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xoxo-kisses'n hugs
Monday, 18 July 2005
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: rainman
The three-day holiday is going to finish...

On Sunday I went to Yokohama to see the fireworks.
As we suspected, there were tons of people(dunno if ppl are counted by tons though) there, and we got so tired...that we left there before watching 10 fireworks. After all, we had tasty Indonesian dinner and headed back with shirokuma-icecream.

Today I went to have my hair cut, (which ended up in a shorter style than I expected...) and went shopping. I saw two DVDs I bought recently.
"Legally Blonde" and "Rain Man". These are among my favorites...hehe

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 10:52 PM KDT
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Wednesday, 13 July 2005
long time...
Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: nothing
Hi there. Sorry I didn't write here so long.
Lots of things have happened...happy ones and sad ones as well.

Anyways, at the beginning of this month, my parents and sister came to Tokyo to visit me. We all stayed at Marunouchi-hotel and enjoyed travelling Tokyo. We had tasty lunch at Taimei-ken in Nihonbashi. The restaurant is famous for its omu-raisu, which costs almost 2000yen!! Just a plate of omu-raisu for 2000yen...yeah unbelievable, but it's soooo good. You should go there and try omu-raisu, and salad (50yen but amazingly tasty!) definitely.
After that we enjoyed shopping at Coredo, and had wonderful Italian dinner in Aoyama. Since I had such a big lunch, I couldn't eat all the dinner. What a shame....
As it was only one-day trip, we couldn't have much time together, but I had a very good time with them. Only my sister stayed one more day, so we went to Yokohama and enjoyed shopping a lot. In the evening we had dinner with my bf. I was nervous at first, but it ended up in having a nice time. She stayed overnight at my place and went back home next day. I realized again that it's so nice to have a sister. I like talking with her and hanging out with her. :) cuz she listens to my stupid stories seriously and enjoys spending time with me (I hope?). I wish she lived near my place.

I also went to Eno-shima for the first time two weeks ago. It was such a nice place! There are lots of nice old stores and small restaurants, the cool lighthouse, and you can see Mt. Fuji and Eboshi-iwa together. There was a nice wind blowing, and we had tasty seafood. Enoshima is famous for "shirasu", so we had nama-shirasu-don and other stuff. It was yummy! We spent some time just sitting on the bench, feeling the wind from the ocean, thinking about was such a relaxing time.
On the way to home, we dropped by at the onsen where we always go in Hakone, and washed off all the dusts and warmed up ourselves.

Well, despite these fun weekends, my weekdays are busy these days. I gotta finish the long specification now I'm working on, until Friday. After that, I'll be kinda free hopefully.
Damn, my English sucks...(excuse my language). I'm sorry if you cannot figure out what Im saying!

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 12:42 AM KDT
Updated: Wednesday, 13 July 2005 12:53 AM KDT
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Thursday, 2 June 2005
Now Playing: music
Hey there.

I took a day off yesterday.
I was going to wake up around noon but I woke up kinda early. So I did laundry and other chores and went out for shopping.

I bought a pair of sneakers and some clothes...then came back home and took a nap.

Yarn...I'm tired...

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 11:34 PM KDT
Updated: Thursday, 2 June 2005 11:39 PM KDT
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Sunday, 29 May 2005
Now Playing: gorillaz-all alone
Geez,this weekend has been like a storm.
Lots of things happened...mmm.

On Saturday, I went to Izu.
The weather was not so clear, but anyway we headed there, had fantasically delicious fish lunch (and fantasically expensive...), and visited Izu Cactus Park.
There were lots of cute animals, none of which are flesh-eating animals. There were lamas, monkeys, peacocks, capibala (strange animal like a rat with a face of middle-aged man...), lots of birds, and also a chimpangee show.
The entrance fee is kinda expensive (1800yen!), but it was a very nice place. Yeah, it's a zoo built over the mountain of cooled lava rocks. Of course the main feature is the cactus. The zoo started its business with the base of cactuses collected by some professors of univ. You can see huge cactuses taller than you as well as tiny cactuses as small as omanju-.
The animals are very very cute! The peacocks are not caged but freely walk the same street as us. So you can step on its long tail if you try hard. (They manage to escape very quickly with skill, though)
Do you have any idea how peacocks cry? Well, they cry like elephants...!! which is very suprising and pretty cute. :)
Among the animals we'd seen, what I liked the best was a white lama. It was very very cute. When I called her(or him), it came over me quietly and slowly with a peaceful face, chewing at something. It came just in front of me and we stared at each other's eyes for a while...without saying any words.
I felt our hearts were connected for sure.
When she knew that I wan't gonna give her any food, she started chewing the leaves nearby.
It was a very beautiful animal. Whenever I visit a zoo, I always feel that human beings and monkeys might be one of the ugliest animals on the planet.

After that, we went back home through Jogasaki-cape and then Hakone, where we enjoyed a wonderful hotspring.

Today I went to have my hair cut. My hair hasn't changed much, so nobody will notice...

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 10:53 PM KDT
Updated: Sunday, 29 May 2005 11:06 PM KDT
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Friday, 27 May 2005
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Crystal Style
It's been kinda long time...

Yes, I continue working late. :) I am so blessed! ...

Anyway..I am working hard, and..playing well too.
I went to Yokohama last weekend and enjoyed the movie, talking, spilling the beans..etc. etc....
The weather of this season is fantastic, isn't it?? Soon the sticky air will be coming, so we gotta enjoy this wonderful outside air as much as possible before the heat of the hell comes over...

I listen to Crystal Kay a lot these days, and I feel that she sings a lot of songs about losing a love. In her songs, girls are always annoyed by boys. :( Therefore, I can understand what the lyrics mean...*sigh*

Gee, be optimistic and positive!! Keep your chin up...

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 12:12 AM KDT
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Thursday, 12 May 2005
Mood:  vegas lucky
The other day there was a big event for me at the office..."sekigae"!!
Since I started working in this company, my seat was just next to the COO..u know, the seat you can never relax yourself.
I have been seated there for the whole two years, and finally I could change my seat to the corner of the room, where no COO is around!!
U know what? I am surprised to know how much the place of seat can change one's mind.
Now I am enjoying working late!
I used to leave the office as soon as the bell rang, but now I don't anymore. It's so much fun to work at my own pace without being interrupted. :)

Aaaaanyways, I luv my seat. hehe...

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 11:37 PM KDT
Updated: Friday, 27 May 2005 12:14 AM KDT
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Friday, 6 May 2005
1/2 of gw
Mood:  special
Now Playing: tv
Only a few days of GW are left...:(

I'm having very good time with my family. We had a birthday dinner at a restaurant named Bellini in Ashiya to celebrate my mom's and my birthdays.
The dinner was fabulous, plus I got lovely presents. :) The waiter of the restaurant sang a birthday song for us, which was really good! It was a movie-like birthday.

Yesterday, my dad and I went to Kurakuen for some shopping. In the evening I went to Kobe to hang out with my friend. We had tasty Chinese at China town. It was a lot of fun. The port tower is always beautiful. :)

And today, I went out to Kobe again with my family. We bought too many breads.
I'd say that the best bakery in Kobe is "brasseries comme cinois" near Sannomiya-station. The breads (and food in "Honest Cafe" in the back of the store) are all fantastic and have never disappointed me. :) They are visually very pretty and beautiful, and amazingly tasty! It's been the best bakery for me since I was a univ. student...

Of course, there are lots of other good pattiseries and bakeries in Kobe too, though.

I walked a lot today so I'm kinda tired...
I'm going to Kobe for shopping tomorrow again though! hehe.
Coming back to this area, I feel like quitting my job and moving back here and find some other job.
Obviously, this area is much better than where I every way.

And I'm getting fat again...*sigh*

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 12:32 AM KDT
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Tuesday, 3 May 2005
golden week
Now Playing: tv
I came back to Hyogo last night!
I've said this many times, but it's always good to be home. :)

April 30th was my 26th birthday!
Damn, have I really lived for 26 years?? Luckily people say I look much younger though...
On my birthday my bf treated me very good. doesn't happen many times, by the way!
We went to Yokohama to get on a lunch cruise where we had tasty light Chinese meal and enjoyed the harbour view. After that he bought me a cute Tiffany's necklace. :) I love this so much.
In the evening, he took me to the hotel Pan Pacific and had such gorgeous dinner there. Gee that was really tasty and nice... The jazz band was playing cool music there. I wish I could stay in such a wonderful hotel someday.
After the dinner, for cooling down our head heated by sweet cocktails, we saw the movie "Shall we dance?". It was okay, although I like the Japanese version better. I guess J.Lo was too outstanding. I admit she's beautiful, but her figure was too sexy....

Ya, and on the next day of such a lovely birthday, I got on a plane to home. :)
My parents are doing fine, very happy, so is my grandma.
Today I went to renew my driver's license. The place was very crowded with lots of people so my mom and I had to wait a long time. Plus, I had to take a looooong lecture of 2hrs... I didn't think the lecture was so important. :( Anyway we were so tired...
On the way home we bought some sweets and groceries.

My sister is coming home soon. :) I can't wait to see her.

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 12:05 AM KDT
Updated: Tuesday, 3 May 2005 12:17 AM KDT
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Thursday, 28 April 2005
Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: toxic
It's been a few weeks since the last diary...

I've been busy both emotionally and physically, although I cannot describe them precisely here.

Good news is that my ADSL line has recovered! yay.
My PC is 7yrs old so it can't keep up with 50M line, but it's okay...:)
Another good news is that two new college graduates joined our translation group! Now we are a group of 6 translators. :) They are very pretty and diligent. A new wind is breezing..change is good. :)
O yes, and one more good news is that the deadline of a huge job is postponed! I'm being kinda lazy.
One more work day and big vacation starts!!

What are you guys gonna do for the vacation?
Anybody going out of Japan? I wish I could too...!!

I feel very sad and sorry for those who died and got injured from the train accident in Hyogo. It's very close to the place where I grew up, so I'm worried if any of my friends are in trouble...

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 9:25 PM KDT
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Thursday, 14 April 2005
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: nothing
These days I am sooooooo busy! I've got tons of documents to translate. (TT) I'm in the hell for sure.

A happy news is, that my old friend moved to Machida from Hyogo! I hanged out with her last Saturday-Sunday and had fun time chatting about subtle things.

I need to buy a new PC. It's sad that I have to say good-bye to my old PC which has been with me for more than 7 years. We went through fun time and tough time together, in Boston, in my home town, and here in Atsugi too...I'm not gonna throw it away. :)

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 10:36 PM KDT
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