspond to the element of male air. They represent the mind and intellect, communicating, and conflict.
The element of Air adds intellect and conscious thinking to the minor arcana. The mind is sword that cuts through ignorance, and it also slays a person and others. The element of air is the most removed from the element of Earth. Fire is dependent on Earth for fuel. Water is dependent on Earth for a place to rest. Air can exist without Earth. This nature analogy can be extended to the realm of our being. One can make decisions, and have thoughts, that are not based on reality, or grounded in practicality. Thoughts are like air: invisible, swift limitless. The thought that begins as a breeze quickly becomes a tornado, or escapes into the emptiness of space. Air is the most difficult element to contain, control, and quantity. The more we try to control our thoughts, the wilder they become. Meditation brings our thoughts back to a stable form. The purest forms of meditation seek not to contain, control, or quantify thoughts. Zen meditation instead acknowledges a thought, and allows for its natural departure. There is no counting of thoughts, no tally sheet of grievances and hurts.
The suit of Swords has traditionally had the darkest of reputations. There are more bad cards than good cards. It is my belief that this is a reflection of the turmoil people experience from the stresses of the mind. Thoughts are egocentric, and cannot join with others. When a person is operating in the realm of Air, they are furthest from the soothing womb of the Earth. We refer to the air element as the force of the Mind. People who are strongly influenced by the airy signs can be calm and refreshing as a cool breeze. But if their temper is raised, they react with gale-like force, shattering the tranquility of the world around them. Air is necessary to convey the words which one person uses to speak to another. It is in its aspect as a communicating and collectivizing agent that air has its most important function in astrology. Through air, Man can reach for ideas in the intuitive mind, and apply them in the realm of human experience. Mind is man's most important tool and the greatest danger at the same time.
- Swords Air Male Outer/Others Male/Male the mind and intellect, communicating, and conflict indication of trouble and problems
- Swords The intellect, left brain thinking, strife, upcoming ideas Air Winter
Swords correspond to the element of male air. They represent the mind and intellect, communicating, and conflict.
The element of Air adds intellect and conscious thinking to the minor arcana. The element of air is the most removed from the element of Earth. Fire is dependent on Earth for fuel. Water is dependent on Earth for a place to rest. Air can exist without Earth. This nature analogy can be extended to the realm of our being. One can make decisions, and have thoughts, that are not based on reality, or grounded in practicality. The thought that begins as a breeze quickly becomes a tornado, or escapes into the emptiness of space. Air is the most difficult element to contain, control, and quantity. The more we try to control our thoughts, the wilder they become. Meditation brings our thoughts back to a stable form. The purest forms of meditation seek not to contain, control, or quantify thoughts. Zen meditation instead acknowledges a thought, and allows for its natural departure. There is no counting of thoughts, no tally sheet of grievances and hurts.
The suit of Swords has traditionally had the darkest of reputations. There are more bad cards than good cards. It is my belief that this is a reflection of the turmoil people experience from the stresses of the mind. Thoughts are egocentric, and cannot join with others. When a person is operating in the realm of Air, they are furthest from the soothing womb of the Earth. We refer to the air element as the force of the Mind. People who are strongly influenced by the airy signs can be calm and refreshing as a cool breeze. But if their temper is raised, they react with galelike force, shattering the tranquility of the world around them. Air is necessary to convey the words which one person uses to speak to another. It is in its aspect as a communicating and collectivizing agent that air has its most important function in astrology. Through air, Man can reach for ideas in the intuitive mind, and apply them in the realm of human experience. Mind is man's most important tool and the greatest danger at the same time.
- Swords - medium to dark brown hair, brown eyes; medium complexion
- Swords - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
- Swords build through increased wisdom and knowledge.
- ST = Sensing-Thinking = Swords
- Swords/Cups: air.....water thoughts.....feelings left brain.....right brain truth.....love logic.....emotion reason.....intuition head.....heart separation.....connection justice.....mercy objective.....subjective distance.....intimacy Spock.....McCoy
- The Swords are the suit of intellect, thought and reason. They are concerned with justice, truth and ethical principles. Swords are associated with the element Air. A cloudless sky, open and light-filled, is a symbol of the mental clarity that is the Swords ideal. This suit is also associated with states that lead to disharmony and unhappiness. Our intellect is a valuable asset, but as an agent of ego, it can lead us astray if it is not infused with the wisdom of our Inner Guide.
- Swords correspond to the element of male air. They represent the mind and intellect, communicating, and conflict.
- Suit Qualities Of Swords: POSITIVE: analytical articulate astute authoritative clearheaded clever dignified direct discerning dispassionate equitable ethical evenhanded forthright frank honest honorable impartial incisive intellectual just keen-minded knowledgeable learned literate logical lucid magisterial mental moral objective observant outspoken penetrating perspicacious quick-witted rational reasonable smart trenchant truthful unbiased unprejudiced well-informed witty
NEGATIVE: abstruse aloof arrogant autocratic biting blunt cold condescending controlling cool critical cutting detached distant dogmatic domineering high-handed imperious insensitive intolerant judgmental opinionated overbearing overintellectualizing patronizing remote standoffish thoughtless unaffectionate unfeeling unresponsive unsparing
- Swords, being associated with the element of Air is concerned with things of the mind, with intellect, knowledge and logic. It is the Mercurial Principle. Sensing-Thinking types personify this Principle. They the technicians, the accountants, the attenders to detail, they are excellent lawyers, they implement the NT's dreams, but they will never be that creative themselves. Their shadow is long. It covers the petty bureaucrat, the ambulance chaser, the war-monger, the officer who "was only following orders" when he committed the war crime.
- Kings/Queens: man.....woman masculine.....feminine outer.....inner aggressive.....passive extrovert.....introvert direct.....indirect intense.....mild individual.....relationship actions.....feelings doing.....being logical.....intuitive competitive.....cooperative strong.....gentle offense.....defense
- A King is mature and masculine. He is a doer whose focus is outward on the events of life. He demonstrates authority, control and mastery in some area associated with his suit. A King's style is strong, assertive and direct. He is concerned with results and practical, how-to matters.
- Kings, by nature, are, or need to be, Extraverts. They need the love, loyalty and yes, fear, of others. Their focus is outside of themselves. They also need order. Things must be settled. When they pronounce their decisions, they are final. Thus, they are Judging rather than Perceiving. This means that Kings, regardless of suit are all E-J types. Kings represent the Fire aspect of their suit. Thus the King of Wands is Fire of Fire.
- EJ = Extraverted-Judging = Kings
- Kings: Closure, completion, finality. Mature, usually wise men (or women) who know what they can and cannot accomplish.
- King of Cups: Fair Hair Blue Eyes
- King of Cups - represents a man skilled in many fields, likely to be an important member of some institution, responsible, kind and considerate. It may also indicate the principles of generosity, creativity, interest in arts and religion.
- King of Swords: Dark Brown Hair, Dark Eyes
- King of Swords - represents a person in a position of power and decision, who gives wise advice and is firm in his alliances and in his quarrels. It may also indicate the principle of power, authority, the military, or the law.
- King - mature male
- King - completion, ready to let go or move on
- The King of Cups Prince of the Chariot of the Waves Elemental Name: Air of Water Sign: Scorpio Role: The Rebirther Dignified: A man of business or law. A skilled negotiator, kind, considerate and responsible, but ambitious. A man of ideas and agility of mind.
- The King of Swords The Prince of the Chariots of the Winds Elemental Name: Air of Air Sign: Aquarius Role: The Thinker Dignified: A rational man with a logical and inventive turn of mind, but sometimes overcautious and old fashioned. A man of law and upholder of authority.
- Kings show mastery, ability, and authority in the field represented by the suit. They represent experience, power, authority, status. Secure but rigid, limited by the rules they have established. Court Cards often signify both yourself and another in a reading. The King can be a boss, your father or some other authority figure. "He" can also represent the animosity in a women, or a sense of serf in a man.
- Queens represent the inner and personal, rather than worldly, control. They have the ability to nurture and develop things indicated by the suit. They represent mothers and mothering, habits and cultural integration. They administer and channel the power. They rule from the heart. "She" can be the inner self in a man, or the sense of self in a women.
- Queen - mature female
- Queen - mature, competent
- Queen of Swords: Light Brown Hair, Grey Eyes
- Queen of Swords - represents a widow, an angry and closed and defensive woman, a kind but always firm person keen in observation.
- The Queen of Cups Queen of the Thrones of the Water Elemental Name: Water of Water Sign: Pisces Role: The Feeler Dignified: An imaginative, affectionate and gifted women, but lacking in common sense. Highly intuitive and sometimes psychic, but dreamy and easily influenced by other people, events, 'atmospheres'.
- The Queen of Swords The Queen of the Throne of Air Elemental Name: Water of Air Sign: Libra Role: The Crystallizer Dignified: An intelligent and complex women, highly perceptive and quick-witted. Often skillful at balancing opposing factious one against another to further her needs.
- IJ = Introverted-Judging = Queens
- Queens: Female energy or influence, receptive qualities. Completion of a relationship, project, job, pregnancy. Mature women (or men) who understand who and what they are about emotionally and spiritually.
- Queen of Cups: Golden Brown Hair, Blue Eyes
- Queen of Cups - represents a visionary but practical woman, a good wife and mother, or someone else who is full of vision or kind but possibly lacking in practical energy; also indicated are success, happiness and pleasure.
- Queens on the other hand, don't need the external attention that Kings require. They can work behind the scenes, they can easily have agendas that are not popular. But like their Kings, they want things settled; they are Judgers. Queens are the Water aspect of their suit. The Queen of Pentacles, for example is the Water of Earth.
- Queens/Kings: woman.....man feminine.....masculine inner.....outer passive.....aggressive introvert.....extrovert indirect.....direct mild.....intense relationship.....individual feelings.....actions being.....doing intuitive.....logical cooperative.....competitive gentle.....strong defense.....offense
- A Queen is mature and feminine. She embodies the qualities of her suit, rather than acting them out. Her focus is inward, and her style, relaxed and natural. A Queen is less concerned with results than with the enjoyment of just being in the world. She is associated with feelings, relationships and self-expression.
- ENFJ - Extraverted/Intuitive/Feeling/Judging - King of Cups: These people tend to have curiosity for new ideas as such, a taste for books and academia in general, a tolerance for theoretical studies, vision and insight. They are more likely to express themselves verbally rather than in writing. They are draw to such professions as teaching, the clergy, counselors and therapists. Their urge to harmonize can extend even to intellectual opinions, needing to know how others feel about an issue before they can decide how they feel. They value harmonious human contacts, are friendly, tactful, sympathetic, and able to express feelings. Keirsey refers to this type as "The Teacher".

- King Of Cups:
gives good advice
has a deep grasp of human nature
teaches through loving attention
knows what others need for growth
sees right to the heart of the matter
understands many levels of experience
maintains his or her composure
has a quieting influence on others
is emotionally stable and secure
keeps his or her head in a crisis
never seems nervous or tense
can balance the needs of many people
keeps everyone working together happily
can diffuse a tense situation
achieves goals through subtle influence
says just the right word at the right time
responds to emotional needs
is a natural healer and therapist
takes action to help those in need
feels compassion for the less fortunate
does volunteer and charity work
has open and broad-minded views
accepts the limitations of others
is comfortable with all types of people
allows others their freedom
is patient in trying circumstances

- The personality of the King of Cups is a combination of the positive water energy of the Cups suit and the active, outward focus of a King. He is wise and understanding, with a deep knowledge of the world that comes from the heart. He is a teacher and way-shower who guides his students with loving attention. He cares about others sincerely and always responds to their needs with compassion. He heals with a gentle touch and a quiet word. He is calm and relaxed in all situations, seeming to know intuitively what is called for at any moment. Others turn to him for advice because they know he will listen attentively. There is always a peacefulness around him that others respond to. He is tolerant of all points of view and shows patience in the most trying circumstances. He gives others freedom to grow and develop in their own ways without asking anything in return.
In readings, the King of Cups asks you to take the kinds of actions he might take. For example: responding calmly in a crisis, using diplomacy rather than force, reaching out to help, or accepting a different point of view. This King can also represent a man or woman who acts as he does, or an atmosphere of caring, tolerance and understanding. In a reading, he tells you that his special energy has meaning for you at this time. Let yourself be inspired by this King in whatever form he appears in your life.

- INFJ - Introverted/Intuitive/Feeling/Judging - Queen of Cups: INFJs concern themselves with people, sometimes to the point of seeming to be extraverted. Individualism in this type is often less conspicuous. This is Keirsey's type called "The Counselor". They are driven by their own inner vision, determined to the point of stubbornness, are stimulated by difficulties and are the best at problem-solving. They are more interested in breaking new ground than in reploughing old. They are most attracted to science, politics, teaching, writing, psychology and religion. They hate routine jobs that offer no outlet for their inspirations.

- Queen Of Cups:
turns away wrath with caring
is unconditionally accepting
is sensitive to the feelings of others
dispels anger and hate
has infinite patience
is easily moved by another's pain
reacts with sensitivity and compassion
is kind and gentle with all creatures
can never turn away someone in need
feels what others are feeling
is always tuned to emotional undercurrents
senses the climate of a situation
is guided by the heart
trusts an inner sense of what is true
understands without having to ask
is open to the unconscious
has a well-developed sixth sense
can have a telepathic bond with another
has a finely-tuned sensibility
is a natural medium
feels oneness with God and the universe
has reverence for all life
finds joy in communion
appreciates the deeper meanings of life
sees the world as a holy place

- The personality of the Queen of Cups combines the positive water energy of the Cups suit with the inward focus of a Queen. Because she has a sweet, loving and sensitive nature, the Queen of Cups has a kind word for everyone and never reacts with anger or impatience. There is a gentleness about her that soothes and calms. Compassion is her watchword. Her reactions to the world are guided by her feelings. In all matters, she lets her heart lead the way. She senses emotional currents and knows what others are experiencing without having to ask. She is never moody, but understands moods and their influence. She trusts her intuition and so is more open to knowledge that comes from within herself and beyond. She is often moved by the beauty and tragedy of life. The Queen of Cups feels deeply and has a reverence for all aspects of God's creation. Her love includes and embraces everyone and everything.
In readings, the Queen of Cups asks you to think and feel as she does. For example: Are you aware of the emotional climate? Are you feeling loving? Do you trust your heart? Have you received an intuitive message? Have you been moved by another's pain? This Queen can also represent a man or woman who is like her, or an atmosphere of gentle love, acceptance and respect for feelings. In a reading, she tells you that her special energy has meaning for you at this time. Let yourself be inspired by this Queen in whatever form she appears in your life.

- ESTJ - Extraverted/Sensing/Thinking/Judging - King of Swords: "The Supervisor" is Keirsays type name for this type. Analytical and impersonal. Organizer of facts. Decisive and logical. Governs own and other's conduct in accordance with thought out decisions. Values truth as fact, formula and method. Has emotional and social life that is accidental. Drawn to executive, legal, and technical professions. May be reformers. These are the people who implement the grand ideas and theories created by the ENTJ types. They look at the world with their five senses, so they tend to be matter-of-fact and practical, tolerant of routine and concerned with the here and now. Their curiosity is stirred by new things that appeal to the senses. They enjoy administrative tasks, organization and getting things done.

- King Of Swords:
is comfortable in the world of the mind
uses thought creatively
grasps information quickly and completely
inspires and challenges through ideas
ably carries out research
is knowledgeable
cuts through confusion and mental fog
applies reason and logic
is talented with games and other mental challenges
easily breaks up complicated subjects
is adept at argument and debate
understands a problem quickly
is adept at language and verbal skills
communicates ideas successfully
is a stimulating conversationalist
often serves as a group spokesperson
is a lucid writer and speaker
renders honest, insightful judgments
understands and honors all sides of an issue
is concerned about truth and fairness
views situations with a dispassionate eye
is impartial and objective
is a moral/ethical leader
encourages high standards
works against corruption and dishonesty
takes the high road in all dealings
lives by his or her highest principles

- The personality of the King of Swords is a combination of the positive air energy of the Swords suit and the active, outward focus of a King. He is a man of intellect who can absorb and work with information of all kinds. As a master of reason and logic, he analyzes any problem with ease. He can work out solutions quickly and explain them lucidly to others. In a chaotic situation, he cuts through the confusion and provides the clarity needed to move forward. Others seek him out to present their case as he speaks with eloquence and insight. He is always truthful and can be relied on to handle any situation fairly and honorably. When a judgment is called for, he can render an impartial but just decision. He is incorruptible and lives by the highest ethical standards. He encourages those around him to do the same, and they often live up to his expectations.
In readings, the King of Swords asks you to take the kinds of actions he might take. For example: telling the truth, thinking up a solution, communicating well, or judging fairly. This King can also represent a man or woman who is acting as he does, or an atmosphere of reason, honesty and high standards. In a reading, he tells you that his special energy has meaning for you at this time. Let yourself be inspired by this King in whatever form he appears in your life.

- ISTJ - Introverted/Sensing/Thinking/Judging - Queen of Swords: This type is patient and very good with details and handle routine well. They have a capacity to absorb and utilize a tremendous amout of facts. They emphasize logical analysis and decisiveness. They can make good executives if they have a relatively low introversion score. They also make good lawyers, never overlooking the details of contracts. This type is also attracted to accountancy. Their logic rebels against anything that does not make sense to them. They can be sharply critical of.

- Queen Of Swords:
faces the truth, even if unpleasant
is up front with everyone
likes everything on the table
plays by the rules
avoids lies and deception
sizes up a situation quickly
understands hidden motives and desires
is difficult to fool, trick or con
figures out the unspoken rules and agendas
is quick on the uptake
is direct and open in all dealings
gets to the heart of the matter
acts without pretense or guile
is straightforward and no-nonsense
can be candid when necessary
has a delightful sense of humor
diffuses awkward situations with a funny remark
never takes anything too seriously
laughs at everything, including him or herself
has seen and done it all
has strength due to life's hard knocks
is free of self-righteous judgments
has realistic expectations

- The personality of the Queen of Swords combines the positive air energy of the Swords suit with the inward focus of a Queen. You can always count on her to tell you exactly how it is. Above all else she admires honesty, and she lives by her commitment to being truthful. Lies, tricks and games are of no interest to her, but she's not easy to fool. She is experienced in the ways of the world, good and bad. The Queen of Swords can size up a situation quickly. She understands human folly, but doesn't condemn it. She knows when cow manure is being thrown around and simply finds clever ways around it. She prefers being straightforward and direct. Her observations are candid, but never hurtful. In fact, this Queen has a delightful sense of humor. She likes a good laugh and always has a witty comeback ready-to-hand. She knows that life isn't meant to be taken too seriously. The Queen of Swords is refreshing in her candor and lack of pretense.
In readings, the Queen of Swords asks you to think and feel as she does. For example: Are you being completely honest? (Check this one first!) Do you see the humor in the situation? Are you getting right to the point? Have you figured out what's really going on? Are you letting yourself be fooled? This Queen can also represent a man or woman who is like her, or an atmosphere of honest, direct communication. In a reading, she tells you that her special energy has meaning for you at this time. Let yourself be inspired by this Queen in whatever form she appears in your life.


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