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xoxo-kisses'n hugs
Monday, 29 September 2003
Again the weekend was just a moment of happiness. (sigh)

On Friday after work we had onabe! We put in salmon and other fish and lots of veggies of course. It was reeeallly tasty. You can't have it by yourself, u know..
We talked and drank and was fun.

On Saturday I went to Kawasaki to see the movie with my friend. The new theatre looked pretty nice. I wished they had had more benches to wait for the announce to be seated. The movie we saw, Zato-ichi, was so-so.
I bought a trench coat and some other clothes in Yokohama later. I spent real a lot of money...damn. But I'm so happy to get them. :) hehe

And today, I went to Tokyo Dome with my friends of ashiato. We saw the game of Fighters vs Lions. I couldn't see it to the end, but it was fun. It was my first time to go to Tokyo Dome.
After that, my friend picked me up at Hon-atsugi station and I went to his place to drink with him and his friends. It was such a nice room, he acturally lived in "a house" by himself. It was such an old and small house but he decorated it quite cool. (He's a student of Musashino Art College) I like his artworks very much too. :)

We had pizza and talked a lot.
I saw a beautiful Mars on the way home.

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 12:18 AM KDT
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Thursday, 25 September 2003
dvd days
Hi guys,

I've been watching DVDs and VCRs a lot these days. Bridget Jones's Diary was pretty good. Especially the last scene, where Bridget runs after her boyfriend half funny, but romantic. :)
Also the movie "with Honor" was quite good as well. It was about a student of Harvard and shooting was of course done in Boston. so all the Harvard buildings and Boston cities reminded me of my days there. I loved it, the story was really good too.

Today, Dr. Koshiba, who won the Nobel prize lately came to our company for a lecture. Probably I expected some other type of lecture was all about his invention, and..u know, who wants to hear about it?? It's on the books and TV programs! and very hard to understand fully for the ordinary person with ordinary brains. There were lots of junior-high students visiting our company for the lecture too. Of course, there were some people sleeping even thought it was only 1hr lecture. I expected him to tell us how he has achieved the honor, how he prevailed the difficulties, what's important in life...etc etc.
Dr. Reona Ezaki was far more better.:)

I don't have any idea but I'm feeling kinda irritated these days. not good.. sorry. no offence intended.

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 10:35 PM KDT
Updated: Thursday, 25 September 2003 10:39 PM KDT
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Sunday, 21 September 2003
Rainy Disney.
Yesterday I woke up at 5am and went to Tokyo Disney Sea with my favorite 3translators. :)
Unfortunately, the weather forecast said it's gonna be rain all day, but we went there anyway.

There were not so many people as we expected. Disney Sea was..really well designed. The architecture was sooo nice to the details. We enjoyed the rides, which I expected more thrilling. :)
I liked the Centre of the Earth and Whirl Pool the best. In fact, there was a big earthquake followed by a big rain, so all the rides stopped for a while.

We ate curry and nahn for lunch, and some other snacks too.
It was a nice amusement park but I missed those 7 dwarfs and other characters...Disneyland is better for me, I guess!

We took a bus to Yokohama and I slept all the way. We had tasty ra-men there, and took Sotetsu-line and Odakyu to home!
Our body got really tired, but our minds, could go to Disneyland thereafter!

We are planning to go to Tohoku or somewhere for hot springs next time.

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 4:32 PM KDT
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Tuesday, 16 September 2003
Finally finally...!!
Our Hanshin Tigers won the championship after 18years last night!
It's really unbelievable but I was extatic to see the players excited at Koshien on TV!
I could see O'malley too...:)
Gosh it was such a big night. I wished I could have been in would have been even better there.
When I called mom right after that moment, she was like...crazy with too much happiness!
Last night we had one more thing to celebrate. We threw a birthday party for one of our loving translators. We invited one of them's boyfriend and our senior worker, and had lots of beer and wine and cocktails with tasty food in the community room downstairs. It was great that I could see the victory of Tigers on a big big plasma TV. :)

On Sunday, after writing this journal I headed to COSTCO at Tama-sakai. It was kinda far, and COSTCO was reeeally crowded with ppl from all over the world...but when I stepped in the huge store, I felt the smell of American supermarket. It was just the same as I remembered.
The merchandise there, are all huge, and most of all are from the states. The price was cheap for the big amount. But the registration fee (as it was members only store) was very expensive. It cost me 4000yen just to registrate, but I really wanted to go into the store so I registerd anyway. and I enjoyed looking around the store. I couldn't see it all, and I didn't have much money nor a car, so I just got a large bag of chocolate(cookie'n cream!). :) yum
I'll ask somebody who has a car to take me there again!! It's fun, must be more fun on weekdays when less ppl are there...

Tigers won tonite again. yaay

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 11:43 PM KDT
Updated: Tuesday, 16 September 2003 11:52 PM KDT
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Sunday, 14 September 2003
I went out for drink last night with my senior worker. It was fun. We had tasty food and alcohol.

Today I got nothing to do...I wanna go to COSTCO but I got no friends to go with. I could go by myself though..
Anyway, I'm gonna do the make up!

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 2:55 PM KDT
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Saturday, 13 September 2003
by the way, I haven't seen any new messages on my msg board for a while..
I'm lonely so always waiting for being spoken to by somebody. :) So...anything, please tell me what you ate or didn't eat for dinner, lunch...what is troubling you right now, you are doing, what's your favorite food, color, place...

okay, enjoy holidays, everybody!


Posted by grrl/xoxo at 7:37 PM KDT
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snuggling all day long...
I didn't step out of my room today.
I woke up at like 9:30am and...was just watching DVDs all the day.
It was very relaxing but kinda boring. :(
My body felt dull anyway though.

I might be going out for beer tonite.

These days I think a lot about my life. Why and how I should live, and what for...?
Regretting is the last thing I wanna do, u know. :)
So, just try to fulfill my life with lots of excitement and good stimulations, people, food, music, and art. Gotta earn money to make a living too, of course. Sacrifice a big part of my time for working and spend the rest precious time carefully, efficiently...
Geez, what am I talking about?

Relax,'s holidays...

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 7:31 PM KDT
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Thursday, 11 September 2003
I'm spending TOO much money...((crying))
Shame on me!!!

What a stupid woman I I forgetting
why I'm working in here?!

We are going to Disney sea in 2 Im gonna spend even more money-----

It's sad...but I'm a little looking forward to
seeing Donald Duck actually...hehe

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 12:07 AM KDT
Updated: Thursday, 11 September 2003 12:15 AM KDT
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Tuesday, 9 September 2003
jazzy days
I'm now listening to Roy Haynes Trio. It's so cool.:)

My boss flew to Silicon Valley for business this morning. The rest of this week will be liberated! But I wish I could go too...mmm

I lit the aroma candle of Lemon smells so sweet that makes me relaxed.. It doesn't really match the jazz music though.

I'm planning to buy a comfy little sofa for my room. I need something to sit on besides these cushions.
I'm looking for a ivory/camel/cream color sofa with smooth cotton fabric. Of course at a low price...with high quality. hehe

Last Saturday I went to Yurakucho with Akiko to see the stage of STOMP. After having lunch we headed to the Tokyo International Forum? and the show was really cool. The guys of about 7 including 3 women, had amazing senses of rhythm and motion. I originally like drum and bass music, so it was very interesting as STOMP was totally about drum and percussion performance. I've always wanted to learn tap dance in fact...since the day I saw the stage of Tap Dogs years ago. They were truly COOL as well.

After saying good-bye to Akiko, who went shopping with her friends, I bought a pair of pants at SHIPS nearby.
Know what? Wearing jeans is prohibited at my company! even though we have's not even allowed to wear them on the way to the office. It's rediculous that they even take photos who wear jeans and dye their hair bright brown. I think our president went crazy or something. (shhhh)

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 11:09 PM KDT
Updated: Tuesday, 9 September 2003 11:12 PM KDT
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Sunday, 31 August 2003
I can't help being surprised how fast every weekend flies. Gotta go to office again tomorrow!

On Friday I played ping-pong after work with Ume-chan, with whom I play a lot these days. After playing about 1.5hr, I went home and went out to drink with other friends at 10pm to 1:30. It was fun.
Saturday was the BIG day for me!
I went to Yokohama International stadium for...a concert of Southern All Stars! ((applause))
It was really really really fun. They played lots of old songs as well as their newest ones. I got crazy there. I had always wanted to go, at least once before I die, then my sis got the tickets and my little dream came true just like that!
I wanna go again...I think I'm being addicted.
I got home before 11pm and had some drinks in the room on the 1st floor. We have a common room, so-called a community room in our apartment. It's the room provided by our company, for gathering and drinking there. It's a very big room with a very big liquid crystal display TV with tall speakers and a woofer, a fridge, vending machines, tables and cushions. It's really I drank until 4am last night...
and today, I went to Omote-sando to have my hair cut. After that I walked around there, then I saw Miyake-kun of V6 interviewing the pedestrians. He was kinda short but cute looking guy.:)

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 8:56 PM KDT
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