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xoxo-kisses'n hugs
Tuesday, 29 July 2003
I saw "Green Fingers" last night, which I rented last weekend. It was kinda short British movie. It was okay.

Dentist tomorrow...sigh

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 11:52 PM KDT
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Sunday, 27 July 2003
fire works
I just got back home from Asakusa, where Akiko lives cuz there was a huge fireworks festival. Her apartment was located just beside the river, between the two fireworks.(there were two firework places) plus, her room was on the top floor, which was the 8th!
The fireworks were very unique, and of course so beautiful. I had a tasty dinner with lots of her friends and her family's friends, and left there for home in less than 3hrs. It took me 2hrs to get home...while I was sleeping. :p

Yesterday I played ping-pong again...know what? It means I played ping-pong every day last week!! Isn't it crazy? One of the leaders joined us late, and he was really good. When we finished it was already past 9pm, and it was raining cats'n dogs, so again I left my bicycle at office and my friend gave me a ride home by BMW. Lucky me.

Today I got up at like 10am and went to the dentist to fix the silver filling. It was a weird dentist...I can tell why I was the only patient...I gotta go there again, damn.

oh, this is the picture of the handsome model guy.

cool huh?

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 2:12 AM KDT
Updated: Sunday, 27 July 2003 2:40 AM KDT
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Thursday, 24 July 2003
I played ping-pong tonite again! for like a few hours. My senior workers joined us and we sweated reeeeally a lot. I felt so uncomfy.:I
I didn't have enough energy left to ride my bicycle home, so I asked one of my colleagues who lives in the same apartment to give me a ride. A red BMW! fancy..!

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 12:08 AM KDT
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Wednesday, 23 July 2003
Yesterday I went to the movie "My big fat Greek wedding". It was good. The actors and actresses were fabulous. Joey from 'NSYNC was there too, but he wasn't that noticable.
Anyway it was such a fun movie. You won' regret paying money for it. It's worth 1700 yen, I guess.

I'm really interested in the upcoming movie "Confession" directed by George Crooney. I love the actor featuring in it, whose name is Sam...something. He was the bad guy in Charlie's Angels 1. Also the movie "Down with Love" featuring Lennie Selviger and Euan Mcleager? seems so nice. can't wait.

Tonite I played tabletennis after work again, like more than an hour. I sweated real a lot! Now it's become one of my routines. :)

On Friday my mom came to my place and stayed overnight here, cuz there was an open-house at my company. On Saturday we met my dad and we headed to our company. My parents looked around our company and saw lots of my colleagues. There were really a lot of ppl there, almost 600 I heard.
After that we went to Ohte-machi and stayed at Palace Hotel. We shopped at Maru-biru and had dinner at a German restaurant around there. On the next day we went to the furniture store where foreign ppl living in Tokyo come and buy the things for their houses. There were very nice pieces of furniture, which were kinda cheap! I bought a photoframe for 1200yen. I love it.
Then we went to see what Roppongi-hills is like. was like a hell, not the hill. How could so many ppl gather there?! I don't wanna go there anymore...just got exhausted. We escaped from there by taxi to Ote-machi again. I love the Ohte-machi region a lot.
There was a "Dean and Deluka" coffee shop near the hotel. Its interior was quite good, and the pastry we had was incredibly tasty!!! it's one of the best pastry I ever ate. Coffee was just normal though. The food there, just unbelievable! I suppose Felicity is working part-time at Dean and Deluka, N.Y. in the drama "Felicity". I used to love the uniform and a cute cap there.
On Sunday morning, when we went to have breakfast there, there were beautiful models and camera men shooting photoes for the magazines or something. The model woman was too thin but cute, and the model men were really handsome! I couldn't help taking picture in secret. I will upload it in here some time soon. You will like him too!:)

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 12:52 AM KDT
Updated: Wednesday, 23 July 2003 12:49 AM KDT
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Wednesday, 16 July 2003
Quotation from GRAPEFRUIT by Yoko fav book

It's sad that the air is the only
thing we share.
No matter how close we get to each other,
there is always air between us.

It's also nice that we share the air.
No matter how far apart we are,
the air links us.

from Lisson Gallery brochure '67

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 10:26 PM KDT
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Tuesday, 15 July 2003
I bought a new toothbrush tonite. It's a brush of GUM with a tiny brush head. It's too tiny...actually... It takes quite a long time to brush all my teeth. Might be good though.

I had a real hot ra-men for dinner tonite. It was so hot that I sweated a lot, then my throat got better! Chillies work!

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 11:56 PM KDT
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Monday, 14 July 2003
It's kinda chilly today. My throat has been feeling sore for a couple of days...and I feel cold too. I think I caught a cold! I took lots of vitamin C tablets even at office. Hope it gets better soon.:(

Geez, I dun have much to write today. I didn't cook much, didn't read much, didn't work much. ...oops.
I did work, I think. hehe

Yesterday I got up at like 10:30 and was staying at home cleaning the rooms, listening to music, washing sheets. When I saw the clock it was late evening, and I realized I hadn't gone out even a step, so I decided to go to the movie, which is not too popular. I chose Blue Crush and used the free ticket the Asahi-shimbun employee gave me. I got a coffee at Starbucks and went into the big theatre, where...not a single people was seated! My seat was just right in the middle of the row and straight front of the screen! I felt like I was the king. Some ppl came in before the movie started, but I guess there were no more than 15 ppl seated.
The movie itself was quite good. The surf scenes were specutaclar! Its story was nothing new, but I enjoyed it pretty much.:)
Good for cooling down the heat of summer.

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 11:33 PM KDT
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Saturday, 12 July 2003

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Posted by grrl/xoxo at 8:39 PM KDT
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damn hot
It was hot like a hell this morning. I rode bicycle to the office for about 15minutes stopping by at 7-11 and also Lawson. I sweated real a lot but it dried up in the air-conditioned office, then after work I played table tennis in the storage of the company with one of my colleagues and again I sweated A LOT...
I'm a person who sweats a lot more than normal ppl do, so I feel uncomfy.:(
As soon as I got home I took a shower and felt even like reborn! and then I went out to Nomikai and got soaked in the smoke of tobacco...cough cough

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 2:32 AM KDT
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Thursday, 10 July 2003
still gaining weight
My mom sent me a box full of food she cooked. I really appreciate it...I look almost like a pig...

It's a happy happy Friday tomorrow. It's weird that a week really flies, while an hour at office seems forever!

These days I drink coffee after lunch. I choose whatever I wanna drink such as Russian coffee, Vienna coffee, frozen something etc. etc. from lots of menu. (btw, I can't tell the difference between Russian and Vienna ones besides the chocolate sprinkles on top of Russian)
Sounds nice huh? but every coffee I order is extreeeeemely sweet! I think especially the bottom liquid is actually burning my throat...I can't even drink it up. The cream on top is really good though...
see, this is making me fat too.

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 10:01 PM KDT
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