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xoxo-kisses'n hugs
Sunday, 9 November 2003
the weekends flew! was just like a flash or even faster than that. Damn. Monday is coming again.

On Friday I left office earlier than usual as I could proceed my translating job faster than usual that day. On the way home I dropped by at Tstutaya to rent some DVDs or VCRs, then I chose American Pie 2, which I hadn't seen yet. Ive seen American Pie 1, and it was a crazy movie but very funny. Mina Suvali is cute! When I finished paying money, my colleague working in a different section called me for a drink, so I headed back to the direction of the office and I had lots of ...or some drinks until 4am!! I know, it's crazy...but it was fun. It's pretty good to have fun with ppl working in a different section. :) One of them is a fabulous DJ, and I listened to his play for the first time that night, he was totally cool. He really blew me away! Geez, I couldn't stop staring at him! lol His taste in music is kinda similar to mine, kinda hip-hop/rap thing, e.g. Eminem, Jay-Z, Ja-Rule... and he mixed those stuff with other songs and sometimes classic music, and the way he continued one music to the other, was really hilarious!! I'm gonna bring my camera next time, definitely.
I rode my bicycle home safely, and I slept until noon, then I woke up and went out for a little shopping to Hon-Atsugi. I got a new home for my friend's fish, which I'm kinda borroing it for the moment, and I got new shampoo and conditioner which are very nice.
In the evening my senior worker came to my place to drink wine with some of my colleagues. The wine he brought with him was truly tasty. mmm. :)
Four of us drank until this morning, like 6am and they went home...thank god. lol Well, it was really fun though!
I slept like 5 hours, and I went out with one of my favorite translators to the festival of NISSAN. There's a technical center of NISSAN in Atsugi, which is huge! Her boyfriend is working there, and I wanted to see some car design exhibition as well as him, so we went there and saw lots of nice cars! It was amazing. The old cars were so well designed too. We saw the car designer sketching a car totally out of his imagination. It was unbelievable!! You can't imagine how much I felt envious. I think I have to do something too, to be what I wanna be and to live the life I wanna live.

I got a nice ball-point pen of NISSAN design section. :) yaay.

Geez I'm kinda tired. need to take a nap...zzz

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 4:24 PM JST
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