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xoxo-kisses'n hugs
Monday, 29 November 2004
short of grocery
Mood:  hug me
My fridge is empty...I gotta go to the supermarket but I couldn't ...cuz I had to work late. sob sob.
Now I'm translating the papers for the meeting tomorrow. It's fun to do something other than patent specifications. :)

I was back in home in Hyogo on weekends. I went to see my grandpa and other relatives, and had a good time with my family as well. I missed my doggy though...
In Kobe my parents took me to a nice old restaurant named Ju-ji-ya. It had a very nice atmosphere of the good old time...and the food was really tasty. It's so-called a Yo-shoku ya. Mmm, I'm lovin' it. :)

Anyway I came back to this lonely apartment last night. My skin is so rough...hah...
One more month to the long holidays. hehe

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 11:10 PM JST
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