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xoxo-kisses'n hugs
Tuesday, 15 July 2003
I bought a new toothbrush tonite. It's a brush of GUM with a tiny brush head. It's too tiny...actually... It takes quite a long time to brush all my teeth. Might be good though.

I had a real hot ra-men for dinner tonite. It was so hot that I sweated a lot, then my throat got better! Chillies work!

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 11:56 PM KDT
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Monday, 14 July 2003
It's kinda chilly today. My throat has been feeling sore for a couple of days...and I feel cold too. I think I caught a cold! I took lots of vitamin C tablets even at office. Hope it gets better soon.:(

Geez, I dun have much to write today. I didn't cook much, didn't read much, didn't work much. ...oops.
I did work, I think. hehe

Yesterday I got up at like 10:30 and was staying at home cleaning the rooms, listening to music, washing sheets. When I saw the clock it was late evening, and I realized I hadn't gone out even a step, so I decided to go to the movie, which is not too popular. I chose Blue Crush and used the free ticket the Asahi-shimbun employee gave me. I got a coffee at Starbucks and went into the big theatre, where...not a single people was seated! My seat was just right in the middle of the row and straight front of the screen! I felt like I was the king. Some ppl came in before the movie started, but I guess there were no more than 15 ppl seated.
The movie itself was quite good. The surf scenes were specutaclar! Its story was nothing new, but I enjoyed it pretty much.:)
Good for cooling down the heat of summer.

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 11:33 PM KDT
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Saturday, 12 July 2003

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Posted by grrl/xoxo at 8:39 PM KDT
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damn hot
It was hot like a hell this morning. I rode bicycle to the office for about 15minutes stopping by at 7-11 and also Lawson. I sweated real a lot but it dried up in the air-conditioned office, then after work I played table tennis in the storage of the company with one of my colleagues and again I sweated A LOT...
I'm a person who sweats a lot more than normal ppl do, so I feel uncomfy.:(
As soon as I got home I took a shower and felt even like reborn! and then I went out to Nomikai and got soaked in the smoke of tobacco...cough cough

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 2:32 AM KDT
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Thursday, 10 July 2003
still gaining weight
My mom sent me a box full of food she cooked. I really appreciate it...I look almost like a pig...

It's a happy happy Friday tomorrow. It's weird that a week really flies, while an hour at office seems forever!

These days I drink coffee after lunch. I choose whatever I wanna drink such as Russian coffee, Vienna coffee, frozen something etc. etc. from lots of menu. (btw, I can't tell the difference between Russian and Vienna ones besides the chocolate sprinkles on top of Russian)
Sounds nice huh? but every coffee I order is extreeeeemely sweet! I think especially the bottom liquid is actually burning my throat...I can't even drink it up. The cream on top is really good though...
see, this is making me fat too.

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 10:01 PM KDT
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Tuesday, 8 July 2003
mondays and rainy days always make me...
blue, or dull?

I wonder why on rainy days it's so hard to get up my mind. I was really really sleepy all day today. gosh.
My boss is sitting just next to me!

So I sneaked out of work and took a nap in the restroom...couldn't help doing it.

For dinner 4translators gathered and had Rei-men together. One brought a bottle of wine, the other cookies, I some eclair?? dunno how to spell though. anyway it was all tasty and fun!! They are all such good ppl. :)

Tomorrow is Tuesday! It's gonna be a loong day..

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 12:38 AM KDT
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Monday, 7 July 2003
the bronze doggy
I went to Shibuya for the first time today! I met Aki-chin, who used to study at the same language school in Boston. We have been very good&close friends since. She just finished the master course at the college in Boston and came back to Japan a few weeks ago.
The way to Shibuya from Isehara was quite long but I managed to reach the famous statue of the dog, Hachi-ko! There were tons of ppl, some are dancing, others waiting, talking, walking,...
I met her and we walked around Shibuya, such as Center street, Spain street, etc etc. As we both like Korean food, we had jim-dak together, which was pretty hot but tasty. She showed me lots of pictures of her graduation ceremony. In them she was actually shining in a beautiful black robe and a hat, surrounded by many friends. I even felt envious. She also adviced me about my future plans and it helped me a lot.
After that we looked into some clothes stores and bought a shirt for each. It was a bargain!

I'm now listening to the CD of jazz saxophone I borrowed from my friend. It's a very soft and slow music, makes me relaxed...and leads to sleep..:) I like this a lot.

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 1:22 AM KDT
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Saturday, 5 July 2003
Who could name the movie "Mini-mini daisakusen"?
It's one of the worst names for movies ever...nobody would wanna see it.
However, I did, last night!! and it was hilarious.
First, the actors in it were all splendid! They are chosen almost perfectly. They are not as popular and famous as Tom Cruise or Leonard di Caprio, but they are truly good.
The story is quite simple, lots of fun, no romatic scenes. It's very very entertaining for me! I even wanna get a DVD or something. It's better than Matrix Reloaded with respect of the simplicity and entertainability.(dunno such a word exists or not..)
The original name for the movie is "The Italian Job", which is much cooler, don't you think?

Tonite I went out with two of my colleagues to play the pool. It was my first time and I had much difficulty in figuring out how to lead the white ball, but it was pretty much fun!! And the balls are shiny, hard and kinda cute in lots of colors. :)

I wanna be better!

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 3:19 AM KDT
Updated: Saturday, 5 July 2003 3:20 AM KDT
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Wednesday, 2 July 2003
OK, I ate too much.

The buffe at the auditorium building near our place was cheap and could have variety of food as much as we wanted...and thus we gained weight!
I gotta work out!!

Tigers won tonite by 14-3 or something! It's really gonna happen...

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 11:36 PM KDT
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fatter and fatter
I can't stop gaining weight...what should I do?? I don't think I'm eating that much.:-I
I ride bicycle to the office every morning, I don't eat before I sleep. hmmmmm. Maybe I need more exercize. sigh...

I bought two books today. One of them is titled as "Hoots!" as the owl's voice. It looks nice. The other is Gold Rush, which was popular some time in the past I guess. It's good to read in rainy season..

The movie "Kuro" which is about the doggy seems nice. I'm sure it makes me shed tears.

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 12:03 AM KDT
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