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xoxo-kisses'n hugs
Tuesday, 3 May 2005
golden week
Now Playing: tv
I came back to Hyogo last night!
I've said this many times, but it's always good to be home. :)

April 30th was my 26th birthday!
Damn, have I really lived for 26 years?? Luckily people say I look much younger though...
On my birthday my bf treated me very good. doesn't happen many times, by the way!
We went to Yokohama to get on a lunch cruise where we had tasty light Chinese meal and enjoyed the harbour view. After that he bought me a cute Tiffany's necklace. :) I love this so much.
In the evening, he took me to the hotel Pan Pacific and had such gorgeous dinner there. Gee that was really tasty and nice... The jazz band was playing cool music there. I wish I could stay in such a wonderful hotel someday.
After the dinner, for cooling down our head heated by sweet cocktails, we saw the movie "Shall we dance?". It was okay, although I like the Japanese version better. I guess J.Lo was too outstanding. I admit she's beautiful, but her figure was too sexy....

Ya, and on the next day of such a lovely birthday, I got on a plane to home. :)
My parents are doing fine, very happy, so is my grandma.
Today I went to renew my driver's license. The place was very crowded with lots of people so my mom and I had to wait a long time. Plus, I had to take a looooong lecture of 2hrs... I didn't think the lecture was so important. :( Anyway we were so tired...
On the way home we bought some sweets and groceries.

My sister is coming home soon. :) I can't wait to see her.

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 12:05 AM KDT
Updated: Tuesday, 3 May 2005 12:17 AM KDT
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Thursday, 28 April 2005
Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: toxic
It's been a few weeks since the last diary...

I've been busy both emotionally and physically, although I cannot describe them precisely here.

Good news is that my ADSL line has recovered! yay.
My PC is 7yrs old so it can't keep up with 50M line, but it's okay...:)
Another good news is that two new college graduates joined our translation group! Now we are a group of 6 translators. :) They are very pretty and diligent. A new wind is breezing..change is good. :)
O yes, and one more good news is that the deadline of a huge job is postponed! I'm being kinda lazy.
One more work day and big vacation starts!!

What are you guys gonna do for the vacation?
Anybody going out of Japan? I wish I could too...!!

I feel very sad and sorry for those who died and got injured from the train accident in Hyogo. It's very close to the place where I grew up, so I'm worried if any of my friends are in trouble...

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 9:25 PM KDT
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Thursday, 14 April 2005
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: nothing
These days I am sooooooo busy! I've got tons of documents to translate. (TT) I'm in the hell for sure.

A happy news is, that my old friend moved to Machida from Hyogo! I hanged out with her last Saturday-Sunday and had fun time chatting about subtle things.

I need to buy a new PC. It's sad that I have to say good-bye to my old PC which has been with me for more than 7 years. We went through fun time and tough time together, in Boston, in my home town, and here in Atsugi too...I'm not gonna throw it away. :)

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 10:36 PM KDT
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Wednesday, 30 March 2005
Mood:  on fire
Tonight I went to see the movie "inu no eiga".

It was a very very good movie about dogs. It contains several short stories about dogs.
Some are sooo funny, some are sooo cute, and some are sooooooo sad....
I shed tons of tears and snot....the most amount ever in the movie theater of my history.

I truly truly recommend to see this movie for those who have ever lived with a dog closely, and particularly for those who have lost a doggy before...

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 11:46 PM JST
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Sunday, 27 March 2005
weekends fly
Mood:  mischievious
Now Playing: nothing
I'm always surprised how fast weekends pass...I didn't do anything special again. :(
On Saturday I went to see the movie Aviator. It was fun for the first 1/3,'s too long----.
These days I can't stand watching a 3-hour movie. I can't concentrate on staring at the screen, I want to go to the restroom, etc. etc....
Yeah the movie was good, but I didn't like the rest 2/3. Again, it's too long.
The actress who won the Oscar was reeeally good in it though!

After that we headed to Hachioji to eat tasty yakiniku. It was very very veerryy good!! mmm.

On Sunday, I woke up late the afternoon I washed my bf's car with him. I was tired but it's ok...he's got a clean car..

Damn, Monday's coming again. *crying*

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 8:50 PM JST
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Tuesday, 22 March 2005
tomato sauce pasta
Mood:  cool
I didn't do anything for the 3-day holidays...although I played catch ball, badmington, did cooking, watching videos, driving, trimmed the bumper of his car...(which was a lot of fun!)
As the weather was so beautiful, we went to see the early cherry blossoms, but of course there was no cherry blossoms blooming...but we could see beautiful Japanese apricot instead!

Gotta work hard..!

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 9:35 PM JST
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Thursday, 17 March 2005
buzzing busy bee...
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: silence
My April is going to be a buuusssy month...
When I wake up in the morning, I can't open my eyes! I guess they are too tired of watching the display. :(

It's so windy today. Yarn, Im going to bed....zz

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 11:01 PM JST
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Thursday, 10 March 2005
Mood:  irritated
I made a stupid mistake and I cannot use the ADSL line for about three weeks from now...and I cannot even read emails to my dion account. :(

So if you need to email me, please email me at

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 9:53 PM JST
Updated: Thursday, 10 March 2005 9:59 PM JST
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Wednesday, 2 March 2005
Mood:  hungry
Now Playing: show me the meaning of being BSB
Luckily, those two translators can stay in our group somehow! phew...

These days, I have no intention nor willingness to work... I'm sorry if I offend my friends who are busy like hell...
but my situation is kinda hard too...sigh.
I guess I need to start something new. I think I've been reciting this phrase like a spell for a whole year... I sometimes feel I'm so shameful and I am such a disgusting person who cannot do anything...who cannot even sell her couch....

Recently, many people have started reporting their marriages! I can feel spring is
I wonder if it'll come to me or not.

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 10:10 PM JST
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Monday, 28 February 2005
cough cough
Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: destiny fulfilled
I'm recovering from my illness, but still I can't stop coughing! When I cough too many times, I almost feel like I'm going to puke...luckily I haven't done it in public so far.

Two members of our translation group (we are a group of 4 translators, btw) are in danger of being sent to other department...against their wills. I don't like what those ppl in human resource department did to us. It's very unfair and sneaky.
I'm really sad that they are leaving, cuz we were very close to each other. I hope we could get together again, and have fun as we used to ...
I'm gonna miss them badly.

Let me talk about my weekends...
On Saturday we went to yokohama to see the movie without deciding which one to see. Although we saw the list at the theatre, there were no tempting we just picked a good time, which was "Alexander"...
U know what? It's nominated for Raspberry awards!! Believe me, it really sucks!! Just try to imagine that you are forced to be seated in the theater, watching a no-fun movie for god-damn 3 hours!! It really killed us...I seriously need my money back...

After that we headed to Minato-no-mieru-oka-kouen, and foreigners' semetery neaby. Although I have been to Yokohama countlessly, it was the first time to go there. The view from the hill was fantastic, and the semetery was cool as well. It's a pity that the gates of the semetery were closed at that time. Next time I go there, I wanna see the name of ppl buried there, and how long they lived. hehe...
We had warm drinks at a nice cafe nearby.
At night we went to a Korean restaurant and had BBQ.

On Sunday I went to a beauty salon to make my permed hair straight. It's too straight but it's okay...

My mom sent me a huge box full of foods. I can survive for a couple of weeks with them...I can't thank my parents enough.

suddenly, I miss my doggy...

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 8:50 PM JST
Updated: Tuesday, 1 March 2005 8:47 PM JST
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