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Algonquin (nicknamed "Quin") is an almost 2 year old calf, born on December 18, 1999 at Marineland Canada. His mother is Nootka, an Icelantic female in her 20's, captured in 1979. His father is Kandu, an Icelantic male also in his 20's, captured in 1986. He has 4 older siblings, Splash, born in 1989, now at Sea World of California, Neocia, born in 1992, Malik, born in 1996, died in 2000, and an unnamed sister, born in 1998, lived 11 days. Quin also has a sibling-on the way, as Nootka is pregnant again and set to deliver in June of 2002. He has several half siblings, born to Kandu and an Icelantic female named Kiska.

Quin is currently residing in Friendship Cove, a very large pool (actually, 2 pools, though one is currently being used by Beluga's) that allows the whales to interact with guests of the park in a controlled setting. Along with his mother, father, half-brother Hudson, and his mother Kiska. He is currently partially weaned, still nursing but eating some fish. He's in the process of training to interact with guests. Trainers note that Quin is unusually large for his age. In a few years, when Quin & Hudson are completely trained & weaned from their moms, they will take Neocia & Nova's place in Marineland's Orca, Dolphin, & Seal show.