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xoxo-kisses'n hugs
Tuesday, 13 January 2004
I finished translating one looooong patent today. yaay. I have to check it all from the top again though. Aaanyways I'm relieved... Tomorrow I gotta go to Nagata-cho area for the translation seminar.

Last weekend I hanged out with my friends of ashiato. We went to Lumine at Shinjuku for Yoshimoto.:) It was lots of fun. I didn't know most of the manzai-shi but they were quite good! The ones I knew were pretty good as well. :)
After that, we went to Iida-bashi area and visited Yasukuni-shrine. It was a really huge shrine and I felt something different there from the ordinary shrines. but it was nice. :) There was the Budo-kan neaby and I remembered the summers I used to participate in the national competition of Naginata...when I was young. (?!) After we had coffee at a nice cafe in Kagura-zaka, Yocci had to go, so we said goodbye to her and headed to Shiodome.
Shiodome was way toooo cool!! You should see those huge tall's...amazing. I wonder how human beings could build those things...and the view was spectacular up there. :) The restaurants were gorgeous also, with surprisingly expensive menu. They're once-a-year kind of restaurants. Anyway we were really impressed. I would love to thank you Daichi-kun and Ueda-kun for taking me there.
These days I'm beginning to like Tokyo too, I guess.

Last Friday my long-waited DVD, Wakin Life has arrived!!!! It's one of my best favorites!! It's a totally amazing good movie...breath taking one. :)

My MD walkman is out of order...sob sob

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 8:23 PM JST
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