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Anime-ted Diversions : Shoujo Kakumei Utena


 Main Characters

Tenjou Utena
Tomboyish, yet elegant, Utena quickly becomes the most controversial person at Ohtori Academy. She challenges convention with her "boy's clothes" and her refusal of submission. She transfers to the Ohtori Academy, and begins to turn the palce upside down with her unconvential style. She bears the white rose, representing justice and liberation. She could the one to force the key into the lock, and bring revolution to the world...
Himemeya Anshii

She bears the curse of the Rose Bride, passing from defending champion to champion. She serves as a trophy to the School Councils Duelists, and becomes possed by the winner. Her past is vauge, but she is undoubtedly the key to unlocking the mystery behind "The End of the World." She questions Utena's intentions, foring Utena to look deeper into the situation to which she is confined. There is a strange relationship between her and Akio as well.
Kiryuu Touga

This duelist also serves as the student council president. Quite the ladies' man, Touga has absolutely no regard for who the girl is. It's undeniable that he could charm the skirt off any of the Ohtori Academy girls. He's dashing and a worthy competitor for the top slot as head duelist. He is long time friends with Saionji. Bearing the red rose of lust and desire, Touga's constant mixing of business and pleasure, pushed him to the forefront.

Kyoichi Saionji

The Vice President of the student council and captain of the Kendo team. He's hot-tempered and doesn't really have a grasp on what love truly is. Having lost Anshii to Utena, he desperately attempts to possess her after she is lost to him. His violent temper stems from his jealousy for Touga, which he has harboured since they were children. He bears the green rose, one that is it's beginning stages and is riddled with jealousy.

Kaoru Miki

The treasurer and timekeeper for the student council, Miki is the youngest and smartest of the Duelists. He excells in school and music, but still has a sense of inadequacy. Having difficulties with his twin sister, Miki has constantly been in search of that perfect thing to love.  He is normally paired up with Juri, who is very protective of him. He dons the blue rose, a symbol of dependability and reason.

Arisugawa Juri

The captain of the fencing team, who can hold her own in the duelists' arena at the End of the World, Juri, hides her true self from everyone else. Harbouring unrequited love for Takatsuki Shiori, Juri turns her animosity to the fencing arena. She becomes very defensive when other's attempt to break through her outershell. The orange rose she wears is one of friendship and fear. She wants to be loved, but is afraid to let others close to her.

Kiryuu Nanami

Nanami has eyes for no one else, but her older brother, Youga. She too, becomes riddled with jealousy any time another woman catches the eye of her big brother. She wants to be loved by Touga, not as his younger sister, but as his only true lover. Fearing abandonment, Nanami, too, joins the duelists, by taking up her sword against Utena. She wears the yellow rose to symbolize her disguised fear, but later trades it for a black one.

Ohtori Akio

The former headmaster of the Ohtori Academy and fiancee of Kanae Ohtori. He is the older brother of Anshii and somehow related to Prince Dios. He is vindictive and manipulative. He also runs the Ohtori Student Council under the guise "End fo the World." He has split personalities, but the evil side seems more dominant. He too, must break through his own shell, or he shall die as well.

Prince Dios

The sleeping prince that Utena remembers from her childhood. The The youn young soul is confined to sleep until the one chosen to bring forth the revolution, awakes him. What is his connection to Anshii & Utena? All that is known is that he posseses Utena and assists her in keeping Anshii as her Bride.

Episode Guide




  1. Crest of the Rose (Friendship)
  2. For Whom the Rose Smiles (Choice)
  3. On the Night of the Ball
  4. The Sunlit Garden (Prelude)
  5. The Sunlit Garden (Finale) (Reason)
  6. Take Care, Miss Nanami
  7. Unfulfilled Jury (Love)
  1. Curried High Trip
  2. The Castle Where Eternity Dwells
  3. Nanami's Precious Thing (adoration)
  4. Gracefully Cruel (Conviction)
  5. For Friendship, Perhaps? (Self)
  6. Tracing A Path

Miscellaneous Images

Adolescence of Utena
(Top to bottom)

Kaoru Kozue
Kaoru Miki
Arisugawa Juri
Tatatsuki Shiori
Kiryuu Touga
Kyoichi Saionji

Black Rose
Saga Duelists

Blonde = Tsuwabuki Mitsuru,

Brunette = Sonodo Keiko, &

Red = Shinohara Wakaba
Black Rose
Saga Duelists

Red = Tatatsuki Shiori,

Blue - Kaoru Kozue,

Blonde = Ohtori Kanae


Two Princes in Training.

**Probably my favorite picture of both Touga and Saionji

-- before they lost their innocence.

Manga Information

Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Volume 4
Volume 5
Movie Volume

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VDG's Notes:
VDG's short lived fencing experience at college left a soft spot for SKU . Knowing that the series was completed in a similar fashion to Sailor Moon also helped the series chances. Currently, she owns both Rose Collections (the first 13 episodes) on DVD and all six manga. Below are the resources that I used in creating this page. Please visit them and check out all their goodies!


Home to gorgeous wallpapaers inclusing the one VDG has chosen as her Utena Background Image. They are absolutely beautfil ^_^.
This Chick's Revolution
Character Pictures used in table. It's got a beautiful image gallery and covers all the essential characters.
The Sunlit Garden
The Yahoo! Club that VDG is a part of!
The Utena Network
A truly amazing page on SKU.
Tahakio's Page
An Akio shrine. Worderfully detailed on a very enigmatic man. ^_^
Crypt of the Black Roses
A very detailed site with lots of info & spoilers!
An elegantly detailed page with lots of information on the later sagas of Utena! Highly recommended!
adoption center
A Super-cute Utena page overloaded on sugar! It's probably the best aoption center out there! VDG is currently waiting to hear back on adopting Touga. ^_^ Kawaii, ne?