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xoxo-kisses'n hugs
Monday, 8 November 2004
fun with sis
Mood:  crushed out
Now Playing: tv...
I've been feeling so blue and down these days...
but my sister came from Osaka to play with me on Friday night!
It was so much fun fun fun. :)
I cooked dinner for her so she could start eating as soon as she arrived at my place, and she enjoyed it a lot. She liked my breakfast as well. I was happy.:)

On Saturday we headed to Tokyo by romance car (we're rich huh)...and went to Shiodome and Odaiba. My sister enjoyed both of the places and so I did!
After that, we went to a nice Italian restaurant at Nishi-shinjuku. They served such delicious dishes...mmm
I was kinda sad and lonely when I had to say goodbye to her... at that time I wanted to go back home in Kansai.
I hope she will come visit me some time soon.

The cute pajamas I ordered from Victoria's Secret arrived last night. As my friend ordered some together, we want to throw a pajama party now...haha..

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 9:26 PM JST
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