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xoxo-kisses'n hugs
Tuesday, 28 December 2004
Last one day!
Mood:  bright
Tomorrow is the last day at office in this year!
This month was really tough...I've got some work to do still now though...
Anyway, I will be leaving my room the day after tomorrow. :D
There's going to be a noukai in the evening.

Christmas was okay. Nothin special...we only had Mos-chickens and beer...watching TV..oh, but we celebrated my bf's birthday. I was happy that he liked the present after all. ...though the jacket was too small for him to fit in. *crying*

Anyways. we gotta wear nice suits tomorrow.

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 12:23 AM JST
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Monday, 20 December 2004
bounce bounce
Mood:  cheeky

This is a picture of Nippon-maru which was at anchor in Yokohama port. It was very beautiful. :)
In the evening we grabbed a big cup of latte and maple cookies and saw the movie "Mr. Incredible" at 109 movies. It was hilarious!!!! For us, it's much better than Haul's... There's no "??" left in my mind after the movie. We could simply "enjoy" the movie. :) This is how the movie should be. right?
It was very simple, cute, fun, kinda realistic, and also fantastic.
There's a short movie about a pretty sheep before the story itself starts. Listen, it's ammaaaazingly cute!!! It's a few-minute movie about a sheep and his fur, but geez, I LOVE it! He bounces and bounces...I want a DVD of that sheep movie... Of course the "mr..." movie itself was really really good as well!
Anyway, we (again) had tasty Chinese at China town and headed home.

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 3:14 PM JST
Updated: Monday, 20 December 2004 3:43 PM JST
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Wednesday, 15 December 2004
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: syncopation
Too much work...huh it's sort of killing meeeee.
I want to get on a roller coaster and scream as loud as I want!!! to explode the accumulated stress...

Tonite I cooked "karei" as I said last night. It was okay. I think it's a good season to eat karei now...cuz its meat was really soft and tasty.
It's still Thursday tomorrow! This week feels so long to me.
Two more weeks to the holidays.
The picture is my sleep tonight. zzz

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 9:52 PM JST
Updated: Wednesday, 15 December 2004 9:49 PM JST
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Tuesday, 14 December 2004
Mood:  suave

Geez it's coooooold. (TT)
This weather makes me'll be much
colder..I dunno how Im gonna survive. brrrr

This picture shows the dinner I cooked tonight (for myself)!
It was yummy. :)
I gotta cook the fish karei tomorrow. It's got lots of eggs...mmm

Aaaanyway I have a tremendous amount of work until the end of year. sobsob...

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 11:12 PM JST
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Monday, 13 December 2004
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: tv kanagawa
Geez, Kiss-iya is different..shinsuke is missing. I like this program a lot though. hehe.

Tonight I had my wisdom tooth taken out. It was really quick!! This is my third one to be taken out...there's a tough one left ...sigh.
I won't do anything about it until it starts hurting me. I gotta see the dentist regularly until the tooth decays are treated. :(

It's becoming really cold these days! We went to onsen in Hakone last night. It was sooooooo nice. The onsen we took is named Furusato. It was the most beautiful and comfortable onsen I have ever taken..
On Saturday I went to Yokohama by myself to buy prezzies. The department stores were full of couples. I bought what I had to buy and headed home. On the way I bought four sweet potatoes. yum.:)

As I re-designed? my room yesterday, all the muscles of my body aches...

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 9:10 PM JST
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Monday, 29 November 2004
short of grocery
Mood:  hug me
My fridge is empty...I gotta go to the supermarket but I couldn't ...cuz I had to work late. sob sob.
Now I'm translating the papers for the meeting tomorrow. It's fun to do something other than patent specifications. :)

I was back in home in Hyogo on weekends. I went to see my grandpa and other relatives, and had a good time with my family as well. I missed my doggy though...
In Kobe my parents took me to a nice old restaurant named Ju-ji-ya. It had a very nice atmosphere of the good old time...and the food was really tasty. It's so-called a Yo-shoku ya. Mmm, I'm lovin' it. :)

Anyway I came back to this lonely apartment last night. My skin is so rough...hah...
One more month to the long holidays. hehe

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 11:10 PM JST
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Monday, 15 November 2004
Mood:  d'oh
Now Playing: tv
I started going to a tennis lesson at a gym today. As my friend asked me to go with her, I decided to do so cuz I thought I needed some exercise.
There were only three students tonight. was really tough! I mean, the lesson did not need that hard work, but it requires a skill...which is missing in me. We got really tired after the 1.5hrs lesson. I think it's good for health though...I think it's unlikely that I can keep learning it...cuz I didn't think it so fun!

On weekends I went to Tokyo with my bf as he had to do some stuff there. It was a chilly day! In the evening we headed to Yokohama and spent some time at Ohsanbashi as we always do. It gives us such a stunning view everytime we go... and the city had such a warm atmosphere of Christmas already. The twinkling and shining Christmas trees and decorations were so cute, although we went to China city to have tasty Chinese and went back home with no romantics.

Hah...a new week started...this week I have to work a lot. *sigh*

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 10:55 PM JST
Updated: Monday, 15 November 2004 10:56 PM JST
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Monday, 8 November 2004
fun with sis
Mood:  crushed out
Now Playing: tv...
I've been feeling so blue and down these days...
but my sister came from Osaka to play with me on Friday night!
It was so much fun fun fun. :)
I cooked dinner for her so she could start eating as soon as she arrived at my place, and she enjoyed it a lot. She liked my breakfast as well. I was happy.:)

On Saturday we headed to Tokyo by romance car (we're rich huh)...and went to Shiodome and Odaiba. My sister enjoyed both of the places and so I did!
After that, we went to a nice Italian restaurant at Nishi-shinjuku. They served such delicious dishes...mmm
I was kinda sad and lonely when I had to say goodbye to her... at that time I wanted to go back home in Kansai.
I hope she will come visit me some time soon.

The cute pajamas I ordered from Victoria's Secret arrived last night. As my friend ordered some together, we want to throw a pajama party now...haha..

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 9:26 PM JST
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Tuesday, 26 October 2004
Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: nothing
A few days ago I received a DVD of "Fried Green Tomatoes", which is one of my most fav movies!
I had reserved it long before it was released as a DVD. (it's such an old movie)
I can't wait to watch it although I've seen it more than 5times.

On Sunday I took TOEIC...I was so tired since the test took 3 to 4 hours including everything.
and I'm sure my score would be worse...where's my concentration?

Today I couldn't concentrate on my job either...I was hanging around the company, interrupting my colleagues, drinking tasty ice cocoa, etc etc...
I was such a lazy employee.

It's getting cold day by day. I wanna go to onsen...

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 10:56 PM KDT
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Thursday, 21 October 2004
Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: paula cole
Last night it rained a lot but the typhoon was not that bad. I feel sorry for those who suffered and lost lives though...

Tomorrow it Friday. There is going to be a small sayonara party.
One of my colleagues who has been working for our company for 3.5 years is going to leave the office next week. He's such a good looking guy!! (already married) Plus, he graduated from Kyoto Uni. and he doesn't speak much and just concentrates on his job all the day.
It sounds like he's a perfect man, but once he starts drinking alcohol...
he goes violent!!! lol It's funny to see how much straight whisky he drinks. hehe..
anyway, I like watching him but I may not be going to the party tomorrow. cuz I am seriously short of money!!! 4000yen is a little over my budget.

My dad's birthday is coming soon.
I wonder what he wants cuz he can buy anything he wants. hmm...

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 11:51 PM KDT
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