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xoxo-kisses'n hugs
Thursday, 5 February 2004
My sister came to my place from Osaka the day before yesterday. Her job is such a busy one that she can hardly take a holiday. As she could take 2-day holidays in a row, she came here to see me and enjoy Tokyo by herself. She stayed overnight at my place and we hanged around Tokyo together yesterday. It was lots of fun.
Yesterday we went to aesthetic salon at Omote-sando. It was sooooo relaxing...we got our face massaged for about one hour. It was really nice. We both fell into deep sleep. Our skins were shining after that. :)
I found a very nice interior shop nearby. They've got such beautiful collection and they are very cheap!! I got a big fleece blanket at a pretty low price that I've searching for. It's warm and light. I'm typing this wrapped in it. :) comfy.

Aaanyways, I think I ate too much tonite again... o and I tried Funa-zushi for the first time tonite. My senior worker went to Shiga and he brought us some packs of it. It was...weird..but I could understand why some ppl are addicted to it. It's not too bad. It's got a very special taste though.

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 9:57 PM JST
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