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xoxo-kisses'n hugs
Sunday, 8 March 2009
Kannon-zaki lighthouse
Mood:  chillin'


 A bug or something is on the lens...

Kannonzaki lighthouse is the first European style lighthouse built in Japan. It was first built in Meiji era, though this one is the third lighthouse body as Kannonzaki lighthouse.










Gotta clean the lens...definitely.













Spring's coming.









 Interesting silhouette.













 Looks like a ruin, but this used to be a tunnel connectng two batteries used by imprial Japanese army in WW2.








 A bicycle gazing the other side of the river.

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 1:15 AM KDT
Updated: Sunday, 8 March 2009 1:33 AM KDT
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Wednesday, 11 February 2009
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: bossa





















Posted by grrl/xoxo at 1:04 AM JST
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Wednesday, 19 November 2008
apricot soda
Mood:  quizzical
Now Playing: piano

Hi. How's it going? :)

It's really cold tonight. Seems like it will be like this until weekend.

Gotta wrap me up with warm clothes!

I've been busy translating documents. Since the office demands a work of much higher level from me, I'm really struggling... Hope I won't get fired...

As weekends approach, I get happier!! I've never felt the happiness of Friday this much.

Anyway, two more days...two more days to the weekend..

Last weekend, my father, grandma, and I went to Izu for a trip. :) I was surprised cuz it was only 20minutes from Shin-yokohama to Mishima! However, I took don-ko train to save money, which ended up in taking more than 2hrs... but half price! yay.  I took Shinkansen to get back home, though.

We stayed at a ryokan in Izu-Nagaoka, where the ocean was so close and very beautiful with such transparency. I found some jellyfish in the water.

The onsen was very nice, though the spa water was clear with no scent.  I sunk myself in the spa outside.  When I looked up in the sky, there was a beautiful moon and silence....  the moment of relax....

I could hardly sleep at night because of my grandma's snoring lol, but it was a lot of fun! I bought a box of onsen-manju, which was a really good taste. ;)

There is onsen in Tsunashima as well! It's called Tsunashima-onsen. You won't believe your eyes, but the water is black.  It's not slightly dark, but very very dark black! It feels like you're bathing in strong woolong-tea.

However, it's a really good onsen. :) Though the facility is very old and not so nice, the onsen really warms you up for just 400yen. I'll go there again sometime. 

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 9:15 PM JST
Updated: Wednesday, 19 November 2008 10:19 PM JST
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Monday, 10 November 2008
Mood:  don't ask

It's getting really cold...though I kinda like this atmosphere. :)

I like wearing warm clothes and a scalf around my neck, and walking outside, sinking my face down in the warm scalf with my hands in the pockets.

It's really nice to feel the cold air on my face... and I think of, life... hehe.

Ebisu, where I work has alreay got a gorgeous Christmas mood.

A huge Bacarrat chandelier is hung down and a pretty big christmas tree is shining in the evening.  It's nice to even just look at them on the way home.  These days I enjoy having lunch at pretty restaurants in Ebisu.  There are many little places to eat, just a few minutes walk from the garden place. Today I went to a lovely cafe, where I had zakkoku-plate. Yum.

Ah, this morning, the Toyoko-line was...a real hell... There seemed to be an accident or something, and the trains were delayed.  Soooo many ppl were flooding in the station..that scene was far beyond imagination, I believe especially for those who are from outside Kanto area. I was kinda astonished and shocked...

But the real hell was in the train. I managed to push myself in the train car, however, there were certainly toooo many ppl for one car.  The train took 1 hr to get to Ebisu.  During that time, I think I was carrying a few ojisans on my back....

I thought I was gonna fall down to the floor, but there were actually no space to even fall down.  I hope trains will run normally tomorrow!!><

On Saturday, I met up with my old friend at Ueno.  We enjoyed chatting, looking around the museum of natural science or something.  It was a really good museum!! I think I should go into every museum at Ueno.  There are what a country's money can do.

It's really worth seeing. :)

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 9:46 PM JST
Updated: Monday, 10 November 2008 9:49 PM JST
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Sunday, 19 October 2008
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: tv

Hi. :)



It's been more than 2 months since I moved to Yokohama.

I love living in this area, since it's very convenient for going to anywhere.

 This is a picture of Tsunashima park, which is like a mountain, where ppl can hike, play tennis, swim in the pool, etc. etc.... and there is a big playground on the top, where lots of kids were playing. :) It was such a nice place.

I breathed in fresh green air to refresh my heart.


Plus, I've got nice river (Tsurumi-gawa) with wide banks, where ppl gather to rest, play, walk...and do whatever they like. It's such a nice atmosphere there.

On weekends I sometimes go to Minato-mirai for shopping.

Last weekend I went for October festo?, which is a German beer festival!

We had tasty cold beer and huge hot sausages. They were terrific! though there were too many ppl to stay long...



A few weeks ago I went to Osanbashi to see a German ship, called Ms.


Bremen.  She was really pretty, big ship.


Ppl on the ship waved hands for us.



This weekend, I enjoyed new buildings and tasty food in Tokyo!

Akasaka-sakas was a set of cool buildings with fancy shops and nice restaurants.  I wish I could have meal at one of those restaurants someday. :)

Moving around in Tokyo by foot instead of riding a train is really nice. I could feel all the sounds and air on the way, even those of subway from underground!  I found some lovely stores too.

At night, we had monja in Tsukishima! It was the second time to eat monja in my life. I was really tasty and we had a very good time.

It's really good to have friends...

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 5:01 AM KDT
Updated: Sunday, 19 October 2008 5:06 AM KDT
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Friday, 1 August 2008
damn hot summer
Mood:  energetic

Long time no diary....which is not unusual to me. :p

I got a new job in Tokyo so I'm moving to Yokohama in 10days.

I'll miss my family and Kansai area, but Tokyo-Kansai is not that far!

I'll come back to see them anytime I want. ^^

and I'm gonna do my best doing my job. :-)

I'm looking forward to see my friends in Kanto!


Posted by grrl/xoxo at 1:11 AM KDT
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Thursday, 12 June 2008
Now Playing: it's my life -bon jovi

Do you know Nakayama Kinni-kun?

If you do, do you know his blog?

 It's fun to read...for me at least.

Check it out when you want to read something rediculous and funny.

(Fun not guaranteed.)

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 12:03 AM KDT
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Tuesday, 20 May 2008
Kan-etsu-shiki @ tokyo
Mood:  cheeky

Last weekend I went to Tokyo for the Kan-etsu-shiki of Japan Coast Guard.
















I was impressed by the dynamic ship and their performances!Smile

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 11:58 AM KDT
Updated: Tuesday, 20 May 2008 10:34 PM KDT
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Tuesday, 22 April 2008
Mood:  silly


Last weekend I went to Miyama, Kyoto.

In Miyama, there is a group of old kayabuki houses at the foot of mountains.  It was such a beautiful place as in mukashi-banashi... 

Greens and pinks of sakura, and brown of houses were really prettily blended.















A small stream with beautiful green weeds. :)

 It was about 2.5hrs drive from Takarazuka.

I hope this scenery won't be spoiled forever...

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 8:28 PM KDT
Updated: Tuesday, 22 April 2008 8:37 PM KDT
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Sunday, 13 April 2008


This is the picture of Itami Airport. :) I love this place sooo much!

 Before the terror in NY, ppl could see the planes so closely, but the terrace has been closed since. :( too bad...

Yet, it's still a lovely place to see the planes, do shopping, and have some meals.

Today at a DIY store, I played with somebody's black lablador retreiver...she was reeeeal cute!! I want to have one too...

Dogs are like angels to me, for sure.

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 12:37 AM KDT
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