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xoxo-kisses'n hugs
Sunday, 10 August 2003
back home!!
I got back home yesterday! yaay.
But the typhoon was terrible...I managed to reach the airport thanks to my friend, but the plane I was going to get wasn't arrived yet, so I waited and waited...eating osushi for lunch...then one and a half hours later, finally passesengers were allowed to get on board. and 30minutes later, it took off. It was already past 9pm when I got home by my mother's car. 2 hrs later than the expected time! Aaaanyways I am lucky to at least get home. There's surely no place better than home. mmm

These days I enjoy myself watching DVDs in my room, sometimes inviting a coupld of friends.
I got "Jack", "Edward Scissorhands", "Bagdad Cafe"...all my favorite. but the one I got just for trial was awfully boring that I almost cried. It's "The magnificient seven". I expected it to be a good movie..the guys in it were all "magnificient" looking though!:)
and the movie, "Pirate of Carribean" was..also kinda boring for me. I think it's for kids. but Johnny Depp was great.

I can't wait to see "HERO"! I gotta call Hana...

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 11:20 AM KDT
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