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xoxo-kisses'n hugs
Sunday, 8 February 2004
minato-mirai line
I took the minato-mirai line which started its business at the beginning of this month. There were soooooo many ppl in the stations, but it took us from Yokohama to Shibuya for about 30mins. It was pretty cheap as well. :)

We had tasty ra-men at Ikebukuro and had some cocktails afterwards.

Today I went to Nihon-bashi to buy chocolates for the lucky day for men, that is a Valentine's Day. I wanted to buy teuscher's chocolate but their wrapping was not so nice, so I bought other store's. There were lots of chocolates like jewelies but I couldn't get any one of them for myself...cuz I am on a diet!!

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 11:12 PM JST
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