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Hi! Welcome to the Vision Quest Press site. 

Here you can find all the information you need about zines published by VQP. 


September 11th

I'll be adding the status of the zine on the submission page. 

Status: half filled means it is in need for at least another 75 pages of fiction. :-)


Look here for the huge QL zines sell out!


Smallville zine asking submissions!

We said we were going to broaden our horizons. Smallville is a series that cannot be ignored anymore. So, VQPress announces this upcoming zine: 


Clark/Lex (of course!)

Deadline: January 15th, 2004 

For submission guidelines, look here. 




Second hand zines. 

Advertise the zines you want to part with! See for explanation, rules and the zines already available: The Second Hand Store



Submissions page: There are a lot of new zines in the planning. Check it out!!




Zines                                       Ordering

 What is VQP? 

Submissons asked                     Screwz

Submission Guidelines               Links

What is a Zine?


Found any broken links? 




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