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xoxo-kisses'n hugs
Sunday, 18 April 2004
warm day
It was so warm this weekend. I must have had sun-burned on my face a lot...freckles gonna be increased..:(

I went to Yokohama yesterday. It was fun. I think I'm eating Chinese at China town every weekend recently... I never get tired of it cuz it's soooo tasty. mmm.

Shinsengumi is so interesting. I love it. Choice of actors is just perfect!

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 9:05 PM KDT
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Thursday, 15 April 2004
long long time
Loooong time no see... such a long time has passed since I wrote the last time..

I was really busy, I mean it!
Let me explain.
First, I moved out of my house. Well, it's a room precisely.
I used to live with a roommate in a 3K room of a big apartment near the station.
I moved to another dorm to live all by myself. :) It's quite I feel like I am standing on my own feet. My own bathroom, kitchen, toilet... Privacy is so important for a man...maybe especially for a woman.
This new room is kinda big, although the closet is not big enought for all my clothes. It's extremely far from the station, but it's okay. Can't complain... Now I can go to the office in 3mins by bicycle.:)

As for my job, it's been so busy for the past couple of months, and still we are busy. And I guess we will keep being this busy... despite, I like this job. :) Today we got new displays which are huge! It's 17-inch displays I guess...somebody in charge thought a bigger display is better for translating. It doesn't really make anything easier actually...I have to move my eyes and a cursor more than before. Phew.

Anyways. It's a nice season huh? :) and lovely GW is coming soon! Yay. I am going back home in Hyogo as I always do. I can't wait... soon I will be 25...geez.

Here's another news. I'm going to Boston and New Hampshire for business in the middle of May. It's for purchasing ink-jet apparatuses and the purpose we are going there is for training so we know how to use them in Japan. Well, I'm not actually learning the process, but the other three engineers will. I was chosen as a translator during the term...which I don't know why. It seems my boss recommended me to other groups coz he's seen me doing translating job in CA and the exhibition in Yokohama as well. I'm sure there is someone better. :( I should tell him that some time.
I think I'm lucky to be chosen though. It's definitely gonna be a tough trip, but I gotta do what I gotta do.
The boss of another group who will go to the trip with me sent me a map of the motel we are to stay in Boston. It happened to be kinda close to where I used to live when I was studying in Boston! I hope I won't say "I am not going back to Japan".

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 11:28 PM KDT
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Thursday, 11 March 2004
As I'm on a diet, I play pingpong as much as I can, I eat as little sweets as I can (?).
I can't lose my weight though...damn..

Gotta work out!!

I came home early tonite...what the hell is my bf doing now?!

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 9:41 PM JST
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Sunday, 7 March 2004
I came back from Hakone a few hours ago. It was lots of fun and my friends(3 translators) and I got so relaxed...the hot sping was amazing. I ended up in enjoying the three hot springs four times at the ryokan we stayed at. Two of them were roten-buro. It was such a nice time to warm ourselves as long as we want and talk about subtle things... I could hardly sleep at night though.
I think I gotta take a nap after this. :)

My roommate is leaving in a few weeks. She happened to be lucky enough to be able to move to the newest dorm..because of her age, precisely.
I wish I could move out too cuz one of the new employees will move in this apartment in her place for sure. I hope she's a nice girl...

Anyway, I gotta work real hard again. We got a crazy amount of patents to be translated. I hope we all can stay sane until the end of April...

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 4:39 PM JST
Updated: Sunday, 7 March 2004 4:40 PM JST
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Sunday, 29 February 2004
nothing to write about...
Hmm...I've got nothing special to write about.
On Sat. I went to Shinjuku and bought a white shirt. I like it but I want more "standard" shaped one also.:) A bit of shrinks and wrinkles woule be lovely too..

I skipped dinner tonite cuz I had a biiig lunch. I had a big sandwich of roasted beef, a cheesecake, and ice tea. There's a nice cafe at Omote-sando, which I go every month.

Gosh Monday is coming! I guess I'm uttering this phrase every pathetic.
I've got lots of work to do. I should play pingpong as a break some time...

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 10:12 PM JST
Updated: Sunday, 29 February 2004 10:17 PM JST
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Wednesday, 25 February 2004
my eyes...
Too much PC kills eyes...
My eyes are really tired and dried because of too much looking at the screen.

I saw the movie "My life without me", which is "shinumade ni shitai 10 no koto" in Japanese title. It was pretty nice. :)
It was very simply organized, and the ppl in it were all really good.
Music was nice also...

Two more working days!!

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 10:36 PM JST
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Monday, 23 February 2004
My parents came to visit me on Saturday by car from Takarazuka, where my(their, to be specific) home is.
They brought me lots of prezzies such as sweets, food, clothes...I love all of them. :)
We spent some time in my room, and then headed to Gotemba where the hotel was. It was an hour of driving from Isehara(where I live). It was kinda cloudy so we couldn't take even a glance at Mt. Fuji that day. We had tasty French for dinner, some cocktails at the bar, and then went to bed. I could hardly sleep...dunno why though.
Next morning, when we opened the curtains, there was a huge beautiful Mt. Fuji in front of us!!! It was just AMAZING!! No matter how many times I see Mt. Fuji, it's always gorgeous. :) But that Mt. Fuji might have been the biggest one I had ever seen.

My parents sent me to the Gotemba station and they went back to Hyogo, and I took the train to Tokyo and went to have my hair cut(and permed...which ended in fail). After that I went to Yokohama again with my senior worker and had amazingly tasty Chinese at China town.
It started to rain at night, and I was soaked when I got home at midnight...I was terribly tired anyway. mmm.
It took me some energy to get up this morning.

Aaaaanyway. It was a busy but fun weekend. We had sukiyaki on Friday and it was nice as well.

Working on weekdays, playing on's okay, but I feel something's missing in me.
Something more spiritual, deeper stimulation...something that enhances me, improves me, entertains me. I gotta do something for sure.

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 9:22 PM JST
Updated: Monday, 23 February 2004 9:24 PM JST
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Sunday, 15 February 2004
I saw two movies this weekend.
One is New Orleans Trial, which is Runaway Jury in original title. It was pretty good! Gean Hackman was really good. And I saw loveactually today. It was really good too. Lovely lovely movie. :) Perfect for Valentine's day if it was yesterday.

New week is going to start again...Im gonna be real busy.

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 8:47 PM JST
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Monday, 9 February 2004
damn fat...
I really really gotta lose my weight. I can't even look at my pathetic I am.
Even though I don't eat much, I gain more and more weight and can never lose a kilo.
I want to cut my flesh off---

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 9:11 PM JST
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Sunday, 8 February 2004
minato-mirai line
I took the minato-mirai line which started its business at the beginning of this month. There were soooooo many ppl in the stations, but it took us from Yokohama to Shibuya for about 30mins. It was pretty cheap as well. :)

We had tasty ra-men at Ikebukuro and had some cocktails afterwards.

Today I went to Nihon-bashi to buy chocolates for the lucky day for men, that is a Valentine's Day. I wanted to buy teuscher's chocolate but their wrapping was not so nice, so I bought other store's. There were lots of chocolates like jewelies but I couldn't get any one of them for myself...cuz I am on a diet!!

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 11:12 PM JST
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