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xoxo-kisses'n hugs
Monday, 14 February 2005
holidays are over
Mood:  quizzical

The trip to Izu was a lot of fun. :)
We started traveling from West-Izu to East-Izu through its south end, Shimoda.
We had tasty seafood and saw beautiful Mt. Fuji and oceans. Although the hotels we stayed were not very can't be helped cuz they were very very cheap. We learned that we should select a nice hotel for the holiday trip...cuz those hotels were really disappointing.
In West-Izu, we stayed at Heda. It had a beautiful beach where we could see Mt. Fuji and a stunning sunset. The inn we stayed in was very small, but the employees were very nice and the hotspring there was so comfy as well. Next day we went to Toi. There's a famous(?) Toi gold mine, where we went into the gold mine and saw how people used to mine golds and silvers. The dolls imitating those people looked funny... there was a huge gold ingot at the exhibition building, which said cost 300,000,000yen!

After the mine, we headed to the famous Koibito-misaki. The view from the cape was amazing. Some birds like eagles were flying over the sea looking for some fish to eat. Then we headed to Doga-shima. We got on a small boat to see the Ten-sou, which is a big hole on the ceiling of a cave in the sea. It was very very nice, but the sea at that time was very stormy, so I nearly kidding. but it was close! I easily suffer from sea sick. :(
Then we went to a gorgeous hotel to enjoy the spa there. It was so nice.
We headed to Atagawa then, but East-Izu was such a traffic jam! It took so long to get there. Finally we arrived at the hotel, but the hotel was so uncool, so we lost energy even more....aaanyways next morning we left there early and went to Omuro mountain. It was a small curious mountain which looked like a pudding. We went up to the top by a lift. The top of the mountain was just amazing. The mountain has almost NO trees but just grass and stones. It was a very strange mountain but it gave us such a spectacular view of Izu peninsula. As it was freezing, we went down and had a omanju- hot from the oven. yummy. :)
Since we were sick of seafood at that time, we had tasty Italian nearby and then went to Johgasaki. It had a cute hanging bridge and a light house. As I had my Nikon camera, I took pictures and consumed one whole film through this trip.

We got a bit tired but it was a fun trip, except for the hotel.:)

It was so hard to wake up this morning...mmm. I wonder if I can get through this week..!
It was a Valentine's day today. I gave chocolates to my coworkers. I wonder if I can get my favorite marshmallows instead... maybe not. :p

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 10:47 PM JST
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