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xoxo-kisses'n hugs
Tuesday, 18 November 2003
a robot doggy
A new roommate came in last Wednesday. He is a dog, a robot dog, known as AIBO!
My company owns two of them (I guess) and I borrowed one for a while. U know, just being curious what it's like.
Well, it's ...a mechanical toy. lol Its movements look weird, its feelings, I cannot understand. Damn it's not cute! lol
I haven't turned on the switch since Friday...sorry AIBO!

I have one more roomy here in my room, which is a red fish. It's my friend's fish actually, but he was not fed well, not treated well, so I just borrowed him to take better care. He doesn't really show any feelings but it's okay. I never forget to feed him everyday. :)

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 10:42 PM JST
Updated: Monday, 24 November 2003 11:25 PM JST
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Sunday, 9 November 2003
the weekends flew! was just like a flash or even faster than that. Damn. Monday is coming again.

On Friday I left office earlier than usual as I could proceed my translating job faster than usual that day. On the way home I dropped by at Tstutaya to rent some DVDs or VCRs, then I chose American Pie 2, which I hadn't seen yet. Ive seen American Pie 1, and it was a crazy movie but very funny. Mina Suvali is cute! When I finished paying money, my colleague working in a different section called me for a drink, so I headed back to the direction of the office and I had lots of ...or some drinks until 4am!! I know, it's crazy...but it was fun. It's pretty good to have fun with ppl working in a different section. :) One of them is a fabulous DJ, and I listened to his play for the first time that night, he was totally cool. He really blew me away! Geez, I couldn't stop staring at him! lol His taste in music is kinda similar to mine, kinda hip-hop/rap thing, e.g. Eminem, Jay-Z, Ja-Rule... and he mixed those stuff with other songs and sometimes classic music, and the way he continued one music to the other, was really hilarious!! I'm gonna bring my camera next time, definitely.
I rode my bicycle home safely, and I slept until noon, then I woke up and went out for a little shopping to Hon-Atsugi. I got a new home for my friend's fish, which I'm kinda borroing it for the moment, and I got new shampoo and conditioner which are very nice.
In the evening my senior worker came to my place to drink wine with some of my colleagues. The wine he brought with him was truly tasty. mmm. :)
Four of us drank until this morning, like 6am and they went home...thank god. lol Well, it was really fun though!
I slept like 5 hours, and I went out with one of my favorite translators to the festival of NISSAN. There's a technical center of NISSAN in Atsugi, which is huge! Her boyfriend is working there, and I wanted to see some car design exhibition as well as him, so we went there and saw lots of nice cars! It was amazing. The old cars were so well designed too. We saw the car designer sketching a car totally out of his imagination. It was unbelievable!! You can't imagine how much I felt envious. I think I have to do something too, to be what I wanna be and to live the life I wanna live.

I got a nice ball-point pen of NISSAN design section. :) yaay.

Geez I'm kinda tired. need to take a nap...zzz

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 4:24 PM JST
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Monday, 3 November 2003
I was kinda busy last week. I was attending in FPD International 2003 in Yokohama as a translator for 3days in a row...standing all day long.
My back pain was really killing me!! I couldn't go out on Saturday besides to have a massage...

Anyway it's getting better.:)

Yesterday I went to COSCTO again with my friend, who drove his car to get us there. I got a big bottle of grapefruit juice of Australia, mint chocolate, tomato soup cans, big Doritos bag, papers for dryer...etc etc. On the way back home, we found a nice restaurant "Red Lobster", and we had great meal there. The dessert was tasty too. :) pie&ice cream with caramel sauce...mmm

It's gonna be very busy up until the end of the year. A lot of new documents to be translated have arrived...we gotta do it!

Im getting sleepy...

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 9:53 PM JST
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Monday, 27 October 2003
Tigers is not good...geez, the batters of Daiei are doing so good.
Moore and Riggan are both not well. Damn!
I hate it...please, hang in there...!

Last night I drank until 2am at my friend's room. It was a lot of fun, kinda weird night. lol

On Saturday I went to COSTCO again, this time I asked my friend to give me a ride. I bought lots of big boxes of food, such as soda, perrier, popcorn, brownie... it was fun.
On Sunday I saw the movie "S.W.A.T.". It was terriblly boring...gimme back my moneeeeey. hehe

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 8:02 PM JST
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Thursday, 23 October 2003
Tigers won!!!!! Gosh..tonite the batters were not doing so good, but the pitchers...they did such a great job! My favorite player, Tray Moore was wonderful. :D
I hope they'll win tomorrow again...

I went to Ueno with Simon last Saturday and visited Tokyo National Museum. It was very very nice. Simon loved the Japanese katanas and medicine boxes with cool netsukes. I thought they were nice too.
I like that museum area of Ueno a lot. Lots of space to move freely...hehe

Anyway, Simon left for China on Sunday. I'm missing him. :I

My new sofa's gonna arrive tomorrow night! Can't wait!

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 12:22 AM KDT
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Monday, 13 October 2003
had enough
Rainy holiday. It's not bad as long as you're chilling out in your cozy room. I like the sound of raindrops.:)

On Friday, my friend Simon came to Japan from California. Right after I finished having my hair dyed(in red), he gave me a call and we met up in Shinjuku, which neither of us knew anything about.
We managed to meet up at West Exit anyhow. Isn't it unbelievable that we could find each other without a cellphone with him!? At that time, I could praise myself. and him also.

We had some glasses of beer and light meal and had wonderful time talking about our jobs and lives. I was astonished to know how much I forgot English! I couldn't say exactly what I wanted to say! It eventually got better as time passed though.
and next day, which was yesterday, I picked him up at the hotel he was staying at and we both headed to Imperial Palace. As you know, I know NOTHING about Tokyo, but it was the only place I went recently and liked a lot. I mean, Imperial Palace is just a huge garden but I kinda like that Ote-machi area. Because, there are "less people", more trees, and nice shopping area. :)
We walked around the garden and..just talked and talked. At around 3pm we met my friend Akiko at Asakusa and we cruised around there, had some festival food. It was so crowded with people and I and he both got tired but it was lots of fun. He liked our direct translation of the Kaminari-mon as "Thunder Gate". He said it's the craziest name he'd ever heard. :)
After cruising Asakusa and Ginza, my boss joined us, and we all had dinner at a Japanese style bar. It was okay. I wished I had known much more about Tokyo, cuz I dragged him around and made him tired. :( Well, he was mostly tired of time difference though. But he said it's so much fun so that's making me feel better. :)

He headed to Kyoto this morning by bullet train. Too bad it's raining...I hope it isn't over there. He's coming up again next weekend, so it's gonna be fun again!

He brought me lots of presents. I asked him to bring me a bag of gummybears, then he brought me a big bin of them! It tastes so good as it reminds me of the states.

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 2:47 PM KDT
Updated: Monday, 13 October 2003 2:50 PM KDT
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Monday, 6 October 2003
I saw the movie "Matchstickmen" yesterday at Virgin in Ebina. There were not many people who watched this movie, the theatre room had no more than 20 people despite that there were lots of people watching Tomb Raider and other popular stuff..
In fact, the movie was really good. I wouldn't say it was the best, but it was good!
Nicholas Cage was pretty good in it, Sam Rockwell was okay. The story was quite new, and I liked it a lot.:)

Another week started again!
TOKIO is on TV. "He" is cool! hehe

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 9:45 PM KDT
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Monday, 29 September 2003
Again the weekend was just a moment of happiness. (sigh)

On Friday after work we had onabe! We put in salmon and other fish and lots of veggies of course. It was reeeallly tasty. You can't have it by yourself, u know..
We talked and drank and was fun.

On Saturday I went to Kawasaki to see the movie with my friend. The new theatre looked pretty nice. I wished they had had more benches to wait for the announce to be seated. The movie we saw, Zato-ichi, was so-so.
I bought a trench coat and some other clothes in Yokohama later. I spent real a lot of money...damn. But I'm so happy to get them. :) hehe

And today, I went to Tokyo Dome with my friends of ashiato. We saw the game of Fighters vs Lions. I couldn't see it to the end, but it was fun. It was my first time to go to Tokyo Dome.
After that, my friend picked me up at Hon-atsugi station and I went to his place to drink with him and his friends. It was such a nice room, he acturally lived in "a house" by himself. It was such an old and small house but he decorated it quite cool. (He's a student of Musashino Art College) I like his artworks very much too. :)

We had pizza and talked a lot.
I saw a beautiful Mars on the way home.

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 12:18 AM KDT
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Thursday, 25 September 2003
dvd days
Hi guys,

I've been watching DVDs and VCRs a lot these days. Bridget Jones's Diary was pretty good. Especially the last scene, where Bridget runs after her boyfriend half funny, but romantic. :)
Also the movie "with Honor" was quite good as well. It was about a student of Harvard and shooting was of course done in Boston. so all the Harvard buildings and Boston cities reminded me of my days there. I loved it, the story was really good too.

Today, Dr. Koshiba, who won the Nobel prize lately came to our company for a lecture. Probably I expected some other type of lecture was all about his invention, and..u know, who wants to hear about it?? It's on the books and TV programs! and very hard to understand fully for the ordinary person with ordinary brains. There were lots of junior-high students visiting our company for the lecture too. Of course, there were some people sleeping even thought it was only 1hr lecture. I expected him to tell us how he has achieved the honor, how he prevailed the difficulties, what's important in life...etc etc.
Dr. Reona Ezaki was far more better.:)

I don't have any idea but I'm feeling kinda irritated these days. not good.. sorry. no offence intended.

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 10:35 PM KDT
Updated: Thursday, 25 September 2003 10:39 PM KDT
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Sunday, 21 September 2003
Rainy Disney.
Yesterday I woke up at 5am and went to Tokyo Disney Sea with my favorite 3translators. :)
Unfortunately, the weather forecast said it's gonna be rain all day, but we went there anyway.

There were not so many people as we expected. Disney Sea was..really well designed. The architecture was sooo nice to the details. We enjoyed the rides, which I expected more thrilling. :)
I liked the Centre of the Earth and Whirl Pool the best. In fact, there was a big earthquake followed by a big rain, so all the rides stopped for a while.

We ate curry and nahn for lunch, and some other snacks too.
It was a nice amusement park but I missed those 7 dwarfs and other characters...Disneyland is better for me, I guess!

We took a bus to Yokohama and I slept all the way. We had tasty ra-men there, and took Sotetsu-line and Odakyu to home!
Our body got really tired, but our minds, could go to Disneyland thereafter!

We are planning to go to Tohoku or somewhere for hot springs next time.

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 4:32 PM KDT
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