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xoxo-kisses'n hugs
Tuesday, 20 November 2007
christmas air
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: you're so beautiful...

I went to Osaka today and saw the city beautifully decorated with pretty christmas illuminations. Smile

 It's still November and a bit too soon for christmas, but seems like there are no other special events to celebrate after Halloween. Laughing

 On the way home, I bought a CD, "Uta-jikara" of Chikuzen Sato.

It's pretty nice so far.

 Oh yes, I've got an early christmas present several days ago.

My father's friend, who owns a Herman teddybear retailing right in Japan, gave me a single lens reflex camera that I've wanted to have!

 I have a job to translate the semi-annual newsletters of Herman teddybear.

I had a chance to meet him and talk about pictures, cameras, etc.

He likes cameras and always buys the newest ones, so he gave one that he doesn't use anymore.

Yet, it's still new, Nikon D40X!

I was thinking about buying Nikon D80, so it's one rank under but still really really nice.

As it came without a lens, I gotta buy one. Cool

My Nikon FM is also truly nice but digital single reflex would work as hard and well with me!

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 10:13 PM JST
Updated: Tuesday, 20 November 2007 10:35 PM JST
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