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xoxo-kisses'n hugs
Thursday, 22 July 2004
pecan pie--
I saw the DVD "When Harry met Sally..." last night that my dad lent me. It was pretty nice!
As I was really tired, I went to bed at 9:30pm...until I woke up at 7:00am this morning. I was like an old woman but it was really relaxing.
3 more weeks to the summer holidays...! I can't wait.
These days I feel like I'm suffered from what's called "a jinx of the 2nd year" in the baseball world. I'm working hard but my mind is lacking something vital.
Gotta do something to fill my heart up.

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 9:31 PM KDT
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Monday, 19 July 2004
I cant help being surprised to see how many ppl gather in the cities. Last night, a firework festival was held in Yokohama. I wore a yukata and went out with my bf, but....there were tooooooooo many people. Hunderds of people were actually sitting on the roads like...beggars! It was such a bizarre view.
Since both of us prefer to stay out of crowds, we gave up to see the fireworks before long and went to have a tasty Taiwanese dinner at a small restaurant named Ni-hao in China city. We sometimes go there cuz they serve pretty tasty food.
Although we thought we avoided the crowd, unfortunately the festival just ended at the same time we went out of the restaurant. We were swallowed in the crowd and had such a difficulty in getting on the train. The stations were closed for restricting the people so we had to walk a long way to the station located far away. I was wearing a pair of zouri and they really killed my feet. My toefinger is peeled...ewwww. When I couldn't stand the pain any more, my bf kindly exchanged his big shoes and my zouri. We must have looked such a strange couple but I was so happy.

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 11:12 PM KDT
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Tuesday, 29 June 2004
Sorry about the annoying frame that automatically appears when you come to this site...I hate it too. :( I hope it will be gone but maybe not unless I pay some money...

Yesterday I went for a drive to Atami via Shonan, then we came back to Atsugi through Hakone. It was fun. I went to Atami for the first time in my life. I heard Atami was once a popular resort place for the married couples especially, but now lots of hotels are closing their business. :( It was a nice place, the sea was beautiful as well. We couldn't see Mt. Fuji or anything due to the bad weather though.
Then we headed to Ashino-ko where we could hardly see anything again due to the thick fog. I think we could barely see 10m ahead of us. The misty air seemed good for my skin though! We bought a small box of Onsen-manju and enjoyed them with green tea in the car.
I get so thirsty tonite. I've been drinking lots of tea since I came home.
I did my laundry, took a shower, and feel so refreshed. :) Gotta work tomorrow. Can't wait until the summer vacation.

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 12:33 AM KDT
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Sunday, 27 June 2004
Hi. I know. It was really hot least in Tokyo. I heard it was raining hard in Kansai area.

My dad came to Tokyo to visit me today. He took me to a nice restaurant in Aoyama and we had fantastically tasty Italian lunch. mmm... I got a little drunk by a glass of cold white wine though... it was such a nice time.
We walked around Omotesando and he bought me a glass of green-gray color and a pretty bookmark.:)

I'm watching that popular Korean drama right now. It's good.:) Once you start watching it, you will not be able to miss it..!

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 12:35 AM KDT
Updated: Sunday, 27 June 2004 12:57 AM KDT
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Monday, 21 June 2004
It was really hot today! I felt like my energy was running out twice as fast as usual.
I looked for some nice present for my dad (I know it's a bit late to start looking for one), and I had to walk around long way until I found one.
For lunch we had tasty takoyaki of the store named Kukuru. It said it's from Doutonbori. Anyway it was pretty good! much better than Gindako. :)

I got paid my bonus on Friday and I've already spent a lot on cute skirts and the like. I love them but...shame on me. I'm gonna save money to buy Mini or Lupo. :-I ...or whatever!

I took a dayoff on Monday! Yaay.

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 12:56 AM KDT
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Thursday, 10 June 2004
rockin' pepsi
Have u seen a new commercial of Pepsi on TV yet?
I like those girls...Pink, Beyonce, and Britney. They've got good voice, characters, sense, ...

I guess vitamin C pills are not really helping me.
I can't stop coughing. sob sob.

Anyway, Friday Friday.

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 11:46 PM KDT
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Tuesday, 8 June 2004
lazy chick...
Hey there.
Sorry I haven't updated my website such a long time.
It's a popular excuse but I've been kinda apology.

Since I came back from USA, I've been struggling with lots of documents...huge amount of patents. All of us are in a big trouble now. The worse thing is, we have no clue when it's gonna give us a break.

These days I really want to get a car. Well, I've been wishing to get one for long, but recently I really want to. I know it's impossible though. It's just my wish, u know. :) Wishing costs no money!

Know what type of car I want? I want a Mini Cooper. A brand new Mini cooper has improved in its spec, resistance, and reliablity, which has been a problem before. Now that BMW produces Mini, they are trustworthy as u know.
I gotta save money but it's really hard to save up enough to purchase that fancy car. :I
But someday I will get it definitely and drive wherever I want, listening to whatever I like...

I have a sore throat. I hope vitamin C pills will help me get better.

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 11:59 PM KDT
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Sunday, 23 May 2004
I came back from Boston and NH yesterday.
It was such a long flight, but it was not as hard as I was worried. Though I couldn't get an isle seat on the way back...that was kinda hard. And the meals in the planes! They really killed can people cook such...untasty thing..?

The business in NH was really...hard, to be honest. lol
Interpreting as a job is really really hard. I felt it with all my nerves. No wonder interperters earn 100,000yen per day!
You have to totally understand what one person says, and tell it simply and efficiently to the other person, on time.
You always have to concentrate on the conversation. Your nerves can't have a rest even a second, then you'll miss a word.

Anyways, I don't think I could be much of a help, but I guess I could help a little.

People in the company we visited were really sincere and kind. We could have big rib steaks and nice cold beer in NH. Yummy.
Also, the colleagues I went with were really nice. I went there with three colleagues, who are all older than I. Well, one boss was...kinda disappointing.., (shhh) but the other two engineers were really nice. They are kind, smart, and hard working - not like me!

I found out that the city of Boston was a little different from that I remembered. When I was taking a walk in downtown with my colleague late at night, I felt it a bit dangerous...I asked my friend living in Boston about it, then he said the crime rate is rising. Too bad...I hope Boston keeps its peaceful atmosphere.

I'm going to take a nap now. I couldn't really adjust myself to US time while I was there, so it's not hard to be back in Japanese time again.

I don't know what I'm writing about...nighty nite..

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 2:00 PM KDT
Updated: Sunday, 23 May 2004 2:24 PM KDT
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Monday, 10 May 2004
rainy Sunday
It's been raining almost all day today...
though I went to Yokohama again.

There were lots of ppl. I guess ppl were out for shopping something nice for their moms.
Me? I...couldn't get anything for her so far. I will get something nice for sure, but at least I gave her a phone call to thank for everything she has done to me.

I had only Sunday to rest this weekend...I should take one day break in this week, definitely.

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 12:17 AM KDT
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Saturday, 8 May 2004
back to the office
"...cuz a real man can't just deny a woman's worth..."by Alicia Keys. :) I like this song. Woman's Worth.

Anyway, I came back to Kanagawa on Wednesday!
The Airport was not that crowded despite my anticipation. I could reach home so smoothly as the trains I was supposed to get on came so good on time.

I brought from hom a flying disk which emits light in the dark to play with my colleagues! can't wait.

I was back home in Hyogo for GW. I met some good old friends and had such a fun fun time. I had good in Kobe, Osaka, and Kurakuen etc. I saw a new home of Yawara-chan and Tani senshu. It was big, but it looked so ordinary to me.
I also saw Fujiwara Norikas home too. It was nice.

I couldn't watch any movies during GW cuz the theatres were too crowded with's crazy.

As 30th was my birthday, my friends in my company threw a party for me on the night before I went back to Hyogo. It was so much fun!!! We cooked good BBQ (expensive meat! mmm) and played PS2 until 3am.
They gave me such a sweet lovely card with their messeges in it. It was such a heartwarming present. :)

I gotta work on Saturday...weird system of our company...damn

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 1:36 AM KDT
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