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xoxo-kisses'n hugs
Thursday, 21 October 2004
Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: paula cole
Last night it rained a lot but the typhoon was not that bad. I feel sorry for those who suffered and lost lives though...

Tomorrow it Friday. There is going to be a small sayonara party.
One of my colleagues who has been working for our company for 3.5 years is going to leave the office next week. He's such a good looking guy!! (already married) Plus, he graduated from Kyoto Uni. and he doesn't speak much and just concentrates on his job all the day.
It sounds like he's a perfect man, but once he starts drinking alcohol...
he goes violent!!! lol It's funny to see how much straight whisky he drinks. hehe..
anyway, I like watching him but I may not be going to the party tomorrow. cuz I am seriously short of money!!! 4000yen is a little over my budget.

My dad's birthday is coming soon.
I wonder what he wants cuz he can buy anything he wants. hmm...

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 11:51 PM KDT
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Tuesday, 12 October 2004
Mood:  cheeky
Now Playing: start the commotion!
I went back home in Hyogo to spend the three-day holidays with my family.
Due to the heavy rain and traffic, the bus was delayed for about 30mins on Friday. I could catch the shinkan-sen that I reserved, but it was close!!

I had a very good time with my sister and parents in Kuraku-en and Kobe. There was a jazz festival in Sannomiya. Some nice streets were restricted so that no car can come in, and only pedestrians and jazz players were allowed on the was such a nice atmosphere. I realized again that Kobe is a unique city.
I came back to Atsugi last evening. The airplane and the bus were full of people so I got very tired...but it was such a nice weekends!

The bad news is that I had my hair permed on Saturday...thus I look like a fool even more..
I was supposed to be cuter..
I want to make it straight again!

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 11:46 PM KDT
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Monday, 4 October 2004
rain rain...
Mood:  lyrical
Now Playing: nothing
These days Im spending too much money on subtle things. Im going to bunkrupt...

The only good news is that I'm keeping my weight since I lost 2.5kg. :)
I have to keep in shape!

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 11:44 PM KDT
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Saturday, 25 September 2004
clean clean
Mood:  sharp
Now Playing: time after time
The sky is so dim and it looks like it's gonna rain in no time.
I woke up late this morning and started cleaning my room, which was terribly messy! I drank with my friend last night who is also a translator living next door. Her room was very clean and organized so I thought I had to do the same. I had a fun time with her and her bf drinking some alcohol.
I had such a difficulty in spreading the rug which came back from "the cleaning" company. I did vacuuming, wiping, etc. etc.... I feel pretty fresh now. :)

There was a cake buffe in my company last night after work. It's so-called "cake biking" in Japanese. There's a famous cake shop near the company, and the ppl in charge of the service of our company prepared 700 cakes of about 15 kinds!
Jun-chan, Mizuki-chan and I took about 12 cakes and shared them together. Well, I expected more tasty cakes but they ordinary cakes just like Fujiya's. I was kinda disappointed cuz I sacrificed my diet plan! As I ate too much cakes, I felt kinda sick after that... Cakes are best in Hyogo! I believe.

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 5:57 PM KDT
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Tuesday, 21 September 2004
Mood:  lazy
The weekends passed so quickly, but I visited lots of places.
I spent Saturday to Sunday morning with my dad in Ebisu and Hiroo. I had tasty meals thanks to him. :)
On Sunday to Monday I was with my bf in Asakusa and Tsukiji. We played in Hana-yashiki, which was fun. It was such a hot day that we spent most of time just sitting on the bench though... the roller coaster was such a fun. :) At night we enjoyed tasty sushi in Tsukiji.
As I lost weight these days, I went to buy a new pair of jeans. I could fit my body into one size down jeans! I can't be any happier. :)

I have a presentation to introduce the job of translators to our group tomorrow. Ive prepared the documents so another translator will make a presentation with them. I have nothing to say but I'm getting kinda nervous...

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 11:19 PM KDT
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Thursday, 16 September 2004
cuz I just discovered imagintion is taking over...
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: britney
Tomorrow is Friday! yaay.
and it's gonna be a 3-day weekends. yaay again.

My dad's coming to Tokyo so I might see him there.:)
I haven't talked to my sis for a long time...
I wonder how she's doing.

I hope she is not working too much.

My friend lent me a DVD of "Okepi" (Orchestra Pit).
Im going to see it with my colleagues tomorrow night.
I gotta bring a bag of popcorn...

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 11:20 PM KDT
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Sunday, 12 September 2004
in the pool
Mood:  rushed
I read the book "in the pool" which is in series with ku-chu-buranko. It was so interesting that it took no more than 3days to finish reading. I should have read it more slowly...cuz u know, a hard-cover book costs relatively high.

On Friday, we left the office as soon as the bell rang (trying not to see our boss) and headed to Machida. We prepared a birthday party for one of our translators at a Mediterranian (excuse the spelling) restaurant. We had so many tasty dish and drink. It was a nice party but I felt ill in the train to home...I think my body cannot accept alcohol much these days...which I doubt I inherited my mom's gene. Otherwise, I merely ate too much maybe...?! (I was the only person who finished the big pudding)

On Saturday I woke up at noon and left home for Ebina to fix my umbrella. However, it turned up to be unfixable...sob sob. I'm so sad because it's my precious and favorite umbrella. I'm going to fix it somehow though.
In the evening I met my bf and went to yokohama to eat Chinese cuisine (as usual). It was really tasty. mmm.

And today, I didn't do anything special. Just relaxed, or just being lazy.
Anyway, the good news is that I'm losing weight! I've been trying not to eat to excess, avoid oily food and sweets (with tears).
I think this is good for my health too.

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 11:49 PM KDT
Updated: Sunday, 12 September 2004 11:52 PM KDT
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Tuesday, 7 September 2004
Mood:  a-ok
I came home without working late today zangyo- time is almost zero these days.

I finished reading "ku-chu-buranko". It was an interesting story of a funny doctor and patients.
I learned that ppl suffer from various stresses and pressures.

I'm worried that this strong wind might blow this apartment away...

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 10:23 PM KDT
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Monday, 6 September 2004
Mood:  quizzical
The earthquakes of last night scared me. They were really big. :( I soon confirmed the safety of my parents and other ppl, and fell asleep again. zzz

It rained hard on weekends.
On Saturday I (had to)cleaned around our apartment with other residents who are all working in our company.. I swept the hallway of 3 stories apartment for about an hour. We had to see lots of bugs crawling the floor so we were screaming as much as sweeping.
After that, we were supplied with cold drinks and ice creams from our company. As I'm on a diet, I chose one small cup of ice cream and a bottle of tea.

In the evening, I went to Ikebukuro to see my friends of "ashiato". It took quite a long time to get there cuz I took the wrong train again...anyway I could see my friend at the station. It was such a fun time. It's always nice to see them. I had to leave the place earlier to catch the train. Yocci kindly took me to the station and saw me off. :)

On Sunday, which was yesterday, my bf and I went to Shuzenji by car. We enjoyed taking nice hotspring and walking around the old nice city. We ate tasty osoba after the spa.

I have lots of things to do. I gotta go to see the dentist, eye doctor, physician..I'm not sick, by the way. :)

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 9:31 PM KDT
Updated: Tuesday, 7 September 2004 10:24 PM KDT
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Sunday, 22 August 2004
Mood:  down
Hi. I'm back in Kanagawa now.
The weather is cooler here, and it's raining hard.

Did you see Shinsengumi tonite? Gee it was sad...really sad.
Work starts tomorrow. I don't have a clue but I'm feeling blue...grrrr. Maybe I should clean up my messy room first.

The summer vacation passed soooo fast. I was in Kansai area all the while. I got so relaxed. There were lots of mosquitoes in Kansai..I am feeling itchy on my arms and legs.

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 10:24 PM KDT
Updated: Sunday, 22 August 2004 10:27 PM KDT
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