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xoxo-kisses'n hugs
Tuesday, 20 November 2007
christmas air
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: you're so beautiful...

I went to Osaka today and saw the city beautifully decorated with pretty christmas illuminations. Smile

 It's still November and a bit too soon for christmas, but seems like there are no other special events to celebrate after Halloween. Laughing

 On the way home, I bought a CD, "Uta-jikara" of Chikuzen Sato.

It's pretty nice so far.

 Oh yes, I've got an early christmas present several days ago.

My father's friend, who owns a Herman teddybear retailing right in Japan, gave me a single lens reflex camera that I've wanted to have!

 I have a job to translate the semi-annual newsletters of Herman teddybear.

I had a chance to meet him and talk about pictures, cameras, etc.

He likes cameras and always buys the newest ones, so he gave one that he doesn't use anymore.

Yet, it's still new, Nikon D40X!

I was thinking about buying Nikon D80, so it's one rank under but still really really nice.

As it came without a lens, I gotta buy one. Cool

My Nikon FM is also truly nice but digital single reflex would work as hard and well with me!

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 10:13 PM JST
Updated: Tuesday, 20 November 2007 10:35 PM JST
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Sunday, 18 November 2007
cool air
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: news

It was kinda chilly today, wasn't it? Surprised

I went for a walk to Kwansei Gakuin Uni., about 15mins walk from home.

Some trees had beautiflly colored leaves, but seemed like it was a bit early for the kouyou-season.

 This is Kodaiji, Kyoto in summer. It'll be nice with red and yellow trees soon.

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 10:32 PM JST
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Thursday, 15 November 2007
work done!
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: if i could play the piano...

Hi. I can't recall when was the last time I wrote here two days in a row...

Wonder how long it'll last. ?!Undecided

 My today was all full of work.  I could finish one specification though!! *applaude*Tongue out

I feel like travelling somewhere....somewhere surrounded by great nature and where I can rest my soul...

Actually, I'm planning to go to Shoudo-shima in Setonaikai.

It's the island famous for olives, soy sauce, seafood, etc.  I need to lay myself in the warmy hotspring...hmmm, can't wait.




Posted by grrl/xoxo at 11:18 PM JST
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Tuesday, 13 November 2007
i wonder...
Mood:  flirty
Now Playing: hairspray

I wonder, if there still are some people who visit here..
whatever, I'd just like to write about my recent life after about half a year of silence.

I haven't had any major changes, but I added footprints on the new light house.
I visited Ogishima in Kagawa, where the famous Ogishima light house stands.
It's such an old one built of stones in Meiji era and has a very classical and beautiful appearance.

See, it's lovely, izn't it? Smile

A few days ago, I hanged around Kobe by myself.
I used to do this a lot when I was in matter how many years pass, Kobe remains lovely to me.

I bought some pretty clothes for the new born baby of my friend's, and entered Quatre Saisons nearby, where by wallet released a lot of content..
Instead, I got a pretty band of dried lavender flowers, cute linen scalf and handkerchief, and a warm charcoal alpaka sweater.

My major purpose to go to Caffarel (chocolate shop) had to be postponed due to the shoes I wore that day...which were killing me.

Yesterday I went to Umeda to have massage to fix my back and make my lymphatic glad flow better.
The massage over my back was really good, but the lymphatic massage was, oh my gosh, a lot of pain.
Seems my body isn't so good, she said, is very cold and easily chilled.
I should take a longer bath everyday. hmm.

On the way home, I dropped by at Yodobashi Camera to check out the cameras and camera bags.
I'm looking for a good single lens relfex camera, probably of Nikon or Sony.
Now I'm using Nikon FM, that is a manual single lens camera, but I need a digital one to practice more.

The bags of the store were all so...not-cute..
I guess some designer should think about female customers as well.

At home on the internet, I found a very cute camera bag made by the collaboration of Nikon and Porter.
It's very cute but looks heavy to carry...hmm...
I never thought it this difficult to find a nice camera bag. Frown

Oki, I guess I wrote too much.
Bye for now!

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 11:23 PM JST
Updated: Tuesday, 13 November 2007 11:50 PM JST
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Wednesday, 18 July 2007
Lazy lady
Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: Tango Maureen

Hey all. Smile

You dun wanna hear my apology so many times but let me say sorry for not showing up here for long. Embarassed

It's already summer!! I prefer heat to cold weather but I hate mosquitoes!!

What is worse is that mosquitoes love me...

Once I step out of my house, they rush toward me to eat my blood...I really hate them. Seems like they love me far more than other people. Weird...

I can't hide this too much charm.  I can't help it, u know. hehe

 About a week ago I went to Fushimi-Momoyama in Kyoto. I have my Honseki-chi there since my grandparents used to live there.

I went for the first time since I last visited there more than 20yrs ago.  It was a fantastic place. I never realized that as I was little.

 I visited Terada-ya that is famous for the battel of Shinsengumi.

It was a very nice inn, though I couldn't go inside since it was closed on that day.

Yesterday my family gathered at the restaurant in Ashiya, Bellini where we sometimes go for special occasions.

This time our grandma came and we all had tasty Italian and enjoyed talking.

It was cloudy with a little bit of rain, but a nice day. :)



Posted by grrl/xoxo at 12:08 AM KDT
Updated: Wednesday, 18 July 2007 12:29 AM KDT
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Tuesday, 3 April 2007
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: baseball
Hey all,

It's been almost 4 months since last diary.

I was kinda into mixi and kinda busy in my personal life.

Yesterday I received a new translation order, so I'm happy today. :) (applause!)

Today I went to Shukugawa to see sakura. It's one of the most famous hanami places in Kansai area.
There are lots and lots of sakura trees along Shukguawa river. As it was a weekday today, there were less people but still many ojisans and obasans.

There was a young man wearing sebiro who was standing by a big big blue sheet that he spread, maybe for his bosses and colleagues.
I asked him to take a picture of me and sakura trees. He kindly took a very nice pic. :)

In Kobe I had a very tasty sweet cake and earl grey tea in Fouquet. hmmm. What a happy spring day...

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 8:29 PM KDT
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Friday, 8 December 2006
Mood:  rushed
Now Playing: silence
Hi. :)
It's already December...time flies. Hope everybody is well without catching a cold.

For these days, I've been...working at home, and...doing chores...traveling..etc. etc.
A few weeks ago, I went to the new park made beside the Itami airport. It was a nice park where we can see the big airplanes taking off and landing just in front of us! They were really huge and gorgeous. :) I love airports.

On Wed., my sister took me to the fortune teller in Kyoto. We both have ourselves told our fortunes.
He said I have a wonderful sense so I should develop my design skill, though I told nothing about myself but my name and birthday. He told me not to hide my thoughts or instincts coz they are good points of mine that ppl like about me, and told to take a better care of myself. Hmm.
He also told me to avoid the colors of yellow, brown, and orange until I become 58yrs old. haha...I'll keep that in mind.
After that, I met up with my senior worker of the company I used to work for. He's the only sempai at office for me. We once went to USA for business together. After a long walk because of me, we found the restaurant and had dinner there. It's a famous small restaurant Girogiro, which my sis introduced me. However, the taste was so-so...damn...

About a week ago, my parents and I went to HK for 4days. It was a nice trip. We had most of the meals with my dad's business ppl, therefore we had lots of local HK food. Some were very tasty but some were not suitable for Japanese tongues. Anyway, I did lots of shopping there. I bought a wallet of Loewe, calvin clein jeans, etc.

This year's gonna end in no time. Geez..

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 2:46 PM JST
Updated: Sunday, 17 December 2006 2:23 PM JST
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Sunday, 26 November 2006
Long long neglectance?
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: rhianna
Welcome back, me!
Im deeply sorry about not showing up in my website...I was allured by the famous mixi stuff for a while...

I came back since I like here better anyway!

Well, after quitting the job, Ive been working at home as a translator.
Im happy that I can keep earning money and doing translation job. :)

About the next step, Im still thinking. Im thinking about studying abroad or start working again.
If I work, would I work in Kansai or Kanto? Id rather wanna go back to Kanto, but there are some family thing and etc. etc....
It's very frustrating and difficult to choose my way.

Anyways, Ill think about it a little more.

It's raining all day today, but since I had nothingspecial to do, I went to see the Imazu-toudai by Lupo. The lighthouse was very classis type but pretty! It's working still now to help the boats and yachts coming into the harbour of Nishinomiya.
We ate tasty osoba on the way home.

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 7:06 PM JST
Updated: Friday, 8 December 2006 2:28 PM JST
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Tuesday, 26 September 2006
Mood:  mischievious
I'm spending the last several days in Atsugi...

Well, first I hated here, but now it's got better...still it's not the best place for me though. But Ive found many many nice aspects of Atsugi. :) and I made lots'n lots of great great friends...I couldn't have stayed here for 3.5 yrs without them, and of course I can't appreciate enough for the old friends in Tokyo area!

These days I hang out with 3 friends at office.
One is an American-Japanese girl, who is amazingly pretty! and used to sit next to me at office. The other two are funny gentlemen, who are my "douki".

We go out for dinner, lunch, sports, hanabi, etc.'s a lot of fun to be with them. (pic: playing ping-pong)

The other day we went to have the famous ra-men of Atsugi, which is "Honmaru-tei". Maybe those who know a lot about ra-men know this shop.

Anyway, we went there on Sunday, and we waited in a line for....1.5hours!!! (TT)
BUT, the ra-men was superb! It's a very simple salt-ra-men, but it has a very very deep taste. Please try it when you come to Atsugi!

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 11:42 AM KDT
Updated: Tuesday, 26 September 2006 12:15 PM KDT
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Sunday, 10 September 2006
Mood:  special
I am quitting the company next week and will leave here at the end of this month. :)

Sorry to be late to let you all know.

Hope everything will go well with me, and everybody!

Posted by grrl/xoxo at 7:23 PM KDT
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