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xoxo-kisses'n hugs
Wednesday, 24 May 2006
encoding the da vinci code...
It's raining really hard tonight, with huge thunders!
Though I had an unbrella with me, I got soaked when I got home...damn...
What's worse is that I cannot do the laundry again..

I'm running out of my underwears---! oops...sorry.

BTW, I went to see the famous movie "Da Vinci Code" last night. It was a very exciting, and also interesting movie! As the reputation says, it was kinda difficult, and complicated, but the TV program I saw last weekend helped me understand the movie very much.
The scenery and buildings of France were super beautiful. As I've never been to Europe, it's kinda world in the books for me.
If I have time, I wanna go there some time. :)

As for my job, as usual, I'm getting fed up with too much translations. (><)

I went home in Takarazuka last weekend to celebrate my mom's and my birthdays.
My sister gave me a pair of pierce earrings. :)

While I was there, my grandma's oldest sister passed away. :( She used to take care of me a lot when I was little...
I attended her funeral and thanked all she has done to me.
These days, people in my relatives die sequentially...very sad.

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 10:01 PM KDT
Updated: Wednesday, 24 May 2006 10:00 PM KDT
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