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Coo is a 9 year old female Japanese transient Orca. She was captured on February 6, 1997 in Taiji, Japan, along with 9 members of her pod. At capture, she was 4.5 meters long, making her about 4 years old (Japanese Orcas are the largest in the world). Soon after her capture, she, along with an adult female named Asuka were trucked to the Taiji Whaling Museum. There they were placed in a small (21 x 21 feet) pen, away from Taiji's adult female Nami-Chan, pseduorcas, and Dolphins.

After a month at Taiji, Asuka, Coo's pod mate, was trucked to Izu Mito Sea Paradise. Coo remained alone in her tiny enclosure, and refused to eat. Her health declined, and she was very listless. Months later, she finally began to eat, but still, much to little to sustain her. Her health also continued to decline. She had several tumors removed, and was on medication for various ailments. She remained alone.

After around a year, Coo had begun to eat regularly. She was placed with Nami Chan for a brief period, but then put back into her pen. She was then placed with a False Killer Whale and 2 Dolphins. After attacking the False Killer Whale (and severely injuring him) she was again placed by herself.

Today, Coo's health has appeared to stabilize. She's growing well, and eats a normal amount of fish. She still, however, is kept apart from Nami-Chan, and its unlikely that that will change. She currently spends some time with the 2 Dolphins originally placed with her in 1998. And her current "job" at the museum is to be fed and petted by guests. Nami Chan is doing all performances, for the time being.