The Revolution

[The Revolution]

I was wondering ideas one day for something to add to my site. My friend Chloe filled out my survey jokingly. However, she gave me an idea, so she said it sounds cool. She needs help on her revolution. It's a book she's gonna make. Anyhow, she sent me an email with what she wanted on the page. Listed below is everything she had to say. There is a link to her email address when you click on her name on this page. Her website is under 'brothers/sisters' & under 'links'. However, here is the link again: In Freedom And Understanding.

I believe that there is something wrong with society today and I intend to do something about it. But the problem is, how much can I 15 year old girl really do? One night I had an epiphany. I thought writing a book would be a start. But I'm not ready to write a whole book, I only write essays, songs, etc. So I figured if I had some help I might be able to do it.

I'm currently looking for submissions. I have some things already posted on my website, written by myself and others.Basically, I'm looking for things written by young people about how to change the world and the problems of society. If you'd like to write something for me, that would be greatly appreciated!

What I'm looking for is essays, songs, poems, speeches, paragraphs, anything! I figured that if I had about 100 different entries/submissions, whatever you want to call them, that would be a great start! Later on I will have to figure out the problem of getting this published. So if you'd like to write me something or know of anyone who is willing to, let me know. Check out my website or email me to contact me. Thank you!


©2002 Burnt Doll Productions