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xoxo-kisses'n hugs
Tuesday, 14 February 2006
Sony sucks
Mood:  smelly
Now Playing: silence
Is "stylish design" the only feature of Sony company?? Where did the "usefulness" go...? maybe somewhere out in the space..

I have a Sony cellphone and recently I found out that I can listen to music with it. So I ran into the electric store and bought an earphone and adaptor for memory stick Duo!....
However, it only acceps ATRAC3 music!
I tried many ways but I finally couldn't change MP3 into ATRAC3...I'm exhausted, so I gave up and decided to save money to buy iPod.
Now I hate Sony...

By the way, I got a car!!
It's Volkswagen Lupo. It's a yellow pretty car, and runs quite well actually.
The car hasn't come yet, but I'm excited. :)
At the same time, I'm a bit surprised to know that lots of money is needed...
Soooo these days I'm trying to work after "teiji" to save coins. :)

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 9:54 PM JST
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Monday, 30 January 2006
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: princess princess..
Sorry for not updating such a long time...:(

How are you all? I hope all of you are healthy and happy!

These days, I have been busy in my private life as well as at office.
Sad news only grandpa passed away two weeks ago... he was such a great person who had been respected by lots of people and made a great deal of effort for the happiness of society and his family.
He didn't talk much, but everybody loved him.
I really really hope he stays peacefully now..

At office, I have lots of work as usual.
The last specification I translated was about a care support system. Usually I translate the spcification about transistors, inverters, logic circuits, etc. etc....
They are not fun fun stuff, but I got used to them. :)

I bought a CD of Princess Princess at Amazon...I know, it's such an old stuff, but very very good, actually.
I turned off TV and have been listening to it repeatedly. :)
Their songs remind me of those good and young days in the past...hehe

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 7:56 PM JST
Updated: Monday, 30 January 2006 7:57 PM JST
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Friday, 6 January 2006
Mood:  spacey
Happy new year to you all!

How was your winder holidays?
Hope you had so much fun with your families and friends.

I, of course, went back home in Takarazuka and had such a nice time with my family and friends.
On the new year's eve, I met up with my friend at college and had some alcohol at Izakaya, where we celebrated the moment of the new year.
I also met lots of relatives such as aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents. It was nice to see how the cousins who are students have grown up.

On 1/1, I tried omikuji and got "daikichi".
I hope this year will be a fantastic one for me...I truly hope so.

I also hope your new year will be a lovely one too.

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 8:22 PM JST
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Saturday, 10 December 2005
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: girls just wanna have fun
Today, one of the four translators got married at Tsukiji-honganji!!!
Her name is Jun-chan, who is two years older than I. She's really smart and such a fun person, and kind of a leader of ours.
Her desk is next to mine at office, and moreover, we live nextdoor at the dorm!
So we've been very close to each other...

She got married to another leader of the CAD group. We used to hang out and drink with him a lot.
I'm so glad that they got married...
Anyway, the ceremony was really moving..I almost cried when Junchan in "shiromiku" and her husband walked up to the alter.
After that, we all went to Royal Park Hotel at Suitengu for hirouen.
I did my hair at the salon at Omotesando where I always go, and I was dressed up in a decent black dress, so I looked OK, but....
I had to make a speech with the other two translators!!

I had prepared what to say, but I got so nervous.
We could do the speech in success though...phew
The served dinner was soooo tasty, and the bride was soooooooooo beautiful.... I cried many times at the hirouen.
I took lots of pictures of hers and ours.
Actually, it was my first time to attend the wedding. I didn't know that "kekkonshiki" was such a impressive, moving, and fantastic thing...
What I think now is....I wanna do that too!!!

Well, anyway, I'd like to thank her and her husband for such a nice time.
I really wish their never-ending happiness. :)

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 9:45 PM JST
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Wednesday, 30 November 2005
Last weekend, I went to Kobe for the reunion.
Not many people came this time, but I had a very good time.
We had dinner at a restaurant in Harbour Land,
and stayed in the hotel in Okurayama.
Next day, Yocci and I went to see Kazamidori no yakata. It was a nice building. After that, we went to the shrine nearby. We could see a great view of Kobe from there, and the wind blowing there was very comfortable.
As we didn't have much time to see all the ijinkan, we went down to Sannomiya and went to Port Island to meet other friends. Near Shimin Hiroba station, we had gorgeous lunch. It was a very famous Kobe steak restaurant. Needless to say, we all ordered Kobe steak and enjoyed the juicy Kobe beef taste. Of course it was soooo yummy.

Then we walked around to digest the beef, and then had very good coffee at UCC museum.
As I had to go back home in Takarazuka for my sis's birthday party, I said good-bye to them at Sannomiya and arrived home.

In the evening, our family went to a nice French restaurant in Nishinomiya-Kitaguchi and celebrated her xx-th birthday. I gave her a pair of pierce earrings and a necklace.

On Monday, I flied back to Kanto.
It was a fun fun weekend!

I know it's hard to see...but this picture is a Kobe-beef plate! A bowl of rice and miso soup, and coffee or ice cream were served in addition. mmm.
I wanna go there again. :)

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 10:44 PM JST
Updated: Wednesday, 30 November 2005 10:47 PM JST
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Saturday, 19 November 2005
Mood:  rushed
Now Playing: Gorillaz
Hi guys...

Sorry for not writing quite a while.
Fortunately, I almost finished the tons of work..leaving cicles under my eyes. (TT)

It's getting pretty chilly, iznit??
Autumn passed so quickly. :( My favorite season ended just like that...damn

Yesterday, I bought a pair of gloves of angola-rabbit fur, and a fur to wrap around my neck. It's so comfy!!I need a new pair of boots, but hmm...I have to consult with my wallet...

Now I am drawing a picture for my friend's wedding party, which she requested quite a long ago. I'm preparing a few drawings so that she can pick her favorite. It's so tough but I'll do what I can.
I hope my drawing will nicely decorate the gate of the wedding party room!

The pictures I took at Kawasaki booth of Tokyo Motor Show...I couldn't believe they were the same species as me...

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 7:52 PM JST
Updated: Saturday, 19 November 2005 10:57 PM JST
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Tuesday, 11 October 2005
tokyo weekends
Mood:  accident prone
Now Playing: Killer Street again...
I've been out almost all through this weekend.
On Sat., I went to shopping to buy my clothes to prepare for the cold season. I spend lots of money...I have no idea how I'm gonna pay for them. haha..
I couldn't leave money for LANCOME mascara, so I compromised with a cheap mascara at a pharmacy...sob sob.

On Sunday, I met up with my friend and went to Akihabara! It was my first visit there!
I was quite impressed by those tons of electric stores. I followed my friend who is really into PCs and stuff, but I couldn't figure out what the products are used was a very new world to me.
Of course, I saw lots of densha-otoko like men! They were all carrying backpacks and needless to say, their shirts were inside their trousers. :) They seemed very lively and happy to hang around there.

I pretty much enjoyed Akihabara too. Although I got almost sick of too many people, I enjoyed picking cute cos-pre costumes! I really wanna get one of those. :) Actually, I bought cat I like them.
In the evening we had dinner in Shinjuku and tasty cocktails.

On Monday, I met up with another friend and went to Shinagawa. We ended up in watching the movie "Stealth" which was okay! The premier-seat I took for the first time in my life was gorgeous. The seat was so soft and big! and bright
At night, we had such fantastic dinner at Shiodome. It was really really gorgeous. The nightview and dinner itself were very nice.

Today, I worked at the full speed. lol
I didn't notice it was noon until I heard the bell rang.
I still have to hurry up...otherwise I cannot finish all this work by the deadlines. *crying*

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 11:32 PM KDT
Updated: Tuesday, 11 October 2005 11:34 PM KDT
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Friday, 7 October 2005
Mood:  flirty
Now Playing: Killer Street
First of all....Tigers won the championship!!
Yaaaay. They were really really strong this year.
Last weekend, I went to Jingu stadium to see the game with my friends.
It was such a great game!! We got really excited, and of course Tigers won the game to Swallows.

All through this week, I've been soooo sleepy...even after a long night sleep, I could hardly open my eyes in the morning...they refuse to work these days...hah.

I listened to the new CD of Southern All Stars.
It's pretty good! :)
I wanna go to their live again...

It's gonna be rain this weekend. sigh

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 9:52 PM KDT
Updated: Friday, 7 October 2005 9:54 PM KDT
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Monday, 26 September 2005
Mood:  loud
Now Playing: kiss
I went to omotesando to see my friend at college, but she didn't show up...she sent me an email 10 minutes after the decided time, saying she cannot I asked another friend of mine to have some tea with me. It was fun. :)

Today I worked a lot...I need to go to bed earlier.
There was a monthly "zentai-meeting" today, at which the president speaks what's going on in the company and the relation with the outside world. It seems like our company is doing good, and trying to expand the fields.
Ah, and our "corporate song" was released!! I mean, it's not on sale of course, but yeah, famous composer and lyricist made it. The base lyric was made by one employee. Every employee had a right to make a lyric and apply. I didn't, though...
But if you're selected, you win a million yen!!! Actually, top ten employees who were selected for good lyrics won 300,000 yen each. Amazing, huh? Our president is that kind of man...
The song which was sung and recroded by the group "circus" was really really nice. :) I dunno how much money was spent on making this song's okay cuz it's a nice song!

Hahh, Im tired...I changed the lighting on the ceiling so Im pretty much tired...zzz

BTW, the drawing on the right is drawn by me in Mie prefecture a few weeks ago. It's drawn on a coaster by a pencil. Sorry about the terrible resolution!

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 11:09 PM KDT
Updated: Monday, 26 September 2005 11:17 PM KDT
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Monday, 19 September 2005
ocean blue
Mood:  chillin'
I went to Izu this weekend.
It was a fun trip, cuz the weather was very beautiful which is unusual to us.

On Saturday, we went to koibito-misaki but it was
too hot to walk a long way to the cape...
I sweated real a lot.
The inn I stayed was a small minshuku.
At night, I enjoyed tasty meal, nice hot spring, and walking along the quiet&beautiful beach.
On Sunday, we left the inn and visited Hagachi-zaki, where lots of monkeys live.
As I don't like monkeys much, I enjoyed seeing the spectacular view and very beautiful transparent sea. The ocean around Izu is really beautiful. The color of the sea is blue and you can see the bottom easily. There were lots of tiny blue fish down there.
After that, I went to Irozaki where I've wanted to go. The lighthouse I was expecting to be gorgeous was kind of a humble one. But it was a nice lighthouse. The view from the cape was really stunning.
After that we headed to Shimoda city. After having lunch, we went up to the mountain by cable car. The top of it gave us such gorgeous views of the city and the ocean. Shimoda city is famous for Perry who came from America by black ship. I could sense that it was a very nice city.
As we got tired, we headed back home. On the way we stopped by at Shuzenji and enjoyed a nice hot spring of Yugawara to get rid of the fatigue.

Today I had lunch with my old friend whom I used to teach English as a part-time job. She is always funny and outgoing. I enjoyed talking (mostly listening) with her over Italian and latte at Starbacks.
Ahh, we gotta start working real hard this week!
I've got lots of stuff to do and decide...

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 11:46 PM KDT
Updated: Monday, 19 September 2005 11:49 PM KDT
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