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xoxo-kisses'n hugs
Tuesday, 13 November 2007
i wonder...
Mood:  flirty
Now Playing: hairspray

I wonder, if there still are some people who visit here..
whatever, I'd just like to write about my recent life after about half a year of silence.

I haven't had any major changes, but I added footprints on the new light house.
I visited Ogishima in Kagawa, where the famous Ogishima light house stands.
It's such an old one built of stones in Meiji era and has a very classical and beautiful appearance.

See, it's lovely, izn't it? Smile

A few days ago, I hanged around Kobe by myself.
I used to do this a lot when I was in matter how many years pass, Kobe remains lovely to me.

I bought some pretty clothes for the new born baby of my friend's, and entered Quatre Saisons nearby, where by wallet released a lot of content..
Instead, I got a pretty band of dried lavender flowers, cute linen scalf and handkerchief, and a warm charcoal alpaka sweater.

My major purpose to go to Caffarel (chocolate shop) had to be postponed due to the shoes I wore that day...which were killing me.

Yesterday I went to Umeda to have massage to fix my back and make my lymphatic glad flow better.
The massage over my back was really good, but the lymphatic massage was, oh my gosh, a lot of pain.
Seems my body isn't so good, she said, is very cold and easily chilled.
I should take a longer bath everyday. hmm.

On the way home, I dropped by at Yodobashi Camera to check out the cameras and camera bags.
I'm looking for a good single lens relfex camera, probably of Nikon or Sony.
Now I'm using Nikon FM, that is a manual single lens camera, but I need a digital one to practice more.

The bags of the store were all so...not-cute..
I guess some designer should think about female customers as well.

At home on the internet, I found a very cute camera bag made by the collaboration of Nikon and Porter.
It's very cute but looks heavy to carry...hmm...
I never thought it this difficult to find a nice camera bag. Frown

Oki, I guess I wrote too much.
Bye for now!

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 11:23 PM JST
Updated: Tuesday, 13 November 2007 11:50 PM JST
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