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xoxo-kisses'n hugs
Monday, 21 June 2004
It was really hot today! I felt like my energy was running out twice as fast as usual.
I looked for some nice present for my dad (I know it's a bit late to start looking for one), and I had to walk around long way until I found one.
For lunch we had tasty takoyaki of the store named Kukuru. It said it's from Doutonbori. Anyway it was pretty good! much better than Gindako. :)

I got paid my bonus on Friday and I've already spent a lot on cute skirts and the like. I love them but...shame on me. I'm gonna save money to buy Mini or Lupo. :-I ...or whatever!

I took a dayoff on Monday! Yaay.

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 12:56 AM KDT
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