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xoxo-kisses'n hugs
Thursday, 29 January 2004
There's a place I go on every Sunday recently.
It's a Tully's coffee at Hon-Atsugi.

It's got less people than Starbucks, and a nice and soft jazz music flows in the cafe.
I always take a window seat with a counter table and grab a tall cup of latte sometimes with a pastry or something. :)
I know it's just a francise and Tully's coffee is everywhere in Japan, but it feels a bit different to me. Anyways I feel comfy there.
I read books or just watch people passing by the window. It's fun.
I stay there for about an hour or more around 2 or 3pm, so if you ever need me, you'll find me there!

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 9:36 PM JST
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