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xoxo-kisses'n hugs
Saturday, 17 January 2004
It was snowing all day today. I like snow cuz it's beautiful and snow crystals are pretty.
Today I went out to Yokohama with my senior worker. We had tasty Chinese at a restaurant in China town. Then we went to Yamashita ko-en which had few ppl...I know, it's because it's too cold outside!! We also felt cold of course, so we went into the huge ship named Hikami-maru. Inside the ship was pretty nice, with lots of deasel engines and pretty rooms. We went out on the deck and looked down the sea. After that, we went to the top of the Marine Tower. In the snowstorm, the tower was shaking. It gave us such a nice view of Yokohama. I liked Port Tower in Kobe better though...:) Aaaanyways we got down and got on the ferry to Minato-mirai. The ferry was really nice. It was warm, cheap, and the view of Yokohama port was great. We had good time tonite although it was really really reallllyy cold.

Last night, we had Sukiyaki with three other translators and one leader of our group. We bought good beef and lots of veggies. It was pretty tasty! And our leader brought us a bottle of champaign, which was very good! Let's do that again. :)

Tomorrow I'm going to Tully's at Honatsugi for reading a book...I like that place.

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 11:30 PM JST
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Tuesday, 13 January 2004
I finished translating one looooong patent today. yaay. I have to check it all from the top again though. Aaanyways I'm relieved... Tomorrow I gotta go to Nagata-cho area for the translation seminar.

Last weekend I hanged out with my friends of ashiato. We went to Lumine at Shinjuku for Yoshimoto.:) It was lots of fun. I didn't know most of the manzai-shi but they were quite good! The ones I knew were pretty good as well. :)
After that, we went to Iida-bashi area and visited Yasukuni-shrine. It was a really huge shrine and I felt something different there from the ordinary shrines. but it was nice. :) There was the Budo-kan neaby and I remembered the summers I used to participate in the national competition of Naginata...when I was young. (?!) After we had coffee at a nice cafe in Kagura-zaka, Yocci had to go, so we said goodbye to her and headed to Shiodome.
Shiodome was way toooo cool!! You should see those huge tall's...amazing. I wonder how human beings could build those things...and the view was spectacular up there. :) The restaurants were gorgeous also, with surprisingly expensive menu. They're once-a-year kind of restaurants. Anyway we were really impressed. I would love to thank you Daichi-kun and Ueda-kun for taking me there.
These days I'm beginning to like Tokyo too, I guess.

Last Friday my long-waited DVD, Wakin Life has arrived!!!! It's one of my best favorites!! It's a totally amazing good movie...breath taking one. :)

My MD walkman is out of order...sob sob

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 8:23 PM JST
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Wednesday, 7 January 2004
It's really chilly tonight. and the weather forecast said it's gonna be even colder next morning! geez...I hate cold weather. :-I

Once we go through the huge amount of patents we have, let's have onabe and also go to onsen!! yaay.

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 11:34 PM JST
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Sunday, 4 January 2004
chilly home
nande uchi wa konna ni samui no?!?

It's really freezing in my room...sob sob
I came back in Kanagawa a few hours ago. As I could only get Kodama, it took such a long time to get here...and the man who was seated next to me was weird! He even made the trip longer...sigh

Aaaanyways I gotta start working tomorrow. I had such a fun time in Kansai, though I was pretty busy with Oshogatsu stuff.
My first resolution of the new year lose my weight..!!

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 9:28 PM JST
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Saturday, 27 December 2003
back again
I came back home in Takarazuke this afternoon. It's colder here than Atsugi. :I It even snowed! brrrr
What am I gonna do tomorrow...? go shopping to Kobe? :) ...oops I gotta go to docomo-shop to buy a charger..cuz I left it at home.

I almost finished writing nengajo-. My printer was out of order so I'm drawing and writing all the stuff on the cards. It's so much work but not so bad. :) The thing is, I can't draw a monkey...

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 11:21 PM JST
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Sunday, 21 December 2003
icy holiday
It was really really really cold today...I almost cried when I was outside.
Today a friend of mine took me out for a drive to...first to the road along the beach and then to the famous odaiba place.
It was really fun, the sea was so blue and beautiful, and odaiba, gosh it was fantastic! It was my first visit there, and I never knew there's sooo much fun there!! It's like a huge mall in America, with better stores and design. There are lots of restaurants, beautiful huge Christmas trees, and even a Toyota car show building too! The cars are just cool, I liked the new Prius and Opq or something I don't clearly remember the name. Yes, Raum was sooo nice too.
and we played pingpong in a huge play space having pool bars, lots of games, pingpongs, etc. etc. I lost the game but I think I did good! ?
Aaaanyways, if it was closer to my place, I would go there even every weekend. yes.

Alright, and I drank till 5am was bounenkai of my department. It was so-so fun. hehe

Aaaaaanyways again, One More Week to the lovely HOLIDAYS!!!

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 12:09 AM JST
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Tuesday, 16 December 2003
4 real?
Hi guys.
It's pretty cold these days, isn't it??
Riding bicycle is not easy in this hands get almost frozen.
I bought a CD of Crystal Kay. It's really nice. She's got a beautiful voice and pronunciation.

I've also received huge amount of translation's Many of them are due Feb or March, but it's gonna take a looong time to finish all of them...and more documents are expected to be coming...we're getting busy for sure!!

Damn I just looked aroung my room and realized how messy it is! I should be embarassed...

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 9:04 PM JST
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Sunday, 14 December 2003
Just like Ashura
Did you see the movie "Ashura no gotoku" which is a Japanese movie as you can see. It's hilarious! You should see it. I'm a huge reader of Mukoda Kuniko so it was intersting all the more. :) Besides that Fukada Kyoko was not really...suited for that role, I guess. She is too young and doesn't have enough experience for that role as a woman.
and here's one more great movie, CHICAGO. It's just amazing. The actresses are so perfect. and the music of course is fantastic. Ive already seen it twice on DVD. Renee Zelwiger and Catharine Jones were magnificient!
Last night I went to Yokohama to drink with my senior worker. It was a lot of fun. :)
Today I went to have my hair cut. Now my head feels lighter. After that I bought some nice presents for my precious ppl at a cute store nearby.
Two more weeks to the holidays...hang in there, everyone!

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 8:17 PM JST
Updated: Sunday, 14 December 2003 8:21 PM JST
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Sunday, 7 December 2003
I saw Finding Nimo today. It was very nice. The beautiful images and music are harmonized so well and the story was good too. It was "not" surprisingly good though.

I checked out lots of electronic devices at Sakuraya in Kawasaki today. The digital cameras of these days are just amazing!! amazingly small, high precision, low power consumption, and light in weight...!
Especially the Sony's ones are very well designed.

I need to buy an i-Pod and some time in the future, a new iMac or Mac computer!

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 1:31 AM JST
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Saturday, 29 November 2003
It's pretty cold these days. :( I can bear the heat better than cold..brrr
Aaanyway I have a good news, I passed Eiken 1st grade! It's really unbelievable, u know. I didn't prepare anythin at all and I had no idea what I was talking about. I think the key point of my success, if any, was that the conversation before starting the interview went quite well. They, the examiners, asked me if there's any difference between Kanto and Kansai, and I answered that the soup of Udon is quite different and I like the transparent Kansai style better. Then one of the examiners, who looked like a foreign ppl agreed with me. Isn't it funny? The interview itself was not so good, I thought. Aaanyways I passed. :) Congrats to myself!

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 2:55 PM JST
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