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xoxo-kisses'n hugs
Saturday, 8 May 2004
back to the office
"...cuz a real man can't just deny a woman's worth..."by Alicia Keys. :) I like this song. Woman's Worth.

Anyway, I came back to Kanagawa on Wednesday!
The Airport was not that crowded despite my anticipation. I could reach home so smoothly as the trains I was supposed to get on came so good on time.

I brought from hom a flying disk which emits light in the dark to play with my colleagues! can't wait.

I was back home in Hyogo for GW. I met some good old friends and had such a fun fun time. I had good in Kobe, Osaka, and Kurakuen etc. I saw a new home of Yawara-chan and Tani senshu. It was big, but it looked so ordinary to me.
I also saw Fujiwara Norikas home too. It was nice.

I couldn't watch any movies during GW cuz the theatres were too crowded with's crazy.

As 30th was my birthday, my friends in my company threw a party for me on the night before I went back to Hyogo. It was so much fun!!! We cooked good BBQ (expensive meat! mmm) and played PS2 until 3am.
They gave me such a sweet lovely card with their messeges in it. It was such a heartwarming present. :)

I gotta work on Saturday...weird system of our company...damn

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 1:36 AM KDT
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