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xoxo-kisses'n hugs
Sunday, 12 September 2004
in the pool
Mood:  rushed
I read the book "in the pool" which is in series with ku-chu-buranko. It was so interesting that it took no more than 3days to finish reading. I should have read it more slowly...cuz u know, a hard-cover book costs relatively high.

On Friday, we left the office as soon as the bell rang (trying not to see our boss) and headed to Machida. We prepared a birthday party for one of our translators at a Mediterranian (excuse the spelling) restaurant. We had so many tasty dish and drink. It was a nice party but I felt ill in the train to home...I think my body cannot accept alcohol much these days...which I doubt I inherited my mom's gene. Otherwise, I merely ate too much maybe...?! (I was the only person who finished the big pudding)

On Saturday I woke up at noon and left home for Ebina to fix my umbrella. However, it turned up to be unfixable...sob sob. I'm so sad because it's my precious and favorite umbrella. I'm going to fix it somehow though.
In the evening I met my bf and went to yokohama to eat Chinese cuisine (as usual). It was really tasty. mmm.

And today, I didn't do anything special. Just relaxed, or just being lazy.
Anyway, the good news is that I'm losing weight! I've been trying not to eat to excess, avoid oily food and sweets (with tears).
I think this is good for my health too.

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 11:49 PM KDT
Updated: Sunday, 12 September 2004 11:52 PM KDT
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